Lives of the Azar

The Shas

Abridged Biography

The Shas is a family.

Unabridged Biography

The Shas is a family. A girl named Weziro Shas was born in Fugrolsa during the Spring of 101. She was a blacksmith.

During the Autumn of 121, a girl named Rustouble Shas was born. She was a Gekist blacksmith. A woman named Klaigrig Poshou and Weziro adopted her.

A girl named Ounobdai Shas was born during the Spring of 123. She was a farmer and murderer. Klaigrig and Weziro adopted her. Then, they were married. Klaigrig was a Gekist farmer. As a result, her and Joubduldou's relationship ended.

A man named Nkady Wazo and Ounobdai were married in Krirat during the Autumn of 142. He was a blacksmith. That Spring, she gave birth to his daughter Threshapi Shas. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

Ounobdai gave birth to Nkady's daughter Stobongi Shas during the Winter of 143. His daughter was a blacksmith.

During the Autumn of 144, Ounobdai gave birth to Nkady's son Ngeg Shas. Nkady's son was a farmer. Rustouble gave birth to Iamzots' son Riple Shas next Autumn. Iamzots' son was a Gekist farmer. A man named Iamzots Ishob was a warrior.

During the Summer of 146, Ounobdai gave birth to Iamzots' son Bildedso Shas. Iamzots' son was a warrior.

Rustouble and Iamzots were married during the Autumn of 146. As a result, his and Tselati's relationship ended; his and Ounobdai's relationship ended; he angered Ounobdai; and 11 years later, Ounobdai would murder him. Ounobdai gave birth to his son Brainketze Shas that Spring. Iamzots' son was a farmer. Then, Rustouble gave birth to Iamzots' daughter Hupsatse Shas. His daughter was a Gekist blacksmith.

Ounobdai murdered Iamzots during the Summer of 157, because Rustouble and he were married 11 years earlier. He was 39 years old.

In Kenkase during the Winter of 158, a man named Bregai Ngenziago and Rustouble were married. He was a Gekist poet. Ounobdai gave birth to Klulsai's son Estenoud Bapsis in Krirat next Winter. Klulsai's son was a farmer. An enby named Klulsai Bapsis was a criminal and murderer.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 160, Rustouble gave birth to Bregai's child Nkonk Shas. His child was a Gekist poet.

Iamzots' son converted to Gekism during the Summer of 162. In Nkepu next Summer, a man named Drosu Wial and Nkady's daughter were married. Drosu was a farmer.

Nkady's daughter gave birth to Drosu's son Mbizombe Shas in Krirat during the Winter of 163. Drosu's son was a Ogsist blacksmith.

During the Autumn of 164, a man named Zaibsai Wial and Nkady's daughter were married. Zaibsai was a farmer. As a result, Bonke's and Zaibsai's relationship ended. Then, a girl named Jibib Shas was born. Jibib was a Gekist farmer. They adopted Jibib.

Nkady's daughter gave birth to Drosu's daughter Gosashai Shas in Nkepu during the Summer of 165.

In Krirat during the Spring of 166, a boy named Enkegsount Shas was born. He was a farmer. Zaibsai and Nkady's daughter adopted him. Then, Weziro and a woman named Wunk Thob were married. Wunk was a warrior.

Nkady's daughter gave birth to Drosu's daughter Meba Shas in Nkepu during the Winter of 166. Drosu's daughter was a criminal. In Krirat that Spring, Ounobdai murdered a man named Flokiz Ribaidi. He was a criminal. As a result, Ronk's and his relationship ended, and Ounobdai angered a woman named Goupsa Athopsu. He was 43 years old.

Drosu's daughter died from The Laughing Plague during the Spring of 169. In Nkepu, his daughter was 4 years old. Then, Nkady's daughter died from it. As a result, Drosu's and Stobongi's relationship ended. Nkady's daughter was 25 years old.

Nkady's son died from an illness during the Autumn of 169. In Krirat, his son was 25 years old.

