Lives of the Azar

The Painges

Abridged Biography

The Painges is a family.

Unabridged Biography

The Painges is a family. A boy named Tsoumbainka Painge was born in Nkepu during the Spring of 104. He was a criminal.

During the Spring of 125, a woman named Ptogeble Kiavo gave birth to Tsoumbainka's son Ptogre Painge. Tsoumbainka's son was a farmer. She was a criminal. She and Tsoumbainka were married next Spring. That Summer, a girl named Begrokri Painge was born. Begrokri was a farmer. A woman named Ziat Driadan and he adopted Begrokri. Ptogeble gave birth to his child Bes Painge next Summer. His child was a criminal.

During the Winter of 127, Ziat and Tsoumbainka were married. She was a criminal.

Ptogeble gave birth to Tsoumbainka's son Wunt Painge during the Spring of 134. Tsoumbainka's son was a farmer.

During the Winter of 139, Tsoumbainka and a woman named Grounk Ptish were married. She was a farmer. As a result, her and Tseredre's relationship ended.

A woman named Ebroz Gril gave birth to Ptogre's daughter Omoutzat Painge during the Spring of 145. His daughter was a farmer. Ebroz was a Lady of Nkepu and farmer.

During the Winter of 145, Ebroz gave birth to Ptogre's son Reksia Painge. Ptogre's son was a farmer.

A girl named Adits Painge was born during the Winter of 150. She was a farmer. A woman named Ebainan Ptadre and Begrokri adopted her.

During the Autumn of 153, a woman named Koubalia Driadan gave birth to Wunt's son Era Painge. Wunt's son was a warrior. She was a warrior. A boy named Hadeb Painge was born that Spring. He was a merchant. A man named Miankesh Adoum and Tsoumbainka's son adopted him. That Summer, she gave birth to Wunt's son Tsik Painge. Wunt's son was a warrior.

Tsoumbainka's son and Koubalia were married during the Winter of 154. As a result, Miankesh's and Wunt's relationship ended. Then, Tsoumbainka's son and a woman named Detsenk Ngeste were married. Detsenk was a farmer.

A girl named Vidreza Painge was born during the Summer of 155. She was a blacksmith. A man named Tseredre Obable and Tsoumbainka's child adopted her.

During the Spring of 156, Detsenk gave birth to Ptogre's son Tongeld Painge. Ptogre's son was a Ogsist farmer.

A girl named Dronang Painge was born during the Winter of 156. She was a farmer. Tseredre and Tsoumbainka's child adopted her.

During the Summer of 157, a man named Ididian Obdedi and Begrokri were married. He was a farmer.

A girl named Thropsest Painge was born during the Summer of 161. She was a criminal. A woman named Koup Veseby and Tsoumbainka's son adopted her.

During the Winter of 164, a woman named Thetain Veseby gave birth to Wunt's son Shaip Painge. Wunt's son was a blacksmith and murderer. She was a warrior. She and Tsoumbainka's son were married that Spring. As a result, her and Reksia's relationship ended.

During the Summer of 166, Thetain gave birth to Wunt's son Limu Painge.

Thetain gave birth to Wunt's son Kevetso Painge during the Spring of 167. Wunt's son was a poet.

During the Spring of 169, Wunt's son died from The Laughing Plague. His son was 2 years old. Then, Ptogre's son died from it. Ptogre's son was 23 years old.

A boy named Eraibza Painge was born in Krirat during the Autumn of 170. He was a farmer. Tsoumbainka's child and a man named Rotabda Wial adopted him. Next Autumn, Tsoumbainka's son died from an illness. His son was 37 years old in Nkepu.

During the Winter of 171, Adits gave birth to Adrilsia's daughter Ema Painge. His daughter was a farmer. He was a warrior. He and Adits were married that Spring.

During the Spring of 174, a boy named Laibzo Painge was born. He was a farmer. Ebroz and Tsoumbainka's son adopted him.

A girl named Aivatseld Painge was born during the Winter of 174. Ebroz and Hadeb adopted her.

During the Autumn of 175, a boy named Koukmounk Painge was born. He was a farmer. Ebroz and Hadeb adopted him. Then, an enby named Etsogou Painge was born. Etsogou was a warrior. A woman named Mbikmabze Gril and Wunt's son adopted Etsogou.

Adits gave birth to Adrilsia's daughter Tsotenzia Painge during the Autumn of 178. His daughter was a farmer. In Krirat that Spring, Vidreza gave birth to Sathemb's daughter Degsothra Ptat. Sathemb's daughter was a criminal. A man named Sathemb Ptat was a blacksmith.

A woman named Tsama Beny gave birth to Tsik's daughter Shoud Painge in Nkepu during the Autumn of 179. His daughter was a merchant. Tsama was a merchant.

In Krirat during the Winter of 179, Vidreza gave birth to Sathemb's daughter Diamzatou Ptat. His daughter was a criminal. Then, Tsoumbainka's child and a man named Elde Wial were married. Elde was a farmer. As a result, Bes' and Tsaish's relationship ended, and nir and Amou's relationship ended. Then, in Nkepu, a boy named Nkembe Painge was born. He was a merchant. Hadeb and a man named Thretsou Ngeste adopted him. A boy named Hepenk Painge was born that Spring. Ebroz and Hadeb adopted him. Then, Hadeb and Thretsou were married. Thretsou was a blacksmith. As a result, her and Hadeb's relationship ended. Then, Adits gave birth to Adrilsia's daughter Shunki Painge. His daughter was a mystic.

Tsama and Wunt's son were married during the Autumn of 180.

During the Winter of 180, Ptogre's daughter gave birth to Kukrelu's son Athezesh Painge. A man named Kukrelu Beny was a farmer. Then, Adits gave birth to Adrilsia's son Obia Painge. Adrilsia's son was a farmer.

Tsama gave birth to Tsik's daughter Nkianeng Painge during the Autumn of 181. His daughter was a Ogsist merchant.

During the Winter of 181, a boy named Niade Painge was born. Hadeb and Detsenk adopted him. A girl named Krinel Painge was born that Spring. Krinel was a poet. Hadeb and Thretsou adopted Krinel. Then, in Krirat, Kukrelu and Ptogre's daughter were married.

Tsama gave birth to Tsik's son Shobzai Painge in Nkepu during the Autumn of 182. Tsik's son was a Ogsist merchant.

During the Winter of 183, Tsama gave birth to Tsik's daughter Renoun Painge. His daughter was a Ogsist warrior.

Ptogre's daughter gave birth to Kukrelu's daughter Kriathrul Painge during the Autumn of 184. Then, in Krirat, Dronang gave birth to Bildedso's daughter Soulsatai Shas. He was a warrior.

Dronang gave birth to Bildedso's son Onzodsank Shas during the Summer of 185. Bildedso's son was a Ogsist warrior. Then, in Nkepu, Tsama gave birth to Tsik's son Bubdebe Painge. Tsik's son was a merchant. Ptogre's son and a man named Shelsebu Gril were married next Summer. Shelsebu was a farmer.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 186, Vidreza and a woman named Stost Ptat were married. Stost was a merchant.

Vidreza gave birth to Stost's son Kob Ptat during the Autumn of 188. Next Autumn, Dronang gave birth to Bildedso's daughter Steloushe Shas. Bildedso's daughter was a poet. Vidreza gave birth to Stost's son Nianuko Ptat that Spring.

During the Autumn of 190, Aivatseld died from The Creeping Plague. She was 16 years old. Then, Kukrelu's son died from it. His son was 10 years old. Then, Niade died from it. Niade was 9 years old in Obdab. Then, Hepenk died from it. He was 11 years old in Krirat. Then, Ptogre's daughter died from it. Ptogre's daughter was 45 years old. Then, Kukrelu's daughter died from it. His daughter was 6 years old. Then, Eraibza died from it. Eraibza was 20 years old. Then, Tsoumbainka's child died from it. His child was 63 years old.

Tsoumbainka died from an illness during the Winter of 191. As a result, Toushom's and his relationship ended. In Nkepu, he was 88 years old. A woman named Epsiadop Beny and Wunt's son were married next Winter. Epsiadop was a farmer.

During the Summer of 193, a girl named Madsint Painge was born. She was a Ogsist merchant. Hadeb and Thretsou adopted her.

Hadeb and Epsiadop were married during the Winter of 193. Then, she gave birth to his daughter Aite Painge. His daughter was a Ogsist merchant. A girl named Zebsiant Painge was born that Spring. She was a Ogsist merchant. He and Thretsou adopted her.

During the Autumn of 194, Epsiadop gave birth to Hadeb's son Krianka Painge. Hadeb's son was a Ogsist merchant.

Thropsest gave birth to Aiduta's child Ailsu Driadan during the Autumn of 196. His child was a criminal. He was a Daibist warrior. In Fugrolsa next Autumn, she and he were married.

Etsogou died from an illness during the Spring of 199. In Nkepu, they were 23 years old. Then, Tsik's daughter gave birth to Nibai's son Jirebsa Painge. Nibai's son was a Lord of Obdab and farmer. A man named Nibai Driadan was a Nitist farmer.

Thropsest gave birth to Aiduta's daughter Grembede Driadan in Fugrolsa during the Spring of 201. His daughter was a farmer. In Nkepu that Summer, an enby named Edraby Obable gave birth to Kevetso's daughter Ngaik Painge. Kevetso's daughter was a Ogsist Lady of Nkepu and blacksmith. Xe was a Laird of Nkepu, Vassal of Kenkase, Vassal of Krirat and farmer.

A girl named Lona Painge was born during the Spring of 202. She was a merchant. Adrilsia's daughter and Tsik's daughter adopted her.

During the Winter of 203, a man named Zaikri Kraine and Adrilsia's daughter were married. Zaikri was a farmer.

Adrilsia's daughter gave birth to Zaikri's son Brapseksa Painge during the Winter of 205. Zaikri's son was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Autumn of 206, Adrilsia's daughter gave birth to Zaikri's son Redize Painge. Zaikri's son was a farmer and murderer.

Adrilsia's daughter and Wunt's son were married during the Spring of 208. As a result, Flithi's and Shaip's relationship ended. Then, in Krirat, a woman named Nkesekra Shas gave birth to Koukmounk's daughter Labu Shas. His daughter was a merchant. Nkesekra was a Ogsist merchant.

Koukmounk and Nkesekra were married during the Autumn of 208.

During the Winter of 208, Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's son Pukmop Shas. Koukmounk's son was a farmer.

Adrilsia's daughter gave birth to Shaip's daughter Pegriagrou Painge in Nkepu during the Autumn of 209. Shaip's daughter was a Ogsist farmer.

In Krirat during the Summer of 210, Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's child Fil Shas. His child was a farmer.

Laibzo and a woman named Many Shosh were married in Kraikoust during the Autumn of 210. She was a farmer. Then, in Nkepu, Adrilsia's son and a woman named Kriankan Gril were married. Kriankan was a farmer. Begrokri died from an illness that Spring. She was 85 years old. Then, Tsoumbainka's son and a woman named Toushom Ptadre were married. Toushom was a Ogsist criminal. As a result, Ptogre's and Deble's relationship ended. A girl named Ngaimbez Painge was born that Summer. She was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Flithi Driadan and Tsik's son adopted her.

In Krirat during the Winter of 211, Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's son Floulzai Shas. Koukmounk's son was a farmer.

A girl named Tenka Painge was born in Nkepu during the Autumn of 212. She was a Ogsist blacksmith. Adrilsia's daughter and Wunt's son adopted her. Then, in Krirat, Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's daughter Ezeny Shas. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Adrilsia's daughter gave birth to Dib's son Brizish Gril in Nkepu that Spring. Her son was a Ogsist farmer. She was a farmer. In Krirat that Summer, Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's daughter Grimbeme Shas. His daughter was a Ogsist merchant.

Adrilsia's daughter gave birth to Dib's daughter Poulsaig Gril in Nkepu during the Winter of 213. Dib's daughter was a Gekist mystic.

During the Autumn of 214, Tsoumbainka's son died from an illness. As a result, Ptogre's and Toushom's relationship ended. Tsoumbainka's son was 89 years old.

Wunt's son died from an illness during the Winter of 215. As a result, Waza's and Era's relationship ended. Wunt's son was 62 years old.

During the Autumn of 219, a boy named Nediamb Painge was born. He was a Ogsist merchant. A woman named Resholi Driadan and Hadeb adopted him.

An enby named Tsailoshi Aibiankous and Nibai's son were married during the Autumn of 221. Tsailoshi was a Ogsist farmer. Next Autumn, Wunt's son murdered Adrilsia's daughter, because Adrilsia's daughter divorced Wunt's son 8 years earlier. As a result, Wunt's son angered Zaikri's son, and Zaikri's son would murder Wunt's son 11 years later. Adrilsia's daughter was 51 years old.

During the Winter of 222, Tsik's daughter gave birth to Flepse's son Ialdike Painge. Flepse's son was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Flepse Ngeste was a Ogsist farmer. A girl named Zathesh Painge was born in Fugrolsa that Spring. She was a Ogsist Lady of Obdab and farmer. Tsailoshi and Nibai's son adopted her. In Nkepu that Summer, a girl named Neshostia Painge was born. Neshostia was a Ogsist merchant. Hadeb and Thretsou adopted Neshostia.

A woman named Noshiasta Ptat gave birth to Hadeb's son Grezap Ptat during the Winter of 223. Hadeb's son was a Ogsist merchant. She was a merchant. That Spring, a girl named Lema Painge was born. Lema was a Ogsist farmer. Resholi and Hadeb adopted Lema.

A boy named Webroumb Painge was born in Fugrolsa during the Autumn of 224. He was a farmer. Tsailoshi and Nibai's son adopted him. In Nkepu that Spring, a girl named Adsir Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Dib Gril and Adrilsia's daughter adopted her.

Wunt's son murdered a woman named Lebso Gril during the Winter of 225, because she rejected his son 5 years earlier. She was a criminal. As a result, Orong's and her relationship ended. She was 39 years old. That Spring, a girl named Grouz Painge was born. Grouz was a merchant. Lona and Hadeb's daughter adopted Grouz.

A boy named Stamb Painge was born in Fugrolsa during the Winter of 226. He was a merchant. Tsailoshi and Nibai's son adopted him. Then, in Nkepu, Dib and Adrilsia's daughter were married. As a result, her and Noshiasta's relationship ended. Then, a girl named Imobix Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Lona and Hadeb's daughter adopted her.

Wunt's son died from an illness during the Winter of 228. As a result, Noshiasta's and Tsik's relationship ended. Wunt's son was 74 years old.

During the Summer of 229, Adits died from an illness. As a result, Adrilsia's and her relationship ended. She was 79 years old.

Lona and Hadeb's daughter were married during the Autumn of 229.

During the Winter of 229, a girl named Dopeb Painge was born. She was a Ogsist merchant. Lona and Hadeb's daughter adopted her.

An enby named Linkenk Painge was born during the Autumn of 230. Ne was a Ogsist warrior. Edraby and Wunt's son adopted nem.

During the Winter of 230, Vidreza died from an illness. She was 76 years old in Krirat.

In Nkepu during the Spring of 232, a boy named Seraipsu Painge was born. He was a Ogsist merchant. Lona and Hadeb's daughter adopted him.

Ngaimbez converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 232. Then, a man named Mez Veseby and Tsik's daughter were married. Mez was a blacksmith and murderer. As a result, Renoun's and Flepse's relationship ended. A boy named Shapsa Painge was born that Spring. He was a Ogsist farmer. They adopted him.

During the Autumn of 233, Tsik's son converted to Ogsism. Zaikri's son murdered Wunt's son that Spring, because Wunt's son murdered Adrilsia's daughter 11 years earlier. Wunt's son was 69 years old.

During the Winter of 235, Madsint and a man named Ene Kraine were married. He was a farmer. Thropsest died from The Dark Plague next Winter. As a result, Thropsest's and Aiduta's relationship ended. In Fugrolsa, Thropsest was 75 years old. Then, Laibzo died from it. As a result, his and Many's relationship ended. He was 63 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Dronang died from it. Dronang was 80 years old in Krirat. That Spring, Lona died from an illness. As a result, her and Aite's relationship ended. Lona was 35 years old in Nkepu. Next Spring, Shaip's daughter and a man named Tsitsanu Brudeny were married. Tsitsanu was a Ogsist farmer.

A girl named Esam Painge was born during the Autumn of 239. Ngaimbez and Zaikri's son adopted her. That Spring, Shaip's daughter gave birth to Tsitsanu's child Gouldeg Painge. Tsitsanu's child was a Ogsist farmer. An enby named Brath Painge was born that Summer. Xe was a Ogsist farmer. Ngaimbez and Zaikri's son adopted xem.

During the Winter of 240, Shaip's daughter gave birth to Tsitsanu's daughter Tsingiax Painge. Tsitsanu's daughter was a Ogsist farmer.

Zaikri's son and Ngaimbez were married during the Autumn of 241. As a result, her and Brapseksa's relationship ended, and her and Dosh's relationship ended. That Spring, a boy named Aibzez Painge was born. He was a criminal. A woman named Meba Shas and Adrilsia's son adopted him. A man named Tsise Gril and Zebsiant were married that Summer. He was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Spring of 243, Tsik's daughter converted to Ogsism.

Esam died from an illness during the Winter of 244. She was 5 years old. That Spring, a woman named Azaiby Gril and Flepse's son were married. Azaiby was a farmer.

Adsir gave birth to Lema's son Kriadel Painge during the Summer of 248. Lema's son was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Winter of 248, Ptogre's son converted to Ogsism.

Krinel died from an illness during the Spring of 253. She was 71 years old.

During the Autumn of 253, Hadeb died from an illness. He was 99 years old. Adrilsia's daughter died from an illness next Autumn. Adrilsia's daughter was 76 years old. Next Autumn, a girl named Zivagou Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. An enby named Letseba Driadan and Dopeb adopted her. A man named Agu Gril gave birth to Tenka's son Stunane Painge that Spring. Her son was a Daibist farmer and murderer. Agu was a Ogsist farmer. That Summer, Kevetso's daughter became Lady of Nkepu, when Edraby died from an illness.

Linkenk converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 256.

During the Winter of 257, Tsik's son died from an illness. His son was 72 years old. Adrilsia's son died from an illness that Spring. Adrilsia's son was 77 years old. Then, Seraipsu converted to Ogsism. Lema converted to it that Summer. Then, Tsik's daughter died from an illness. Tsik's daughter was 79 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

In Nkepu during the Autumn of 258, Grouz and Agu were married. As a result, Nogsa's and her relationship ended. Then, Zaikri's son died from an illness. As a result, Redize's and Ngaimbez's relationship ended. Zaikri's son was 52 years old. Then, a girl named Thrab Painge was born. A woman named Kengady Kraine and Brath adopted her. Then, Tenka's son converted to Ogsism.

Webroumb died from The Dark Plague during the Winter of 258. In Obdab, he was 34 years old. Then, Stamb died from it. Stamb was 32 years old. Then, Ptogre's son died from it. His son was 103 years old in Nkepu. Then, Thrab died from it. She was 2 months old. Then, Nkembe died from it. Nkembe was 79 years old. Then, Grouz died from it. As a result, Grouz's and Agu's relationship ended. Grouz was 33 years old. Then, Tsik's son died from it. As a result, Brapseksa's and Shobzai's relationship ended. Tsik's son was 76 years old. Imobix and Zaikri's son were married that Spring. That Summer, she gave birth to Brapseksa's daughter Zourais Painge. Brapseksa's daughter was a Ogsist farmer.

A girl named Ngoutsi Painge was born during the Spring of 260. She was a Ogsist merchant and murderer. Letseba and Dopeb adopted her. Then, Adsir gave birth to Shapsa's son Ngarida Painge. Shapsa's son was a Ogsist farmer.

Adsir and Shapsa were married during the Autumn of 260. Then, Dopeb converted to Ogsism.

Adsir gave birth to Shapsa's daughter Apozul Painge during the Winter of 260. His daughter was a Ogsist criminal. Then, Imobix gave birth to Brapseksa's son Ozumb Painge. Brapseksa's son was a Ogsist warrior. Wunt's son died from an illness that Spring. His son was 94 years old. Then, Kengady and Brath were married. Kengady was a Ogsist farmer. Zathesh and a man named Laldu Driadan were married in Obdab that Summer. Laldu was a farmer.

In Nkepu during the Winter of 261, Imobix gave birth to Brapseksa's son Lashente Painge. Brapseksa's son was a Ogsist poet and murderer.

Imobix gave birth to Brapseksa's daughter Pethekso Painge during the Summer of 262. His daughter was a Ogsist warrior.

During the Autumn of 262, Shapsa's son converted to Ogsism. A man named Ibo Ribaidi and Flepse's son were married that Spring. Ibo was a Ogsist merchant. Then, Adsir gave birth to Shapsa's son Ngigseng Painge. Shapsa's son was a Daibist farmer. Then, Tsitsanu's child converted to it. A man named Numid Gril and Linkenk were married that Summer. Numid was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, nir and Letseba's relationship ended.

During the Winter of 263, Linkenk gave birth to Numid's son Rembabru Gril.

A boy named Tsedri Painge was born in Obdab during the Summer of 264. He was a Ogsist farmer. Zathesh and Laldu adopted him. Then, in Nkepu, Linkenk gave birth to Numid's son Drezo Gril. Numid's son was a Ogsist farmer.

Ibo gave birth to Ialdike's son Zarai Painge during the Winter of 264. Ialdike's son was a Ogsist merchant. In Obdab next Winter, an enby named Nam Painge was born. They were a Ogsist farmer. Zathesh and Laldu adopted them. Then, Adrilsia's daughter died from an illness. Adrilsia's daughter was 86 years old in Nkepu. That Spring, Linkenk gave birth to Numid's son Riadreb Gril. Numid's son was a Ogsist blacksmith. Ibo gave birth to Ialdike's child Tsonozai Painge that Summer. Ialdike's child was a Ogsist merchant.

During the Spring of 267, Zivagou converted to Ogsism. A man named Aba Mboushou and Nibai's son were married that Summer. Aba was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Autumn of 267, Imobix converted to Ogsism. Then, Linkenk gave birth to Numid's son Koza Gril. Numid's son was a Ogsist warrior. Ngoutsi murdered a man named Rink Ptadre next Autumn, because he murdered Letseba 4 years earlier. He was a blacksmith and murderer. He was 169 years old.

During the Winter of 268, a woman named Rathruntia Gril gave birth to Nediamb's daughter Epsiam Gril. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Rathruntia was a Ogsist farmer and murderer. Brapseksa's daughter converted to Ogsism that Spring. Then, Ialdike's son converted to it. Nediamb and Rathruntia were married that Summer.

During the Autumn of 269, Shapsa's daughter converted to Ogsism. Then, Nibai's son became Lord of Obdab. Then, Rathruntia gave birth to Nediamb's daughter Tsoz Gril. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer.

A woman named Ptesh Gril gave birth to Aibzez's son Detsoul Gril during the Summer of 270. Aibzez's son was a Ogsist criminal. She was a Ogsist merchant. Then, Rathruntia gave birth to Nediamb's son Nkenki Gril. Nediamb's son was a Ogsist farmer.

A girl named Ama Painge was born during the Autumn of 270. She was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Emoso Ngeste and Seraipsu adopted her.

During the Winter of 270, Aibzez and Ptesh were married. Then, Madsint converted to Ogsism. Then, Tenka converted to it.

Shapsa's son converted to Ogsism during the Summer of 271.

During the Autumn of 271, a boy named Elaibru Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. An enby named Shemb Beny and Lema's son adopted him.

Ptesh gave birth to Aibzez's daughter Tselzougso Gril during the Winter of 271. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Tsik's daughter died from an illness. Tsik's daughter was 90 years old. Madsint and a man named Kiny Obable were married that Spring. He was a Ogsist warrior. As a result, Tsitsanu's and her relationship ended.

During the Autumn of 272, Hadeb's son and Tsailoshi were married.

Tenka and a man named Togremb Gril were married during the Winter of 272. He was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, her and Dosh's relationship ended.

During the Summer of 273, Tsik's daughter converted to Ogsism. Brath converted to it next Summer. Then, Aibzez died from an illness. As a result, Aibzez's and Ptesh's relationship ended. Aibzez was 32 years old.

Zebsiant and a man named Nogsa Gril were married during the Autumn of 274. He was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Summer of 275, Shaip's daughter converted to Ogsism.

Neshostia converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 275. Then, Brapseksa's daughter converted to it.

Kevetso's daughter converted to Gekism during the Winter of 275.

During the Summer of 276, Shapsa converted to Ogsism.

Brapseksa's son converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 276. That Spring, Ialdike's child converted to it. Then, Nibai's son died from an illness. As a result, Aba's and Jirebsa's relationship ended, and Zathesh became Lady of Obdab. Nibai's son was 78 years old in Obdab. Nibai's son was a Lord of Obdab for 8 years. Then, Ngoutsi converted to it. Emoso and Seraipsu were married in Nkepu that Summer. Emoso was a Ogsist mystic. As a result, Tsost's and Seraipsu's relationship ended. Then, a boy named Tuto Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. They adopted him.

Hadeb's son converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 277. Then, Nediamb converted to it.