A man named Sek Ptat and Ounobdai were married during the Winter of 170. He was a blacksmith. As a result, her and Shamaimzia's relationship ended, and her and Klulsai's relationship ended. That Spring, a girl named Utsepsa Shas was born. Utsepsa was a farmer. Sek and Ounobdai adopted Utsepsa.

Rustouble converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 171.

During the Winter of 171, Bregai's child converted to Gekism. A girl named Mbalan Shas was born in Kenkase next Winter. She was a Gekist farmer. A man named Shiapamze Thir and Iamzots' son adopted her. That Spring, Iamzots' daughter converted to it.

A girl named Gumbir Shas was born during the Autumn of 173. She was a Gekist farmer. Shiapamze and Iamzots' son adopted her. That Spring, Rustouble and a man named Kalasou Etsi were married. He was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Rustouble's and Shiapamze's relationship ended. Then, in Krirat, Iamzots' son and a woman named Tselati Ptat were married. She was a merchant.

Mbalan converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 175. In Kenkase next Autumn, a boy named Agantip Shas was born. He was a Gekist. Shiapamze and Iamzots' son adopted him. Then, Agantip converted to it.

Gumbir converted to Gekism during the Winter of 176.

In Krirat during the Winter of 178, Ounobdai murdered a woman named Feldour Wial, because Feldour rejected Ounobdai 8 years earlier. Feldour was a farmer. As a result, Klulsai's and Feldour's relationship ended, and Ounobdai angered a man named Shoti Wial. Feldour was 38 years old.

Agantip died from The Yellow Plague during the Spring of 182. In Aitsasho, he was 6 years old.

Nkady's daughter and a man named Grana Ptat were married in Kenkase during the Spring of 184. Grana was a Gekist farmer.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 184, a woman named Dronang Painge gave birth to Bildedso's daughter Soulsatai Shas. Dronang was a farmer.

Dronang gave birth to Bildedso's son Onzodsank Shas during the Summer of 185. Bildedso's son was a Ogsist warrior.

During the Spring of 187, Jibib converted to Gekism. Iamzots' son and a man named Throst Embo were married in Kenkase that Summer. Throst was a Gekist poet. Then, Nkady's daughter converted to it.

A girl named Nkesekra Shas was born in Krirat during the Autumn of 187. She was a Ogsist merchant. A man named Droutsa Keble and Enkegsount adopted her.

During the Summer of 189, Droutsa and Enkegsount were married. Droutsa was a merchant and murderer. As a result, Tsaish's and Droutsa's relationship ended.

Dronang gave birth to Bildedso's daughter Steloushe Shas during the Autumn of 189. His daughter was a poet.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 190, Jibib and a man named Kiar Fegse were married. He was a Gekist blacksmith.

Iamzots' son and a man named Lobembe Keble were married in Krirat during the Autumn of 190. Lobembe was a farmer. Then, Weziro died from The Creeping Plague. She was 90 years old. Then, in Kenkase, Jibib gave birth to Kiar's daughter Ngenk Shas. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. Then, Ounobdai died from it. She was 68 years old in Krirat. Then, Iamzots' son died from it. As a result, Bildedso's and Dronang's relationship ended. Iamzots' son was 44 years old. Then, Bildedso's daughter died from it. His daughter was 6 years old. Then, Iamzots' son died from it. As a result, Brainketze's and Lobembe's relationship ended. Iamzots' son was 44 years old. Kiar's daughter converted to Gekism that Spring. In Kenkase that Summer, Jibib gave birth to his son Drunk Shas. Kiar's son was a Gekist farmer. Then, Kiar's son converted to Gekism. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Geld Shas was born. Geld was a farmer. Droutsa and Enkegsount adopted Geld.

A girl named Braita Shas was born in Kenkase during the Winter of 192. She was a Gekist farmer. Bregai's child and a woman named Asheto Mboushou adopted her. Then, Braita converted to Gekism.