Tsitsanu's daughter converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 277. Then, Adsir converted to it. Then, Koukmounk died from an illness. Koukmounk was 102 years old in Krirat. In Nkepu that Spring, a boy named Redse Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Emoso and Seraipsu adopted him. Then, Zivagou and Tsitsanu's daughter were married. Tuto converted to it that Summer.

During the Autumn of 278, Zebsiant converted to Ogsism. Tsitsanu's daughter gave birth to Zivagou's son Wabank Painge that Spring. Zivagou's son was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Zaikri's son converted to it. Then, Elaibru converted to it. Hadeb's son died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Krianka's and Tsailoshi's relationship ended. Hadeb's son was 85 years old. Next Summer, Zivagou's son converted to it.

Redse converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 280. Then, Brapseksa's son converted to it. Flepse's son converted to it next Autumn. Then, Ama converted to it. Then, Lema's son converted to it. Hadeb's daughter converted to it that Spring.

During the Autumn of 283, Zebsiant died from an illness. As a result, her and Nogsa's relationship ended. She was 90 years old.

Tsedri converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 283.

During the Spring of 285, a girl named Klarulza Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Shapsa's son and a woman named Ngoutel Gril adopted her. Kevetso's daughter converted to Ogsism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 285, Klarulza converted to Ogsism.

An enby named Jany Painge was born during the Summer of 286. They were a Ogsist farmer. Kengady and Brath adopted them. Then, Jany converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Gribde Painge was born during the Winter of 286. He was a Ogsist warrior. Madsint and Kiny adopted him. Then, Gribde converted to Ogsism. Shapsa's son and Zivagou were married that Spring. Next Spring, Zathesh converted to it.

Rathruntia murdered Zaikri's son during the Winter of 288, because his son rejected her 22 years earlier. As a result, Imobix's and Brapseksa's relationship ended; Rathruntia angered Brapseksa's son; and 2 years later, Brapseksa's son would murder Rathruntia. Zaikri's son was 83 years old. Lema and a man named Gebugra Monk were married in Krirat that Spring. He was a Ogsist Lord of Krirat and merchant.

During the Winter of 289, Tenka died from an illness. As a result, her and Togremb's relationship ended. She was 77 years old in Nkepu.

During the Spring of 291, Brapseksa's son murdered Rathruntia, because she murdered Zaikri's son 2 years earlier. As a result, her and Gopun's relationship ended, Brapseksa's son angered Nediamb's daughter, Brapseksa's son angered a girl named Shanza Gril, and Shanza would murder Brapseksa's son 23 years later. Rathruntia was 44 years old. That Summer, Kevetso's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 90 years old in Krirat. His daughter was a Lady of Nkepu for 35 years.

In Nkepu during the Winter of 291, Ama gave birth to Zarai's daughter Ashe Painge. His daughter was a Ogsist merchant. Then, his daughter converted to Ogsism. Brapseksa's daughter and Ialdike's child were married that Spring. Then, Ama and Ialdike's son were married. As a result, Tsax's and Zarai's relationship ended. Then, a woman named Tsax Ngeste gave birth to Zarai's child Enko Painge. His child was a Ogsist farmer. She was a Ogsist Lady of Nkepu, Vassal of Kenkase and farmer. Then, his child converted to it. Shapsa's son converted to Daibism that Summer. Then, Ama gave birth to Zarai's son Bouple Painge. Zarai's son was a Ogsist merchant.

Zarai's son converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 292.

During the Winter of 292, a woman named Onzilzable Ptat and Ngaimbez were married. Onzilzable was a Ogsist merchant. As a result, Stoul's and Ngaimbez's relationship ended.

A girl named Wekrax Painge was born during the Spring of 294. She was a Ogsist farmer. Brapseksa's daughter and Ialdike's child adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism.

A girl named Iakmouzer Painge was born in Fugrolsa during the Winter of 294. She was a Daibist blacksmith. Tenka's son and an enby named Apsint Kraine adopted her. Then, in Nkepu, a boy named Brose Painge was born. He was a Ogsist Lord of Nkepu, Vassal of Kenkase and farmer. Tsitsanu's child and Dopeb adopted him. Then, Brose converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Senkinai Painge was born during the Autumn of 295. He was a Ogsist farmer. Brapseksa's daughter and Ialdike's child adopted him. Then, Senkinai converted to Ogsism.

Shaip's daughter died from an illness during the Winter of 295. As a result, Pegriagrou's and Tsitsanu's relationship ended. Shaip's daughter was 86 years old.

During the Summer of 296, a boy named Nashamb Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Brapseksa's daughter and Ialdike's child adopted him. Then, Nashamb converted to Ogsism.

Tsise and Dopeb were married during the Spring of 297. As a result, Ekriasody's and his relationship ended, and Gouldeg's and Dopeb's relationship ended.

During the Autumn of 297, Nogsa and Brapseksa's daughter were married. As a result, Nogsa's and Kengady's relationship ended. Then, Brapseksa's daughter gave birth to Nogsa's son Ankakmo Painge. Nogsa's son was a Ogsist.

Nogsa's son converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 297. Then, in Krirat, Lema and a woman named Retzip Shas were married. Retzip was a Ogsist criminal.

Nam converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 298.

In Obdab during the Summer of 299, a woman named Eliabsen Gril gave birth to Tsedri's daughter Flaip Painge. His daughter was a Ogsist. Eliabsen was a Ogsist warrior.

Tsedri and Eliabsen were married in Nkepu during the Autumn of 299. Next Autumn, Nediamb died from an illness. Nediamb was 81 years old. Then, Madsint and a man named Dong Mboushou were married. He was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Madsint died from an illness. As a result, her and his relationship ended. She was 107 years old. A girl named Rabda Painge was born next Autumn. Rabda was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Base Ribaidi and Tsitsanu's child adopted Rabda. Then, Rabda converted to Ogsism.

Tuto and Shapsa's daughter were married during the Winter of 301. That Spring, a girl named Aipsash Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. They adopted her. Then, Base and Tsitsanu's child were married. Base was a Ogsist farmer. Aipsash converted to Ogsism that Summer. Then, a boy named Uksenziz Painge was born. Uksenziz was a Ogsist. Base and Tsitsanu's child adopted Uksenziz. Then, in Obdab, Eliabsen gave birth to Tsedri's son Ptus Painge. Tsedri's son was a Ogsist warrior. Then, Uksenziz converted to it.

A girl named Udsiagia Painge was born in Nkepu during the Winter of 302. She was a Ogsist farmer. Tuto and Shapsa's daughter adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism. Eliabsen gave birth to Tsedri's son Ngethag Painge in Obdab that Spring. Tsedri's son was a Ogsist.

In Nkepu during the Autumn of 303, a girl named Breble Painge was born. She was a Ogsist poet. A man named Shoulou Gril and Brapseksa's son adopted her. Then, Flepse's son died from an illness. His son was 81 years old. Then, Lema died from an illness. As a result, Lema's and Retzip's relationship ended. Lema was 80 years old in Krirat.

During the Winter of 303, Breble converted to Ogsism. Then, a boy named Stiabsepou Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Thep Gril and Elaibru adopted him. Stiabsepou converted to it that Spring. That Summer, Lema's son and a woman named Sego Shas were married. Sego was a Ogsist criminal. Then, in Obdab, a man named Ngaigrai Mboushou and Linkenk were married. Ngaigrai was a Ogsist farmer.

A girl named Shuny Painge was born in Nkepu during the Spring of 305. She was a Ogsist. Tuto and Shapsa's daughter adopted her. That Summer, a boy named Draish Painge was born. He was a Ogsist Lord of Obdab, Vassal of Kenkase and criminal. Base and Tsitsanu's child adopted him.

Tsedri's daughter converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 305. Then, in Krirat, Sego gave birth to Kriadel's child Zonkonou Shas. Kriadel's child was a Ogsist. Then, Shuny converted to it.

Draish converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 305. That Spring, Tsedri's son converted to it. Sego gave birth to Kriadel's daughter Riabzish Shas that Summer. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Tsedri's son converted to it.

Redse and a woman named Inkashep Kraine were married in Nkepu during the Winter of 306. She was a Ogsist farmer. In Krirat that Spring, Sego gave birth to Kriadel's son Agrenk Shas. Kriadel's son was a Ogsist. Elaibru and a man named Flep Pedsa were married next Spring. Flep was a Ogsist blacksmith. That Summer, Redse died from an illness. As a result, his and Inkashep's relationship ended. He was 30 years old in Nkepu.

During the Autumn of 308, Imobix died from an illness. As a result, her and Detsoul's relationship ended. She was 82 years old. Then, Dopeb died from an illness. Dopeb was 79 years old. A boy named Zid Painge was born that Spring. Zid was a Ogsist. Base and Tsitsanu's child adopted Zid. Then, Zid converted to Ogsism.

A girl named Giar Painge was born during the Autumn of 309. She was a Ogsist criminal and murderer. Tuto and Shapsa's daughter adopted her.

During the Winter of 309, Giar converted to Ogsism.

Brapseksa's son and a woman named Draiz Ngeste were married during the Summer of 310. She was a Ogsist criminal. As a result, Tsax's and Ozumb's relationship ended.

During the Winter of 311, a man named Ebdaist Kraine gave birth to Wabank's son Klatarou Painge. Wabank's son was a Ogsist. Ebdaist was a Ogsist farmer. Wabank's son converted to Ogsism that Spring. Then, Shapsa's son and a woman named Ekriasody Bapsis were married. She was a Ogsist farmer.

A girl named Aivaisheble Painge was born during the Autumn of 312. She was a Ogsist. Shapsa's son and Ekriasody adopted her.

During the Winter of 312, Aivaisheble converted to Ogsism. Then, Adsir and Flepse were married. As a result, Neshostia's and Adsir's relationship ended, Renoun's and his relationship ended, and his and Toushom's relationship ended. Ebdaist and Zivagou's son were married that Spring. Then, Tsedri's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 14 years old. Tenka's son converted to Daibism that Summer.

During the Spring of 314, Ngoutsi died from The Laughing Plague. She was 54 years old. Then, Tsedri's son died from it. His son was 11 years old. Then, Ialdike's child died from it. As a result, Zourais' and Tsonozai's relationship ended. Ialdike's child was 48 years old. Then, Shanza murdered Brapseksa's son, because his son murdered Rathruntia 23 years earlier. Shanza was a Ogsist farmer and murderer. As a result, Shoulou's and Lashente's relationship ended. Brapseksa's son was 52 years old. Then, Zarai's son died from it. His son was 22 years old. Then, Wekrax died from it. She was 20 years old. Then, Nogsa's son died from it. Nogsa's son was 16 years old. Then, Zarai's daughter died from it. His daughter was 22 years old. Then, Tsitsanu's child died from it. As a result, Base's and Gouldeg's relationship ended. Tsitsanu's child was 74 years old. Then, Zarai's child died from it. His child was 22 years old. Then, Tsik's daughter died from it. Tsik's daughter was 130 years old. Then, Nashamb died from it. He was 18 years old. Then, Shapsa's son died from it. As a result, Ngarida's and Ekriasody's relationship ended. Shapsa's son was 54 years old. Then, Tuto died from it. As a result, his and Apozul's relationship ended. He was 37 years old. Then, Shapsa died from it. Shapsa was 81 years old. Then, Ama died from it. As a result, her and Zarai's relationship ended. She was 43 years old. Then, Gribde died from it. Gribde was 27 years old. Then, Adsir died from it. Adsir was 89 years old. Then, Wabank's son died from it. His son was 2 years old. Then, Senkinai died from it. Senkinai was 19 years old. Then, Neshostia died from it. She was 91 years old. Then, Ialdike's son died from it. His son was 49 years old. Then, Brapseksa's daughter died from it. Brapseksa's daughter was 52 years old. Then, Zivagou's son died from it. Zivagou's son was 35 years old. Then, Ngaimbez died from it. She was 103 years old. Then, Uksenziz died from it. He was 12 years old. Then, Aivaisheble died from it. Aivaisheble was 2 years old. Then, Shuny died from it. She was 9 years old. A boy named Iksed Painge was born in Krirat next Spring. Iksed was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Krunt Gril and Elaibru adopted Iksed. Then, Iksed converted to Ogsism. Jany and Aibzez's daughter were married in Nkepu that Summer.

During the Winter of 315, Iakmouzer converted to Daibism. Krunt and Elaibru were married in Krirat that Spring. Krunt was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Winter of 316, Linkenk died from an illness. As a result, Ngaigrai's and nir relationship ended. Ne was 86 years old in Obdab.

In Krirat during the Summer of 317, a girl named Tsidy Painge was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Krunt and Elaibru adopted her. Then, Tsidy converted to Ogsism.

Stiabsepou died from The Black Plague during the Summer of 320. He was 16 years old.

In Obdab during the Spring of 322, a boy named Tune Painge was born. He was a Ogsist criminal. Nam and a woman named Podithe Sethrud adopted him. He converted to Ogsism that Summer.

During the Winter of 322, a boy named Wambe Painge was born. He was a Ogsist criminal. Nam and Podithe adopted him. Nam and a woman named Inemb Posh were married in Krirat that Spring. Inemb was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Nam's and Podithe's relationship ended. That Summer, he converted to Ogsism.

Zid died from The Creeping Plague during the Winter of 324. In Nkepu, he was 16 years old. Then, Brapseksa's daughter died from it. Brapseksa's daughter was 65 years old. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Regi Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Nam and Inemb adopted her. Then, Regi converted to Ogsism. Udsiagia gave birth to Ptus' son Fles Painge in Nkepu that Spring. Ptus' son was a Daibist warrior. That Summer, Ptus' son converted to Ogsism.

An enby named Tamzany Painge was born in Krirat during the Autumn of 325. They were a Ogsist farmer. Nam and Inemb adopted them.

During the Winter of 325, Tamzany converted to Ogsism. Then, in Fugrolsa, a man named Eldikso Embo murdered Iakmouzer, because she rejected him 10 months earlier. He was a Daibist farmer and murderer. As a result, he angered Tenka's son, and Tenka's son would murder him 15 years later. Iakmouzer was 31 years old. Then, in Nkepu, Udsiagia gave birth to Ptus' daughter Iso Painge. Ptus' daughter was a Ogsist criminal. Then, Ptus' daughter converted to it. Tsedri's son and Udsiagia were married that Spring. In Krirat that Summer, a woman named Shiable Shas and Elaibru were married. Shiable was a Ogsist farmer.

An enby named Lebdab Painge was born during the Spring of 327. They were a Ogsist farmer. Nam and Inemb adopted them.

During the Winter of 327, Seraipsu died from an illness. He was 96 years old in Nkepu. Then, Lebdab converted to Ogsism. Udsiagia gave birth to Ptus' son Tsigre Painge that Spring. Ptus' son was a Ogsist farmer. That Summer, Ptus' son converted to it. Then, Rabda died from a sudden illness. Rabda was 27 years old.

Ngaigrai and Zathesh were married in Obdab during the Autumn of 328. Then, a boy named Kastira Painge was born. Kastira was a Ogsist farmer. They adopted Kastira.

Udsiagia gave birth to Ptus' daughter Etzits Painge in Nkepu during the Winter of 328. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, his daughter converted to Ogsism.

Kastira converted to Ogsism during the Summer of 329.

During the Autumn of 329, a girl named Nkiable Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Zivagou and Klarulza adopted her. Then, Nkiable converted to Ogsism. Then, Tsitsanu's daughter died from a sudden illness. His daughter was 89 years old. They were married that Spring. That Summer, a boy named Harimb Painge was born. Harimb was a Daibist farmer. They adopted Harimb. Then, Harimb converted to it.

A girl named Stag Painge was born during the Spring of 331. She was a Ogsist farmer. Zivagou and Klarulza adopted her. Then, Stag converted to Ogsism.

Udsiagia gave birth to Ptus' child Bula Painge during the Autumn of 332. His child was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Winter of 332, Ptus' child converted to Ogsism.

Breble gave birth to Orouby's son Bibsoksi Gril during the Autumn of 333. Orouby's son was a Ogsist poet. A man named Orouby Gril was a Ogsist warrior and murderer.

During the Winter of 333, Brapseksa's son and a woman named Ngip Imatail were married. She was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Jany's and her relationship ended.

Lema's son died from an illness during the Autumn of 334. As a result, Kriadel's and Sego's relationship ended. In Krirat, Lema's son was 86 years old. Tsedri and Tsax were married in Nkepu that Spring. Then, Orouby and Breble were married. Brath died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Dong's and xyr relationship ended, and xyr and Tsise's relationship ended. Xe was 95 years old.

During the Autumn of 336, Breble gave birth to Orouby's son Thrati Gril. Orouby's son was a Ogsist warrior. Iksed died from an illness that Spring. In Krirat, he was 22 years old. Then, in Obdab, Zathesh was killed. As a result, Ngaigrai's and Zathesh's relationship ended. Zathesh was 114 years old. Zathesh was a Lady of Obdab for 60 years. Then, Draish pledged allegiance to a woman named Lorad Shaikrial. She was a Gekist Queen of Kenkase, Lady of Kenkase and warrior. Then, he became Lord of Obdab, when a man named Bizenge Kraine and his armies attacked Obdab.

Tsedri died from an illness during the Spring of 340. As a result, his and Tsax's relationship ended. In Nkepu, he was 76 years old.

Tenka's son murdered Eldikso in Fugrolsa during the Summer of 341, because he murdered Iakmouzer 15 years earlier. He was 60 years old.

In Krirat during the Winter of 341, Kriadel's daughter gave birth to Wambe's son Steshi Painge. Wambe's son was a Ogsist blacksmith. Wambe's son converted to Ogsism that Spring.

During the Autumn of 345, Zivagou died from an illness. She was 90 years old in Nkepu.

In Krirat during the Winter of 345, Tune and a woman named Zoul Monk were married. She was a Ogsist farmer.

Ptus' son converted to Daibism during the Autumn of 346. Next Autumn, a girl named Zanku Painge was born. She was a Ogsist criminal. Tune and Zoul adopted her.

Zanku converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 347.

During the Summer of 348, a boy named Bousai Painge was born. He was a Ogsist poet. Tune and Zoul adopted him. Then, Bousai converted to Ogsism.

Shapsa's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 348. In Nkepu, his daughter was 88 years old. A girl named Thuki Painge was born in Fugrolsa that Spring. She was a Daibist warrior. Ptus' son and a woman named Tsok Brudeny adopted her.

During the Autumn of 349, Ptus' son and Tsok were married. She was a Daibist farmer.

Thuki converted to Daibism during the Summer of 350.

During the Autumn of 350, a boy named Outse Painge was born. He was a Daibist farmer. Ptus' son and Tsok adopted him.

Tenka's son died from an illness during the Winter of 350. Her son was 95 years old.

During the Spring of 352, a boy named Razasti Painge was born. He was a Daibist farmer. Ptus' son and Tsok adopted him. Tsidy and a man named Zad Shas were married in Kraikoust that Summer. He was a Gekist merchant. Then, in Krirat, Tsidy gave birth to his son Rible Shas. Zad's son was a Gekist farmer. Then, Outse converted to Daibism.

Harimb converted to Daibism during the Autumn of 352.

During the Winter of 352, Razasti converted to Daibism.

Brose became Lord of Nkepu during the Summer of 353.

In Nkepu during the Autumn of 355, Giar and a man named Opaink Kraine were married. He was a Ogsist farmer.

Tsidy converted to Gekism during the Winter of 355. In Kraikoust next Winter, she gave birth to Zad's child Stikebo Shas. His child was a Gekist merchant.

Elaibru died from an illness during the Autumn of 358. As a result, Shiable's and his relationship ended. In Krirat, he was 87 years old. Then, in Nkepu, Nkiable gave birth to Tsigre's son Ezi Painge. Tsigre's son was a Ogsist farmer.

Lebdab and a woman named Jialza Pedsa were married during the Winter of 358. She was a Ogsist criminal. That Spring, Tsigre's son converted to Ogsism. Then, Ptus' son and Nkiable were married. Nkiable gave birth to Tsigre's daughter Grouldiash Painge next Spring. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. That Summer, his daughter converted to it.

Shapsa's son died from an illness during the Winter of 361. In Fugrolsa, his son was 99 years old.

Brapseksa's son died from an illness during the Summer of 363. As a result, Ozumb's and Ngip's relationship ended. In Nkepu, Brapseksa's son was 102 years old.

A boy named Nitsedse Painge was born during the Autumn of 363. He was a Ogsist farmer. Orouby's son and Ptus' daughter adopted him. Then, Nitsedse converted to Ogsism.

Orouby's son and Ptus' daughter were married during the Summer of 365. As a result, Hatsum's and Thrati's relationship ended.

During the Winter of 367, a girl named Nkenkimai Painge was born. She was a Daibist farmer. A man named Tsalso Kraine and Ptus' daughter adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism. A woman named Roksou Pedsa gave birth to Wambe's son Nipsazia Pedsa in Krirat next Winter. Wambe's son was a Ogsist. Roksou was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Brose pledged allegiance to Lorad. A woman named Obria Driadan gave birth to Harimb's daughter Thiad Painge in Fugrolsa that Spring. Harimb's daughter was a Daibist farmer. Obria was a Daibist farmer. That Summer, Harimb's daughter converted to Daibism.

Hadeb's daughter died from an illness during the Winter of 370. In Krirat, his daughter was 177 years old. Tsalso and Ptus' daughter were married in Nkepu that Spring. Tsalso was a Ogsist King of Nkepu, Lord of Nkepu and warrior. Then, Brose died from an illness. He was 76 years old. He was a Lord of Nkepu for 18 years. He was a Vassal of Kenkase for 2 years. Tune and a woman named Vita Ribaidi were married in Krirat that Summer. She was a Ogsist poet. As a result, Josteny's and her relationship ended. Then, Jany died from an illness. As a result, their and Motzaikou's relationship ended. They were 85 years old in Nkepu. Then, in Fugrolsa, Obria and Harimb were married.

Orouby's son and Ptus' child were married in Nkepu during the Spring of 372. As a result, Bula's and Thrati's relationship ended. Then, in Fugrolsa, a boy named Zutou Painge was born. He was a Daibist criminal. Obria and Harimb adopted him. A boy named Itsatoust Painge was born in Nkepu that Summer. He was a Ogsist criminal. Tsalso and Ptus' daughter adopted him. Then, Itsatoust converted to Ogsism. Then, Zutou converted to Daibism. Then, a girl named Gaikougai Painge was born. Gaikougai was a Ogsist. Orouby's son and Ptus' child adopted Gaikougai. Then, Gaikougai converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Rebsish Painge was born during the Spring of 373. He was a Ogsist farmer. Orouby's son and Ptus' child adopted him. That Summer, Rebsish converted to Ogsism. Then, Tsedri's son and Udsiagia were married.

A boy named Tsopaik Painge was born during the Winter of 373. He was a Ogsist warrior. Tsalso and Ptus' daughter adopted him. Then, Tsopaik converted to Ogsism. Then, a girl named Gap Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Orouby's son and Ptus' child adopted her. A woman named Ptariano Ribaidi gave birth to Bousai's daughter Dak Painge in Krirat that Spring. His daughter was a Ogsist poet. Ptariano was a Ogsist merchant. Then, his daughter converted to it. Then, Gap converted to it. A woman named Grenga Shas and Wambe were married that Summer. Grenga was a Ogsist farmer. Next Summer, Sego and Lebdab were married.

Ptariano gave birth to Bousai's daughter Nas Painge during the Autumn of 375. His daughter was a Ogsist poet. Then, his daughter converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Fastaby Painge was born during the Winter of 375. He was a Ogsist criminal. Sego and Lebdab adopted him. Then, he converted to Ogsism. Grenga gave birth to Wambe's son Lial Painge that Spring. Wambe's son was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Breble died from an illness. As a result, Orouby's and her relationship ended. She was 73 years old in Nkepu. In Krirat that Summer, Bousai and Ptariano were married. Then, Wambe's son converted to it. Then, Ptariano gave birth to Bousai's son Pant Painge. Bousai's son was a Ogsist poet.

Bousai's son converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 376.

During the Winter of 376, Gaikougai died from a sudden illness. She was 5 years old in Nkepu.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 377, Grenga gave birth to Wambe's daughter Tsokment Painge. His daughter was a Gekist poet. His daughter converted to Ogsism that Spring. That Summer, Grenga gave birth to his daughter Etse Painge. His daughter was a Ogsist blacksmith.

Wambe's daughter converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 378.

In Nkepu during the Spring of 380, Giar murdered Ngip, because Ngip rejected Giar 41 years earlier. Ngip was 73 years old.

A woman named Hatsum Imatail and Tsigre's son were married during the Autumn of 380. She was a Ogsist warrior. That Spring, Giar murdered a man named Giastug Gril, because Giastug rejected Giar 34 years earlier. Giastug was a Daibist farmer. Giastug was 62 years old in Fugrolsa.

In Nkepu during the Autumn of 381, a boy named Grashi Painge was born. He was a Ogsist warrior. Hatsum and Tsigre's son adopted him. Then, Grashi converted to Ogsism.

Nam and a man named Grangag Etsepsa were married in Krirat during the Spring of 384. He was a Ogsist merchant. As a result, his and Hethimzia's relationship ended, and Rem's and Grangag's relationship ended.