A girl named Aldithrar Shas was born during the Autumn of 193. She was a Gekist poet and murderer. Bregai's child and Asheto adopted her. Then, Aldithrar converted to Gekism. Then, in Krirat, a boy named Mint Shas was born. Mint was a merchant. Droutsa and Enkegsount adopted Mint.

An enby named Shog Shas was born in Kenkase during the Spring of 195. Ne was a Gekist criminal. Bregai's child and Asheto adopted nem. Then, ne converted to Gekism.

A girl named Fambelo Shas was born during the Winter of 195. She was a Gekist criminal. Bregai's child and Asheto adopted her. Then, Fambelo converted to Gekism. A woman named Etheka Omunk gave birth to Nkonk's son Aberiaz Shas that Spring. Nkonk's son was a Gekist warrior. Etheka was a Gekist warrior. Then, Nkonk's son converted to it. Then, in Aitsasho, a boy named Jalo Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. A man named Zakmalda Mepeg and Gumbir adopted him.

Zakmalda and Gumbir were married during the Summer of 197. He was a farmer. As a result, Mbalan's and his relationship ended.

During the Summer of 201, Bregai's child died from an illness. As a result, Nkonk's and Tsiapaishou's relationship ended. His child was 41 years old in Kenkase.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 204, Utsepsa gave birth to Mbozom's son San Ptat. Mbozom's son was a Ogsist merchant. A man named Mbozom Ptat was a Ogsist merchant. Drosu's daughter gave birth to Zepami's daughter Tsotast Shas in Nkepu next Autumn. Zepami's daughter was a merchant. A man named Zepami Driadan was a merchant.

During the Summer of 206, a woman named Touny Kraine gave birth to Mbizombe's daughter Tsiniad Shas. His daughter was a criminal. Touny was a criminal.

Utsepsa and Mbozom were married in Krirat during the Winter of 206. As a result, Diamzatou's and his relationship ended. Then, in Nkepu, Touny gave birth to Mbizombe's daughter Athrid Shas. Mbizombe's daughter was a criminal.

Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's daughter Labu Shas in Krirat during the Spring of 208. His daughter was a merchant. He was a farmer.

During the Autumn of 208, a man named Koukmounk Painge and Nkesekra were married.

Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's son Pukmop Shas during the Winter of 208. Koukmounk's son was a farmer.

During the Summer of 210, Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's child Fil Shas. His child was a farmer. Then, in Aitsasho, Mbalan gave birth to Ouro's child Bamiadsai Doubzoumb. A man named Ouro Doubzoumb was a warrior.

Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's son Floulzai Shas in Krirat during the Winter of 211. Koukmounk's son was a farmer.

During the Summer of 212, Drosu's son and a woman named Kebre Ptat were married. She was a Ogsist farmer.

A boy named Iatzobe Shas was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 212. He was a Gekist farmer. An enby named Taz Embo and Kiar's daughter adopted him. Then, in Krirat, Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's daughter Ezeny Shas. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer.

Iatzobe converted to Gekism during the Winter of 212. Then, a boy named Shiabu Shas was born. Shiabu was a Ogsist merchant. Drosu's son and Kebre adopted Shiabu. Then, in Aitsasho, a boy named Omboup Shas was born. He was a farmer. A man named Ome Doubzoumb and Gumbir adopted him. Ome and Gumbir were married that Spring. He was a Gekist farmer. In Krirat that Summer, Nkesekra gave birth to Koukmounk's daughter Grimbeme Shas. Koukmounk's daughter was a Ogsist merchant.

A girl named Tsoutsaiste Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 213. She was a Gekist. Ome and Gumbir adopted her. In Kenkase next Autumn, a girl named Thakro Shas was born. She was a Gekist criminal. A woman named Maze Ketsountai and Shog adopted her.

Thakro converted to Gekism during the Winter of 214.

During the Spring of 216, a girl named Zint Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Maze and Shog adopted her.

Tsoutsaiste converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 216.