In Fugrolsa during the Autumn of 385, a girl named Threnkiap Painge was born. She was a Daibist farmer. Obria and Harimb adopted her. Draish died from an illness that Spring. In Nkepu, Draish was 81 years old. Draish was a Vassal of Kenkase for 49 years. Draish was a Lord of Obdab for 49 years. Then, in Fugrolsa, a woman named Tiaksia Kraine gave birth to Harimb's son Ukoum Painge. Harimb's son was a Daibist blacksmith. She was a Daibist farmer. Threnkiap converted to Daibism that Summer. Then, Harimb's son converted to it.

Tiaksia and Harimb were married during the Autumn of 386.

During the Winter of 386, Tiaksia gave birth to Harimb's son Senk Painge. Harimb's son was a Daibist farmer.

Harimb's son converted to Daibism during the Summer of 387.

During the Winter of 387, Tiaksia gave birth to Harimb's daughter Epsaibdo Painge. His daughter was a Daibist farmer. Then, his daughter converted to Daibism.

Tiaksia gave birth to Harimb's daughter Ogso Painge during the Autumn of 388. His daughter was a Daibist warrior. Then, his daughter converted to Daibism.

Ptus' son died from an illness during the Autumn of 390. His son was 65 years old.

During the Autumn of 392, Aipsash died from an illness. She was 90 years old in Nkepu.

In Fugrolsa during the Winter of 392, a woman named Porap Thum gave birth to Razasti's son Ugalsa Painge. Razasti's son was a Daibist farmer. She was a Daibist poet. Razasti's son converted to Daibism that Spring. That Summer, she and he were married. As a result, her and Outse's relationship ended.

A girl named Kog Painge was born in Nkepu during the Autumn of 393. She was a Ogsist merchant. Nitsedse and a woman named Iba Kraine adopted her. That Spring, Kog converted to Ogsism. Porap gave birth to Razasti's daughter Aivaimi Painge in Fugrolsa that Summer. Razasti's daughter was a Daibist farmer.

In Nkepu during the Winter of 394, a boy named Giagso Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Wambe's son and a woman named Zebsethre Imatail adopted him. Then, Nitsedse and Iba were married. Iba was a Ogsist merchant. As a result, Nkogir's and Iba's relationship ended. Then, Giagso converted to Ogsism. Then, Razasti's daughter converted to Daibism.

A girl named Tiaby Painge was born during the Spring of 397. She was a Ogsist merchant. Wambe's son and Zebsethre adopted her. Then, Tiaby converted to Ogsism. A girl named Tes Painge was born that Summer. Tes was a Ogsist blacksmith. Nitsedse and Iba adopted Tes. Then, Tes converted to it. Then, in Fugrolsa, a boy named Zimeby Painge was born. He was a Daibist farmer. Porap and Razasti adopted him.

Zimeby converted to Daibism during the Autumn of 397. That Spring, a girl named Ezabe Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Porap and Razasti adopted her. Then, Ezabe converted to it.

Giar murdered Orouby's son in Nkepu during the Autumn of 398, because his son rejected her 11 years earlier. As a result, Bibsoksi's and Bula's relationship ended; she angered Orouby; and 10 years later, Orouby would murder her. Orouby's son was 65 years old.

A boy named Demaim Painge was born during the Summer of 399. He was a Ogsist merchant. Wambe's son and Zebsethre adopted him. Then, Demaim converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Thuble Painge was born during the Autumn of 399. He was a Daibist warrior. Nitsedse and Iba adopted him. Then, Thuble converted to Ogsism. Then, in Krirat, a woman named Jiny Ribaidi gave birth to Lial's son Tseshenzi Painge. Lial's son was a Ogsist criminal. Jiny was a Ogsist criminal. Then, Lial's son converted to it.

A woman named Flige Krethrobdou gave birth to Nitsedse's child Tsiliple Painge in Nkepu during the Summer of 400. His child was a Ogsist farmer. She was a Ogsist blacksmith.

During the Autumn of 400, Nitsedse's child converted to Ogsism.

Flige gave birth to Nitsedse's son Satsek Painge during the Winter of 401. Nitsedse's son was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Nitsedse's son converted to Ogsism. Tsidy died from an illness that Spring. In Kraikoust, Tsidy was 85 years old.

Tsedri's son died from an illness during the Winter of 403. As a result, Ptus' and Udsiagia's relationship ended. In Nkepu, Tsedri's son was 101 years old. Then, Gap gave birth to Krunk's son Ikmeldon Kraine. Krunk's son was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Krunk Kraine was a Ogsist criminal. Ptus' daughter died from an illness that Spring. His daughter was 78 years old. Then, Krunk and Gap were married.

Gap gave birth to Krunk's daughter Taisetia Kraine during the Autumn of 404. His daughter was a Daibist farmer.

In Fugrolsa during the Winter of 404, a boy named Gralse Painge was born. He was a Daibist farmer. Porap and Razasti adopted him. Gralse converted to Daibism that Spring. Then, a woman named Nevi Brudeny gave birth to Zutou's daughter Welo Painge. Zutou's daughter was a Gekist criminal. Nevi was a Daibist farmer. Regi and a woman named Iga Pedsa were married in Krirat that Summer. Iga was a Ogsist criminal.

In Fugrolsa during the Winter of 405, Nevi gave birth to Zutou's child Ashize Painge. His child was a Daibist farmer. Then, his child converted to Daibism. Then, Harimb and a woman named Lop Krethrobdou were married. Lop was a Daibist farmer. Gap gave birth to Krunk's daughter Rald Kraine in Nkepu that Spring. His daughter was a Ogsist criminal. Then, Zutou's daughter converted to it.

Ptus' son died from an illness during the Autumn of 406. As a result, Tsigre's and Kastira's relationship ended. Ptus' son was 78 years old. Then, Gap gave birth to Krunk's child Edathai Kraine. His child was a Ogsist farmer.

An enby named Riabde Painge was born in Fugrolsa during the Winter of 406. They were a Daibist farmer. Outse and a man named Othomuts Thum adopted them. Then, Riabde converted to Daibism. Then, in Obdab, Jiny and Wambe's son were married. As a result, her and Lebdab's relationship ended. Then, his son died from an illness. As a result, her and Lial's relationship ended. Wambe's son was 31 years old.

Orouby murdered Giar in Nkepu during the Autumn of 408, because she murdered his son 10 years earlier. She was 99 years old.

During the Winter of 408, Gap died from a sudden illness. As a result, Krunk's and her relationship ended. She was 35 years old.

A boy named Kret Painge was born during the Summer of 409. He was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Barare Gril and Ptus' daughter adopted him. Then, Kret converted to Ogsism.

Tamzany died from an illness during the Autumn of 409. In Krirat, they were 84 years old. Then, Klarulza died from an illness. She was 124 years old in Nkepu.

During the Winter of 409, Regi died from an illness. As a result, her and Iga's relationship ended. Regi was 85 years old in Krirat. Then, Harimb's daughter converted to Gekism.

A man named Brepsi Thum murdered Thuki in Fugrolsa during the Summer of 411, because she rejected him 16 years earlier. He was a Daibist farmer and murderer. She was 62 years old.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 411, Wambe and a woman named Lazuti Shas were married. She was a Ogsist farmer.

An enby named Dazin Painge was born in Nkepu during the Summer of 412. They were a Ogsist blacksmith. Barare and Ptus' daughter adopted them. Then, Dazin converted to Ogsism.

A girl named Flairike Painge was born in Krirat during the Spring of 413. She was a Gekist farmer. Rebsish and an enby named Stiak Imatail adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism. Then, in Fugrolsa, a girl named Imzenkaby Painge was born. Imzenkaby was a Ogsist farmer. Outse and an enby named Bedy Thum adopted Imzenkaby. A girl named Kraiple Painge was born in Krirat that Summer. She was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Bez Shas and Rebsish adopted her. Then, Imzenkaby converted to Daibism. Then, Ptus' child died from an illness. Ptus' child was 81 years old in Nkepu.

During the Autumn of 413, Kraiple converted to Ogsism. Rebsish and Stiak were married that Spring. Xe was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Bez's and his relationship ended, and Aista's and xyr relationship ended. That Summer, Ptus' daughter died from an illness. As a result, Thrati's and Etzits' relationship ended, and Barare's and her relationship ended. Ptus' daughter was 85 years old.

Nkenkimai converted to Daibism during the Autumn of 414.

During the Winter of 414, Rebsish converted to Gekism.

A girl named Aze Painge was born in Aitsasho during the Summer of 415. She was a Gekist farmer. Rebsish and Stiak adopted her.

During the Winter of 415, Aze converted to Gekism. Then, Nkiable died from an illness. Nkiable was 86 years old in Nkepu. That Spring, Flairike converted to it. Then, Wambe's son died from an illness. As a result, Steshi's and Zebsethre's relationship ended. Wambe's son was 74 years old.

A girl named Fosot Painge was born in Fugrolsa during the Summer of 417. She was a Daibist farmer. Nkenkimai and a woman named Hanuple Imatail adopted her.

During the Autumn of 417, Fosot converted to Daibism. Then, Kraiple converted to Gekism. Nam died from an illness that Spring. In Krirat, they were 152 years old. Then, in Fugrolsa, a girl named Zalese Painge was born. She was a Daibist warrior. Nkenkimai and Hanuple adopted her. Then, Razasti's daughter and Harimb's son were married. As a result, Ukoum's and Edegrid's relationship ended. Then, Zalese converted to Daibism. Nkenkimai and Hanuple were married that Summer. Hanuple was a Daibist warrior.

During the Spring of 419, Razasti's daughter gave birth to Ukoum's son Sod Painge. Ukoum's son was a Daibist farmer. Ukoum's son converted to Daibism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 419, a boy named Krogang Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Nkenkimai and Hanuple adopted him. Then, he converted to Daibism. Then, Lebdab died from an illness. Lebdab was 92 years old in Obdab.

During the Winter of 419, Kastira died from an illness. He was 91 years old in Nkepu. Then, Imzenkaby converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Shaby Painge was born during the Summer of 422. He was a Ogsist farmer. Tsigre's daughter and a man named Ailezig Kraine adopted him.

During the Autumn of 422, Shaby converted to Ogsism.

Tsigre's daughter and Ailezig were married during the Winter of 422. Ailezig was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Spring of 424, Harimb's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 55 years old in Fugrolsa. Then, his daughter and a man named Nguthrovai Thum were married. Nguthrovai was a Daibist farmer. Krunk's daughter gave birth to Thuble's son Ptaza Painge in Nkepu that Summer. Thuble's son was a Ogsist criminal.

During the Autumn of 424, Harimb died from an illness. As a result, his and Lop's relationship ended. He was 94 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Winter of 424, Thuble's son converted to Ogsism. Krunk's daughter and Thuble were married that Spring. That Summer, Harimb's daughter gave birth to Nguthrovai's daughter Graza Thum. Nguthrovai's daughter was a Emzunist warrior.

Thuble's son converted to Daibism during the Winter of 425. Then, he converted to it.

Wambe's daughter converted to Gekism during the Summer of 426.

During the Spring of 427, Ezabe converted to Ogsism. Krunk's daughter gave birth to Thuble's daughter Thotheb Painge that Summer. Thuble's daughter was a Daibist warrior. Then, Thuble's daughter converted to Daibism.

Krunk's daughter gave birth to Thuble's daughter Temo Painge during the Spring of 428. Thuble's daughter was a Daibist farmer. Then, Thuble's daughter converted to Daibism. A boy named Konk Painge was born in Obdab that Summer. Konk was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Atsianu Shas and Fastaby adopted Konk.

During the Autumn of 428, Konk converted to Ogsism. Tes gave birth to Iapeb's daughter Vouby Painge in Krirat next Autumn. Iapeb's daughter was a Ogsist merchant. A man named Iapeb Shas was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Iapeb's daughter converted to it. Then, in Fugrolsa, Krunk's daughter gave birth to Thuble's daughter Krolenai Painge. Thuble's daughter was a Daibist farmer. Thuble's daughter converted to Daibism that Spring. Then, in Nkepu, a boy named Theshaitsu Painge was born. Theshaitsu was a Ogsist blacksmith. Itsatoust and Giagso adopted Theshaitsu. Theshaitsu converted to Ogsism that Summer. Then, in Fugrolsa, Krunk's daughter gave birth to Thuble's child Vab Painge. Thuble's child was a Daibist.

Thuble's child converted to Daibism during the Autumn of 430. Then, Zanku died from an illness. As a result, Metsai's and her relationship ended. She was 83 years old in Krirat.

During the Summer of 431, Harimb's daughter converted to Daibism.

Tes gave birth to Des' child Vezeti Painge during the Winter of 431. His child was a Ogsist merchant. He was a Ogsist farmer. Then, his child converted to Ogsism. Razasti's daughter died from an illness that Spring. In Fugrolsa, Razasti's daughter was 38 years old. Then, Threnkiap and a man named Ngiple Thum were married. He was a Daibist farmer.

Wambe died from an illness during the Autumn of 432. In Krirat, he was 110 years old.

A man named Des Etsepsa and Tes were married during the Winter of 432. Then, in Fugrolsa, a boy named Graishab Painge was born. Graishab was a Daibist. An enby named Mbabsou Thum and Nkenkimai adopted Graishab.

A boy named Enza Painge was born during the Summer of 433. He was a Daibist. A woman named Krentedy Gril and Zimeby adopted him.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 433, Flairike gave birth to Tex's daughter Fledaimb Painge. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. He was a Gekist criminal. Then, Graishab converted to Daibism. Enza converted to it that Spring. Then, in Krirat, Tes gave birth to Des' son Bidaim Painge. Des' son was a Ogsist merchant. Des' son converted to Ogsism that Summer. Then, in Fugrolsa, Krentedy and Zimeby were married. Krentedy was a Daibist farmer. Then, in Nkepu, a girl named Klaikmaish Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Krunk's son and Nitsedse's son adopted her. Then, in Krirat, Bousai's son and an enby named Brestigi Shas were married. Brestigi was a Ogsist farmer.

Flairike gave birth to Tex's daughter Kramb Painge in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 434. His daughter was a Gekist blacksmith. Then, Outse died from an illness. Outse was 84 years old in Fugrolsa. Then, Klaikmaish converted to Ogsism. Then, Tex's daughter converted to Gekism.

Flairike and a man named Tex Doubzoumb were married in Aitsasho during the Winter of 434. As a result, his and Aze's relationship ended. That Spring, Zutou's daughter converted to Gekism. Flairike gave birth to Tex's son Likmidai Painge that Summer. Tex's son was a Gekist farmer. Then, Aze gave birth to Tex's daughter Shaibset Painge. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer.

A boy named Tsipe Painge was born in Fugrolsa during the Autumn of 435. He was a Daibist. Krentedy and Zimeby adopted him. Then, Tsipe converted to Daibism.

Harimb's son and a woman named Emba Krethrobdou were married during the Winter of 435. She was a Daibist farmer. That Spring, Tex's daughter converted to Gekism. Then, in Aitsasho, Flairike gave birth to Tex's daughter Houg Painge. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, his daughter converted to it.

Tex's son converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 436.

During the Winter of 436, Tex's daughter converted to Gekism. Then, Flairike gave birth to his son Ounkiagouts Painge. Tex's son was a Gekist farmer. Tex's son converted to it that Spring.

During the Autumn of 437, Tsigre's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 77 years old in Nkepu.

During the Spring of 439, Nitsedse died from an illness. He was 76 years old.

Itsatoust died from an illness during the Winter of 443. He was 72 years old. Then, in Fugrolsa, a girl named Nubsegrai Painge was born. She was a Ogsist criminal. Krogang and Thuble's son adopted her in Krirat. Then, she converted to Daibism. They were married that Spring. In Fugrolsa that Summer, Zalese gave birth to Bruksoutha's daughter Doutzia Shosh. His daughter was a Daibist. He was a Daibist farmer.

Zalese gave birth to Bruksoutha's son Iate Shosh during the Winter of 445. Bruksoutha's son was a Daibist farmer. Then, Nubsegrai converted to Ogsism. A girl named Poub Painge was born in Krirat that Spring. She was a Ogsist farmer. Krogang and Thuble's son adopted her. Then, she converted to it. Krogang converted to it that Summer.

During the Winter of 446, a boy named Maldeng Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Krogang and Thuble's son adopted him. Thuble's son converted to Ogsism that Spring. Then, Maldeng converted to it. Then, in Nkepu, a boy named Jembaidrai Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Tiaby and Nitsedse's child adopted him.

Nkenkimai died from The White Plague during the Autumn of 447. As a result, her and Hanuple's relationship ended. In Fugrolsa, Nkenkimai was 80 years old. Then, Thuble's child died from it. His child was 17 years old. Then, Razasti died from it. Razasti was 96 years old. Then, Graishab died from it. He was 15 years old. Then, Thuble's daughter died from it. Thuble's daughter was 18 years old. Then, Ukoum's son died from it. His son was 29 years old.

Zimeby died from The White Plague during the Winter of 447. As a result, Krentedy's and his relationship ended. He was 50 years old. Then, Enza died from it. Enza was 14 years old. Then, Thuble died from it. As a result, Taisetia's and his relationship ended. He was 48 years old. Then, Razasti's son died from it. Razasti's son was 55 years old. Then, Riabde died from it. They were 41 years old. Then, Thuble's daughter died from it. His daughter was 20 years old. Then, Gralse died from it. Gralse was 43 years old. Then, Zalese died from it. As a result, Bruksoutha's and her relationship ended. She was 30 years old. Then, Stag died from it. Stag was 117 years old in Nkepu. Then, Threnkiap died from it. She was 62 years old in Fugrolsa. Then, Zutou's child died from it. Zutou's child was 42 years old. Then, Zutou died from it. He was 76 years old. Then, Tsipe died from it. Tsipe was 12 years old. Then, Harimb's daughter died from it. His daughter was 60 years old. Then, his daughter died from it. His daughter was 59 years old. Tiaby and Nitsedse's child were married in Nkepu that Spring. That Summer, Jembaidrai converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Roustogri Painge was born in Krirat during the Winter of 448. He was a Ogsist farmer. Tes and a man named Metsai Etsepsa adopted him. Then, Roustogri converted to Ogsism. Then, in Nkepu, a man named Vainzink Kraine gave birth to Theshaitsu's child Rotzes Painge. Theshaitsu's child was a Ogsist poet. Vainzink was a Ogsist farmer. Theshaitsu's child converted to it that Spring. That Summer, an enby named Ladodrai Painge was born. Ladodrai was a Ogsist farmer. Tiaby and Nitsedse's child adopted Ladodrai. Then, Ladodrai converted to it.

Tes and Metsai were married in Krirat during the Autumn of 449. He was a Ogsist merchant. As a result, Bez's and his relationship ended. That Spring, Brestigi and Bousai's son were married. As a result, Brestigi's and Tal's relationship ended.

A boy named Tishis Painge was born in Nkepu during the Winter of 450. He was a Ogsist merchant. Tiaby and Nitsedse's child adopted him. Then, Tishis converted to Ogsism.

Krunk's daughter and Demaim were married during the Spring of 452. Then, Bousai's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 77 years old. An enby named Dreza Painge was born that Summer. Ze was a Ogsist merchant. Tiaby and Nitsedse's child adopted zir.

During the Autumn of 452, Dreza converted to Ogsism. Then, Vainzink gave birth to Theshaitsu's son Dobrolde Painge. Theshaitsu's son was a Ogsist farmer.

Theshaitsu's son converted to Ogsism during the Summer of 453.

During the Summer of 456, Tsopaik and a woman named Not Imatail were married. She was a Ogsist farmer. Rebsish converted to Ogsism next Summer.

During the Autumn of 457, Kraiple converted to Ogsism. Nitsedse's child died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Tiaby's and Tsiliple's relationship ended. His child was 58 years old.

During the Winter of 458, Bousai's son died from an illness. As a result, Brestigi's and Pant's relationship ended. Bousai's son was 82 years old in Krirat. Then, Rebsish died from an illness. As a result, Duthrist's and his relationship ended. He was 86 years old in Obdab.

During the Summer of 459, Tsopaik died from an illness. As a result, his and Not's relationship ended. He was 86 years old in Nkepu.

In Kenkase during the Autumn of 460, a girl named Drotose Painge was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Tex's daughter and an enby named Ianu Etsepsa adopted her.

Drotose converted to Gekism during the Winter of 460.

In Aitsasho during the Summer of 461, Wambe's daughter and a woman named Edipsu Shas were married. She was a Gekist warrior.

Tex's daughter and Ianu were married in Krirat during the Spring of 462. Ianu was a Ogsist warrior.

In Kenkase during the Winter of 462, a girl named Bralu Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Tex's daughter and Ianu adopted her in Krirat. That Spring, she converted to Gekism.

Fosot and a man named Stithre Etsepsa were married in Fugrolsa during the Autumn of 463. He was a Daibist farmer. Then, in Aitsasho, Tex's daughter gave birth to Vapeby's son Gasa Painge. Vapeby's son was a Gekist criminal. A man named Vapeby Shas was a Gekist farmer. Bousai's daughter died from an illness that Spring. In Krirat, his daughter was 90 years old. Then, in Fugrolsa, Thuble's daughter gave birth to Lavibre's daughter Shalsulzai Painge. Lavibre's daughter was a Daibist farmer. A man named Lavibre Gril was a Daibist criminal.

Thuble's daughter and Lavibre were married during the Autumn of 464.

During the Summer of 465, Lavibre's daughter converted to Daibism.

A girl named Aiksume Painge was born during the Winter of 465. She was a Daibist Lady of Fugrolsa and farmer. Fosot and Stithre adopted her. That Spring, Aiksume converted to Daibism.

Flairike and a man named Thousegrou Pedsa were married in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 466. He was a Gekist merchant. As a result, her and Rin's relationship ended. Then, in Fugrolsa, a boy named Umepou Painge was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Fosot and Stithre adopted him. Then, Umepou converted to Daibism. Wambe's daughter died from an illness that Spring. In Krirat, Wambe's daughter was 89 years old. Tishis died from an illness next Spring. In Nkepu, he was 17 years old. Then, in Fugrolsa, a boy named Bata Painge was born. Bata was a Daibist farmer. Fosot and Stithre adopted Bata. Bata converted to it that Summer.

During the Autumn of 468, Ezabe died from an illness. She was 70 years old in Krirat.

In Fugrolsa during the Winter of 468, an enby named Bainkaib Painge was born. Xe was a Daibist criminal. Thuble's daughter and Lavibre adopted xem. Then, Udsiagia died from an illness. As a result, her and Mankozia's relationship ended. She was 166 years old in Nkepu. That Spring, Vapeby's son converted to Gekism.

A man named Aibsolob Shas murdered Wambe's daughter in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 469, because Wambe's daughter rejected Aibsolob 20 years earlier. Aibsolob was a Gekist warrior and murderer. As a result, Tsokment's and Edipsu's relationship ended, Aibsolob angered Vapeby, and Aibsolob angered a boy named Thoutsa Shas. Wambe's daughter was 92 years old.

During the Winter of 469, Bainkaib converted to Daibism.

A girl named Thoudri Painge was born in Fugrolsa during the Spring of 471. She was a Daibist farmer. Fosot and Stithre adopted her.

During the Winter of 471, a boy named Pougsid Painge was born. He was a Daibist warrior. Thuble's daughter and Lavibre adopted him.

A boy named Thrairaibsu Painge was born during the Autumn of 472. He was a Daibist warrior. Thuble's daughter and Lavibre adopted him. Then, in Krirat, an enby named Kaneble Painge was born. Kaneble was a Ogsist merchant. Des' son and Iga adopted Kaneble. Then, Kaneble converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Sembo Painge was born in Obdab during the Winter of 472. He was a Ogsist King of Obdab, Lord of Obdab, Lord of Aitsasho, Lord of Nkepu and criminal. A man named Oumounk Ribaidi and Lial's son adopted him. That Spring, Sembo converted to Ogsism. Then, Pougsid converted to Daibism. Tiaby died from an illness that Summer. In Nkepu, she was 76 years old.

Harimb's son died from an illness during the Autumn of 473. In Fugrolsa, his son was 87 years old. Then, Demaim died from an illness. As a result, Rald's and Demaim's relationship ended. Demaim was 74 years old in Nkepu.

During the Winter of 473, Thoudri converted to Daibism. Then, Thrairaibsu converted to it. Nitsedse's son died from an illness next Winter. Nitsedse's son was 73 years old. In Obdab next Winter, a girl named Tses Painge was born. Tses was a Ogsist farmer. Oumounk and Lial's son adopted Tses. Then, in Aitsasho, a woman named Gog Ribaidi gave birth to Likmidai's son Mousent Painge. Likmidai's son was a Gekist criminal. She was a Gekist criminal. Then, in Nkepu, a man named Boutzaksi Ribaidi and Kraiple were married. He was a Ogsist warrior and murderer. Tses converted to Ogsism that Spring. Then, Likmidai's son converted to Gekism.

Gog gave birth to Likmidai's daughter Thririamb Painge in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 476. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Winter of 476, Tex's son and Gog were married.

Likmidai's daughter converted to Gekism during the Summer of 477.

During the Winter of 477, Tex's daughter converted to Ogsism.