During the Winter of 216, Zint converted to Gekism. Rustouble died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Rustouble's and Kalasou's relationship ended. Rustouble was 95 years old.

During the Autumn of 217, a girl named Ibzo Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Maze and Shog adopted her.

Ibzo converted to Gekism during the Winter of 217.

In Nkepu during the Spring of 221, a girl named Pabsavi Shas was born. She was a farmer. Drosu's daughter and Zepami adopted her. Tsoutsaiste died from The Kindly Plague that Summer. In Aitsasho, Tsoutsaiste was 8 years old. Then, Mbalan died from it. She was 49 years old.

A man named Inkaithreple Koumbunkia and Bildedso's daughter were married in Krirat during the Autumn of 221. Inkaithreple was a Gekist merchant. Then, a woman named Obdir Tsevavia and Enkegsount were married. She was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Mbozom's and her relationship ended, and Dronang's and Enkegsount's relationship ended. Jalo converted to Gekism that Spring. That Summer, Bildedso's daughter gave birth to Inkaithreple's daughter Jaipsam Shas. Inkaithreple's daughter was a Ogsist poet.

Iamzots' son and a man named Usho Etsepsa were married in Kenkase during the Winter of 222. Usho was a Gekist criminal. In Krirat that Spring, a girl named Bazou Shas was born. She was a Ogsist merchant. A woman named Shad Gril and Mint adopted her. Then, Bildedso's daughter gave birth to Inkaithreple's daughter Bozikmi Shas.

Aldithrar murdered a woman named Nked Omunk in Kenkase during the Winter of 223, because Nked rejected Aldithrar 7 years earlier. Nked was a Gekist warrior. Nked was 29 years old. In Krirat that Spring, Bildedso's daughter gave birth to Inkaithreple's daughter Zuny Shas.

A boy named Ngebrenkou Shas was born during the Autumn of 224. He was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Drepsi Shosh and Bildedso's son adopted him. Then, Bildedso's daughter gave birth to Inkaithreple's daughter Labdiambo Shas. A girl named Biasha Shas was born in Aitsasho that Spring. She was a Gekist farmer. A man named Aitha Rentosa and Gumbir adopted her. In Krirat that Summer, a girl named Klakrets Shas was born. Drepsi and Bildedso's son adopted her.

A girl named Nkiz Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Winter of 225. Aitha and Gumbir adopted her.

During the Autumn of 226, a boy named Abil Shas was born. Aitha and Gumbir adopted him. Then, they were married. Aitha was a Gekist farmer. A girl named Thatosho Shas was born that Spring. Thatosho was a Gekist farmer. Ome and Gumbir adopted Thatosho. That Summer, a girl named Emim Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Aitha and Gumbir adopted her.

Kiar's daughter gave birth to Daimitsa's son Gont Shas in Kenkase during the Winter of 227. Daimitsa's son was a Gekist. A man named Daimitsa Shaikrial was a Gekist farmer. Then, Daimitsa's son converted to Gekism.

Daimitsa and Kiar's daughter were married during the Autumn of 228. As a result, Jothaza's and Ngenk's relationship ended. That Spring, Braita gave birth to Renkezou's child Minkomb Omunk. Renkezou's child was a Gekist farmer. An enby named Renkezou Omunk was a Gekist farmer. Then, a girl named Rinzi Shas was born. She was a Gekist. An enby named Kraima Shaikrial and Iamzots' daughter adopted her. She converted to Gekism that Summer.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 229, Geld gave birth to Napsiank's child Iakasin Shas. He was a farmer. Mbizombe's daughter gave birth to Griambaild's son Natsebdo Shas next Autumn. A man named Griambaild Legren was a merchant.

During the Winter of 230, Koukmounk's daughter gave birth to Pud's son Brapi Shas. A man named Pud Wial was a poet. Then, Geld and a man named Napsiank Kraine were married.