Grashi died from an illness during the Autumn of 481. In Nkepu, he was 100 years old. Then, in Kenkase, a girl named Tankou Painge was born. She was a Gekist farmer. A man named Bipase Etsepsa and Aze adopted her. Then, Tankou converted to Gekism.

Bralu converted to Ogsism during the Spring of 483. Then, Tex's daughter converted to it. A woman named Steshatza Krethrobdou and Harimb's son were married in Fugrolsa that Summer. Steshatza was a Daibist poet. As a result, Steshatza's and Lavibre's relationship ended.

During the Autumn of 483, Harimb's son died from an illness. As a result, Steshatza's and Ukoum's relationship ended. Harimb's son was 97 years old.

A man named Saire Pedsa and Des' child were married in Krirat during the Summer of 484. Saire was a Ogsist merchant. In Kenkase next Summer, a boy named Kedriame Painge was born. He was a Gekist poet. Bipase and Aze adopted him. Then, Kedriame converted to Gekism.

A boy named Mbiatsank Painge was born in Krirat during the Spring of 486. He was a Ogsist merchant. Saire and Des' child adopted him. In Kenkase that Summer, Aze and a man named Rebas Shas were married. He was a Gekist merchant. As a result, Bipase's and her relationship ended. Then, Mbiatsank converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Ekmai Painge was born in Krirat during the Autumn of 487. He was a Ogsist. Saire and Des' child adopted him.

During the Winter of 487, Ekmai converted to Ogsism.

Lial's son died from an illness during the Summer of 488. As a result, Oumounk's and Tseshenzi's relationship ended. In Obdab, Lial's son was 89 years old.

Ekmai died from an illness during the Autumn of 488. In Krirat, he was 10 months old. Then, Tune died from an illness. Tune was 166 years old. Fosot died from an illness next Autumn. As a result, her and Stithre's relationship ended. In Fugrolsa, she was 72 years old.

Umepou converted to Gekism during the Winter of 490. Then, Zutou's daughter died from an illness. Zutou's daughter was 86 years old in Kenkase.

During the Summer of 491, Kraiple died from an illness. As a result, Boutzaksi's and her relationship ended. She was 78 years old in Nkepu.

During the Spring of 493, a boy named Krailzobsi Painge was born. He was a Ogsist criminal. Ladodrai and a woman named Atzai Kraine adopted him.

Krailzobsi converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 493.

During the Spring of 495, Tes died from an illness. She was 98 years old in Krirat.

During the Winter of 496, Kaneble died from an illness. They were 24 years old. Aze died from an illness that Spring. As a result, her and Rebas' relationship ended. In Kenkase, she was 82 years old.

Bousai died from an illness during the Autumn of 497. In Krirat, he was 149 years old. Bralu gave birth to Kubounk's daughter Nkeg Shas that Spring. Kubounk's daughter was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Kubounk Shas was a Ogsist farmer.

In Fugrolsa during the Autumn of 498, a man named Ounzam Etsepsa and Thuble's daughter were married. Ounzam was a Daibist farmer. Then, in Krirat, Kubounk and Bralu were married. A woman named Aseth Thir and Umepou were married in Kenkase next Autumn. Aseth was a Gekist warrior.

In Fugrolsa during the Winter of 499, a boy named Rezoug Painge was born. He was a Ogsist warrior. Ounzam and Thuble's daughter adopted him. Rezoug converted to Daibism that Spring. That Summer, Imzenkaby died from an illness. She was 87 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 500, Aiksume became Lady of Fugrolsa. A woman named Rotes Ptat and Des' son were married next Autumn. Rotes was a Ogsist Lady of Krirat and warrior.

During the Winter of 501, a boy named Droune Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Rotes and Des' son adopted him. Droune converted to Ogsism that Spring. Then, in Aitsasho, Vapeby and Tex's daughter were married. A girl named Ibsinko Painge was born that Summer. Ibsinko was a Gekist Lady of Aitsasho, Vassal of Krirat and blacksmith. An enby named Lenzou Shas and Vapeby's son adopted Ibsinko.

During the Autumn of 502, Ibsinko converted to Gekism. Then, a boy named Nadso Painge was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Vapeby and Tex's daughter adopted him.

Nadso converted to Gekism during the Winter of 502.

During the Summer of 503, a boy named Gredo Painge was born. He was a Gekist. Vapeby and Tex's daughter adopted him.

Gredo converted to Gekism during the Winter of 503. In Krirat that Spring, a girl named Fipa Painge was born. She was a Ogsist criminal. Kubounk and Bralu adopted her. Then, Fipa converted to Ogsism.

Kret died from an illness during the Autumn of 504. In Nkepu, he was 95 years old. Then, Gredo died from an illness. Gredo was 2 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Winter of 506, Lenzou and Vapeby's son were married. Ey was a Gekist farmer. Krogang died from an illness next Winter. As a result, Krogang's and Ptaza's relationship ended. In Krirat, Krogang was 88 years old. Iapeb's daughter died from an illness that Spring. His daughter was 79 years old. Then, Thuble's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Ounzam's and Thotheb's relationship ended. Thuble's daughter was 81 years old in Fugrolsa. That Summer, Mbiatsank died from an illness. He was 22 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 508, Klaikmaish died from an illness. She was 74 years old in Nkepu.

During the Winter of 508, Flairike died from an illness. She was 96 years old in Aitsasho. In Obdab that Spring, a woman named Duthrist Ribaidi and Fastaby were married. Duthrist was a Ogsist warrior.

Roustogri and Tex's daughter were married in Krirat during the Winter of 509.

During the Spring of 511, Shaby died from an illness. He was 89 years old in Nkepu.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 511, a woman named Goubru Shas and Des' child were married. She was a Ogsist poet. Then, Likmidai's daughter converted to Ogsism. Then, Maldeng died from an illness. As a result, Bote's and his relationship ended. He was 65 years old. A girl named Jesh Painge was born next Autumn. She was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Itsiadeg Gril and Roustogri adopted her. Then, Jesh converted to it.

Itsiadeg and Roustogri were married during the Winter of 513. She was a Ogsist merchant. That Spring, a boy named Methad Painge was born. Methad was a Ogsist farmer. They adopted Methad. Then, Methad converted to Ogsism. Tex's daughter died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Shaibset's and Ianu's relationship ended. Tex's daughter was 79 years old.

During the Autumn of 514, a girl named Bregung Painge was born. She was a Ogsist poet. Goubru and Des' child adopted her. Then, Bregung converted to Ogsism.

A woman named Bringush Thir and Kedriame were married in Kenkase during the Summer of 516. She was a Gekist Queen of Kenkase, Lady of Kenkase and criminal.

During the Winter of 516, a girl named Pteksaby Painge was born. She was a Gekist criminal. Bringush and Kedriame adopted her. A girl named Nker Painge was born in Fugrolsa that Spring. She was a Ogsist Lady of Krirat and farmer. Aiksume and a man named Kapigre Etsepsa adopted her. That Summer, Nker converted to Daibism. Then, Tex's son died from an illness. As a result, Likmidai's and Gog's relationship ended. Tex's son was 82 years old in Aitsasho.

In Fugrolsa during the Winter of 517, a girl named Beng Painge was born. She was a Daibist farmer. Aiksume and Kapigre adopted her. Pteksaby converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, Beng converted to Daibism. Then, in Obdab, a woman named Shege Ribaidi and Theshaitsu's child were married. She was a Ogsist Lady of Fugrolsa, Vassal of Obdab, Vassal of Krirat and farmer.

Sembo became Lord of Obdab during the Summer of 519, when Oumounk died from an illness.

During the Winter of 519, Thuble's son died from an illness. His son was 96 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 522, Theshaitsu's child converted to Ogsism.

Tex's daughter died from an illness during the Spring of 524. In Aitsasho, his daughter was 90 years old.

Sembo became Lord of Aitsasho during the Summer of 525, when he and his armies attacked Aitsasho.

In Fugrolsa during the Spring of 526, an enby named Biabople Painge was born. Ze was a Ogsist warrior. A man named Eshix Krethrobdou and Lavibre's daughter adopted zir. Des' son died from an illness that Summer. In Krirat, his son was 92 years old.

Biabople converted to Daibism during the Autumn of 527.

In Fugrolsa during the Winter of 527, Ounzam and Aiksume were married. As a result, her and Kapigre's relationship ended. Then, Sembo became Lord of Nkepu, when he and his armies attacked Nkepu. A girl named Soukreby Painge was born that Spring. Soukreby was a Daibist farmer. Ounzam and Aiksume adopted Soukreby. In Kenkase that Summer, Tankou and a man named Tsizang Etsepsa were married. He was a Gekist farmer. As a result, his and Paib's relationship ended, and Aseth's and his relationship ended. Then, Des' child died from an illness. As a result, Goubru's and Vezeti's relationship ended. Des' child was 97 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 528, Soukreby converted to Daibism. A boy named Shiam Painge was born in Fugrolsa next Autumn. He was a Daibist mystic. Ounzam and Aiksume adopted him.

During the Winter of 529, a boy named Zash Painge was born. He was a Daibist warrior. Eshix and Lavibre's daughter adopted him. Nubsegrai died from an illness that Spring. In Krirat, she was 86 years old. Then, Shiam converted to Daibism. Then, in Aitsasho, a girl named Bot Painge was born. Bot was a Gekist farmer. Lenzou and Vapeby's son adopted Bot. Bot converted to Gekism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 530, Jembaidrai died from an illness. He was 83 years old in Nkepu. Then, Tex's son died from an illness. Tex's son was 94 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Winter of 530, Zash converted to Daibism. Then, a boy named Tapsonga Painge was born. Tapsonga was a Gekist criminal. Lenzou and Vapeby's son adopted Tapsonga. Sembo established The State of Obdab that Spring.

During the Autumn of 532, Tapsonga converted to Gekism. Rezoug converted to Ogsism next Autumn. That Spring, Roustogri died from an illness. As a result, Kabrepa's and his relationship ended. He was 85 years old in Krirat. That Summer, Tex's daughter died from an illness. Tex's daughter was 98 years old. Dreza died from an illness next Summer. In Nkepu, ze was 83 years old.

Tsigre's son died from an illness during the Spring of 536. His son was 177 years old. In Fugrolsa that Summer, Aiksume was killed. As a result, Ounzam's and her relationship ended. She was 71 years old. She was a Lady of Fugrolsa for 36 years.

Thrairaibsu died from an illness during the Spring of 537. He was 65 years old.

In Krirat during the Summer of 538, a boy named Bravus Painge was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Akrurung Etsepsa and Bregung adopted him.

Tex's daughter died from an illness during the Spring of 539. In Kenkase, his daughter was 104 years old. Then, Bravus converted to Ogsism.

Dazin died from an illness during the Autumn of 539. In Nkepu, they were 127 years old.

Ladodrai died from an illness during the Winter of 539. They were 91 years old. Next Winter, Theshaitsu's son died from an illness. His son was 88 years old in Krirat. Next Winter, Drotose died from an illness. She was 81 years old in Kenkase.

During the Autumn of 542, Beng died from a sudden illness. She was 25 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Summer of 543, a girl named Dugriata Painge was born. She was a Daibist farmer. A woman named Krerant Etsepsa and Thoudri adopted her. Dugriata converted to Daibism next Summer.

During the Winter of 544, Theshaitsu's child died from an illness. His child was 96 years old in Obdab. Then, in Fugrolsa, a girl named Hep Painge was born. She was a Daibist farmer. Krerant and Thoudri adopted her. Hep converted to Daibism that Spring. In Krirat that Summer, an enby named Tsaisouple Painge was born. Tsaisouple was a Ogsist farmer. Poub and Akrurung adopted Tsaisouple. Then, Poub died from an illness. As a result, her and Akrurung's relationship ended. Poub was 99 years old. Then, Tsaisouple converted to Ogsism.

Biabople converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 546.

During the Summer of 549, Bata died from an illness. As a result, Alsuship's and his relationship ended. He was 81 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Spring of 553, Thoudri died from an illness. She was 82 years old.

Biabople gave birth to Braby's son Oubrok Painge in Nkepu during the Summer of 554. Braby's son was a Ogsist warrior. A man named Braby Dreselsa was a Ogsist criminal.

During the Winter of 554, Giagso died from an illness. He was 160 years old. Then, Braby's son converted to Ogsism. Fastaby died from an illness that Spring. As a result, his and Zegsiar's relationship ended. In Obdab, he was 179 years old. Then, in Nkepu, Biabople gave birth to Braby's daughter Edroude Painge. Braby's daughter was a Ogsist warrior. Braby's daughter converted to it that Summer.

In Fugrolsa during the Autumn of 555, a girl named Shezepa Painge was born. She was a Daibist warrior. A woman named Retsiast Etsepsa and Pougsid adopted her. Then, Shezepa converted to Daibism. Shiam converted to it next Autumn.

In Obdab during the Spring of 558, Konk and a woman named Zegsiar Etsepsa were married. She was a Ogsist criminal. Bot gave birth to Atade's daughter Liagaig Pedsa in Aitsasho that Summer. Atade's daughter was a Gekist merchant. A man named Atade Pedsa was a Gekist King of Aitsasho, Lord of Aitsasho and merchant.

During the Autumn of 558, Likmidai's son died from an illness. His son was 83 years old. Then, in Fugrolsa, an enby named Miaple Painge was born. Xe was a Gekist warrior. Retsiast and Pougsid adopted xem.

Miaple converted to Daibism during the Winter of 558. In Aitsasho that Spring, Bot gave birth to Atade's son Lastiamu Pedsa. Atade's son was a Gekist merchant.

Biabople gave birth to Lenkailai's son Drintaibra Painge in Nkepu during the Winter of 559. Lenkailai's son was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Lenkailai Nkugia was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Lenkailai's son converted to Ogsism. Vapeby's son died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Lenzou's and Gasa's relationship ended. In Aitsasho, Vapeby's son was 96 years old.

Biabople gave birth to Lenkailai's son Jix Painge in Nkepu during the Autumn of 560. Lenkailai's son was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Winter of 560, Lenkailai's son converted to Ogsism.

Jesh and a man named Kleriano Ribaidi were married in Krirat during the Summer of 561. He was a Ogsist blacksmith.

During the Winter of 566, Umepou died from an illness. He was 100 years old in Kenkase. That Spring, Bralu died from an illness. She was 104 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 567, Tses died from an illness. She was 92 years old in Obdab.

In Aitsasho during the Summer of 568, Bot gave birth to Atade's son Drathe Pedsa. Atade's son was a Gekist merchant.

Hep converted to Emzunism during the Autumn of 568.

During the Summer of 569, Pougsid died from a sudden illness. He was 98 years old in Fugrolsa.

In Aitsasho during the Autumn of 569, Nadso and a woman named Graidiny Shas were married. She was a Gekist farmer. Then, Sembo died from an illness. Sembo was 97 years old in Obdab. Sembo was a Lord of Obdab for 50 years. Sembo was a Lord of Aitsasho for 44 years. Sembo was a Lord of Nkepu for 42 years. Sembo was a King of Obdab for 39 years.

During the Winter of 569, Theshaitsu died from an illness. He was 140 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 572, a girl named Koudsi Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Akrurung and Jesh adopted her. Koudsi converted to Ogsism that Spring.

During the Winter of 573, Akrurung and Jesh were married. Akrurung was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Akrurung's and Bregung's relationship ended. Lavibre's daughter and a man named Tsed Etsepsa were married in Fugrolsa next Winter. Tsed was a Daibist warrior. That Spring, a boy named Etsiax Painge was born. He was a Daibist farmer. Lavibre's daughter and Tsed adopted him. Etsiax converted to Daibism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 576, Konk died from an illness. He was 148 years old in Obdab. That Spring, Tapsonga died from an illness. Tapsonga was 46 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Autumn of 580, Miaple converted to Gekism.

Tankou died from an illness during the Winter of 580. In Kenkase, she was 99 years old.

Nadso died from an illness during the Spring of 582. In Aitsasho, he was 79 years old. Zash converted to Ogsism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 582, Zash converted to Daibism. A boy named Tsias Painge was born in Nkepu that Spring. Tsias was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Masailzi Kraine and Krailzobsi adopted Tsias. Then, Krailzobsi died from an illness. As a result, her and his relationship ended. He was 90 years old. Then, Droune died from an illness. Droune was 81 years old in Krirat. That Summer, Tsias converted to Ogsism. Kedriame died from an illness next Summer. In Kenkase, Kedriame was 99 years old.

Hep converted to Daibism during the Summer of 586. Then, Jesh died from an illness. As a result, Akrurung's and Jesh's relationship ended. Jesh was 74 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 586, Kog died from an illness. She was 193 years old in Nkepu. That Spring, Ibsinko became Lady of Aitsasho.

Ibsinko pledged allegiance to a man named Vom Kraine during the Summer of 588. He was a Ogsist King of Krirat, Lord of Krirat, Lord of Obdab, Lord of Kraikoust and criminal.

During the Summer of 591, Bregung died from an illness. She was 77 years old in Krirat.

In Fugrolsa during the Spring of 592, a boy named Eshia Painge was born. He was a Daibist farmer. A man named Tink Mupob and Dugriata adopted him. Methad died from an illness that Summer. In Krirat, he was 78 years old.

A boy named Nombi Painge was born in Fugrolsa during the Winter of 592. He was a Daibist farmer. Tink and Dugriata adopted him. Then, Eshia converted to Daibism. Nombi converted to it that Spring.

In Obdab during the Summer of 595, a boy named Elia Painge was born. He was a Ogsist mystic. Lenkailai's son and a man named Lopsun Kraine adopted him.

Elia converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 595. Then, in Aitsasho, a woman named Rebrits Shas and Ibsinko were married. Rebrits was a Gekist farmer. Then, Rezoug died from an illness. Rezoug was 96 years old in Krirat. In Nkepu next Autumn, an enby named Riab Painge was born. Ze was a Ogsist Laird of Nkepu and warrior. A man named Stekiatse Paild and Braby's daughter adopted hir. Ze converted to it that Spring.

During the Summer of 598, Zash died from an illness. He was 69 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Winter of 600, Fipa died from an illness. She was 97 years old in Krirat. In Aitsasho next Winter, Rebrits and Ibsinko were married.

A girl named Shemzezi Painge was born during the Autumn of 602. She was a Gekist farmer. Rebrits and Ibsinko adopted her.

During the Summer of 604, Shemzezi converted to Gekism.

Biabople died from an illness during the Winter of 604. In Nkepu, ze was 79 years old.

Shiam died from an illness during the Autumn of 609. In Fugrolsa, he was 80 years old.

Ibsinko and a man named Bainzaple Shas were married in Aitsasho during the Winter of 610. He was a Gekist farmer. In Fugrolsa that Spring, Shezepa and a man named Zeto Thir were married. Zeto was a Daibist farmer.

Lenkailai's son and Lopsun were married during the Summer of 612. Lopsun was a Ogsist farmer.

In Obdab during the Winter of 612, a girl named Sobzets Painge was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Lenkailai's son and Lopsun adopted her. She converted to Ogsism that Spring. That Summer, Nker converted to it. Then, Nker became Lady of Krirat.

Nker died from an illness during the Winter of 614. In Krirat, she was 98 years old. She was a Lady of Krirat for 2 years.

Hep died from an illness during the Winter of 617. In Fugrolsa, she was 73 years old.

Bravus died from an illness during the Summer of 618. As a result, his and Oushiksian's relationship ended. In Krirat, he was 80 years old.

A boy named Klonats Painge was born in Obdab during the Spring of 621. He was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Udotza Shas and Lenkailai's son adopted him. That Summer, Klonats converted to Ogsism.

A girl named Fleksembou Painge was born during the Winter of 621. She was a Ogsist. Udotza and Lenkailai's son adopted her. That Spring, Fleksembou converted to Ogsism.

A woman named Bilselo Thir gave birth to Nombi's daughter Roumzi Thir in Fugrolsa during the Winter of 625. His daughter was a Ogsist criminal. Bilselo was a Daibist warrior. That Spring, he and Bilselo were married.

Bot died from an illness during the Summer of 627. In Aitsasho, she was 97 years old.

Bilselo gave birth to Nombi's daughter Ine Thir in Fugrolsa during the Spring of 628. His daughter was a Daibist farmer.

During the Winter of 628, Bilselo gave birth to Nombi's son Tsepan Thir. Nombi's son was a Daibist farmer.

Dugriata died from an illness during the Autumn of 629. As a result, Tink's and her relationship ended. She was 86 years old. Next Autumn, Braby's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Stekiatse's and Edroude's relationship ended. Braby's daughter was 76 years old in Nkepu.

During the Summer of 631, Tsaisouple died from an illness. They were 86 years old in Krirat.

During the Spring of 632, Fleksembou died from an illness. She was 10 years old in Obdab. In Kenkase that Summer, a boy named Shonga Painge was born. He was a Gekist criminal. A man named Koukmango Shas and Pteksaby adopted him.

Shonga converted to Gekism during the Winter of 632. Then, Braby's son died from an illness. Braby's son was 79 years old in Nkepu. In Kenkase that Spring, a boy named Lag Painge was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Koukmango and Pteksaby adopted him. Lag converted to it that Summer.

During the Autumn of 634, Lenkailai's son died from an illness. As a result, Udotza's and Drintaibra's relationship ended. Lenkailai's son was 75 years old in Obdab.

During the Winter of 634, Soukreby died from an illness. She was 107 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Autumn of 637, Likmidai's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 161 years old in Obdab.

During the Winter of 637, Bainkaib died from an illness. Xe was 169 years old in Fugrolsa. That Spring, Lavibre's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 174 years old.

Shezepa died from an illness during the Spring of 652. She was 96 years old.

In Krirat during the Summer of 655, a man named Segra Pedsa and Koudsi were married. He was a Ogsist farmer.

Lenkailai's son died from an illness during the Autumn of 659. In Nkepu, his son was 99 years old.

An enby named Nanke Painge was born in Obdab during the Spring of 663. Ey was a Gekist warrior. Elia and a woman named Bousur Shas adopted em. Then, ey converted to Ogsism.

Etsiax died from an illness during the Spring of 665. In Fugrolsa, he was 90 years old.

A man named Waneshe Ribaidi and Ibsinko were married in Aitsasho during the Spring of 670. He was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Bainzaple's and her relationship ended.

During the Spring of 673, Tsias died from an illness. As a result, his and Udotza's relationship ended. He was 90 years old in Nkepu.

During the Summer of 675, Riab became Laird of Nkepu. Ibsinko died from an illness next Summer. As a result, Waneshe's and her relationship ended, and an enby named Sheshe Shas became Laird of Aitsasho. In Aitsasho, she was 174 years old. She was a Lady of Aitsasho for 89 years.

Nombi died from an illness during the Summer of 678. In Fugrolsa, he was 86 years old.

Shemzezi died from an illness during the Autumn of 680. In Aitsasho, she was 78 years old.

Koudsi died from an illness during the Winter of 683. In Krirat, she was 111 years old.

Miaple died from an illness during the Summer of 685. In Kraikoust, xe was 127 years old.

Riab died from an illness during the Winter of 688. In Nkepu, ze was 92 years old. Ze was a Laird of Nkepu for 13 years. A boy named Wutosh Painge was born in Ptiksaint Thrink next Winter. He was a Gekist King of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lord of Kenkase, Lord of Krirat and merchant. Lag and a woman named Tsoubdegrou Thribroble adopted him. That Spring, Wutosh converted to Gekism.

Eshia died from an illness during the Autumn of 690. In Fugrolsa, he was 99 years old.

Lag and a woman named Tsox Houthiank were married in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 702. She was a Gekist criminal.

During the Summer of 703, a girl named Podre Painge was born. She was a Gekist merchant. Lag and Tsox adopted her. Then, Podre converted to Gekism.

Klonats died from an illness during the Winter of 704. In Obdab, he was 84 years old.

Pteksaby died from an illness during the Summer of 705. In Kenkase, she was 189 years old.

Nanke converted to Gekism during the Spring of 710.

During the Summer of 713, Lag died from an illness. As a result, his and Tsox's relationship ended. He was 80 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

During the Spring of 723, Wutosh became King of Ptiksaint Thrink, when Tsoubdegrou died from an illness. Then, he became Lord of Kenkase, when she died from an illness. Then, he became Lord of Krirat, when she died from an illness.

Shonga died from an illness during the Spring of 730. In Kenkase, he was 98 years old.

A girl named Denkedia Painge was born in Obdab during the Spring of 739. She was a Ogsist merchant. A man named Pontin Pedsa and Sobzets adopted her. That Summer, Denkedia converted to Ogsism.

Sobzets died from an illness during the Spring of 742. She was 129 years old.

During the Winter of 750, a man named Gangup Utzounk rebelled against Wutosh. Gangup was a Ogsist merchant. As a result, Gangup was executed in Krirat.

During the Spring of 770, Wutosh died from an illness. He was 80 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. He was a King of Ptiksaint Thrink for 47 years. He was a Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink for 47 years. He was a Lord of Kenkase for 47 years. He was a Lord of Krirat for 47 years.

During the Spring of 783, Podre died from an illness. She was 80 years old.

Nanke died from an illness during the Summer of 786. In Aitsasho, ey was 123 years old.

Elia died from an illness during the Spring of 789. In Obdab, he was 194 years old.

Denkedia died from an illness during the Spring of 816. She was 77 years old.