Mbizombe's daughter gave birth to Griambaild's daughter Flan Shas during the Summer of 231. Then, Mbizombe's daughter gave birth to Stakengi's son Thretsaina Shas. A man named Stakengi Shosh was a merchant. Then, a boy named Bodsa Shas was born. He was a Ogsist merchant. Inkaithreple and Bildedso's daughter adopted him.

Geld gave birth to Napsiank's son Boug Shas during the Winter of 231. That Spring, a girl named Zozo Shas was born. Zozo was a Ogsist warrior. Inkaithreple and Bildedso's daughter adopted Zozo. A boy named Soniamze Shas was born in Kenkase that Summer. He was a Gekist. Daimitsa and Kiar's daughter adopted him.

During the Autumn of 232, Soniamze converted to Gekism. Then, an enby named Touzap Tsevavia and Nkady's daughter were married. Touzap was a Gekist mystic. As a result, Duziar's and Touzap's relationship ended.

Braita gave birth to Renkezou's child Oksu Omunk during the Winter of 232. Renkezou's child was a Gekist. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Toune Shas was born. Bildedso's daughter and a woman named Lilsede Adoum adopted Toune. They were married that Spring. Lilsede was a Lady of Obdab, Vassal of Kenkase, Vassal of Krirat and farmer.

In Obdab during the Winter of 233, Zepami's daughter gave birth to Iatsuthria's son Has Shas. Iatsuthria's son was a farmer. A man named Iatsuthria Mboushou was a merchant.

Drosu's son converted to Gekism during the Summer of 234. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Oubzegses Shas was born. Bildedso's daughter and Lilsede adopted her.

Zepami's daughter gave birth to Iatsuthria's son Shosomu Shas in Obdab during the Autumn of 234. Iatsuthria's son was a merchant. In Krirat that Spring, a girl named Jiny Shas was born. Inkaithreple and Bildedso's daughter adopted her. A girl named Ngeny Shas was born in Kenkase that Summer. Ngeny was a Gekist. Daimitsa and Kiar's daughter adopted Ngeny. Then, Ngeny converted to Gekism. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Houge Shas was born. A woman named Ekrenkild Adoum and Koukmounk's child adopted Houge.

A girl named Butzabe Shas was born during the Spring of 236. She was a Ogsist farmer. Ekrenkild and Koukmounk's child adopted her. That Summer, his daughter and a man named Ilzibo Bapsis were married. Ilzibo was a warrior.

Kiar's son and a man named Ekmotsal Ketsountai were married in Kenkase during the Autumn of 236. Ekmotsal was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Ekmotsal's and Gab's relationship ended. Then, in Krirat, Koukmounk's daughter gave birth to Ilzibo's son Dreshu Shas.

Ilzibo's son died from The Dark Plague during the Winter of 236. His son was 3 months old. Then, Jiny died from it. She was 2 years old. Then, Inkaithreple's daughter died from it. Inkaithreple's daughter was 12 years old. Then, Houge died from it. Houge was 2 years old. Then, Mbizombe's daughter died from it. As a result, Stakengi's and Tsiniad's relationship ended. Mbizombe's daughter was 31 years old. Then, Napsiank's son died from it. His son was 5 years old. Then, Pud's son died from it. Pud's son was 6 years old. Then, Utsepsa died from it. Utsepsa was 66 years old. Then, Shog died from it. Ne was 42 years old in Kenkase. Then, Inkaithreple's daughter died from it. His daughter was 14 years old in Krirat. Then, Soniamze died from it. Soniamze was 4 years old in Kenkase. Then, Ngeny died from it. She was 2 years old. Then, Iatzobe died from it. He was 24 years old. Then, Griambaild's son died from it. Griambaild's son was 6 years old in Krirat. Then, Stakengi's son died from it. His son was 5 years old. Then, Mbizombe's daughter died from it. Mbizombe's daughter was 30 years old. Then, Bildedso's daughter died from it. As a result, Steloushe's and Lilsede's relationship ended. His daughter was 47 years old. Then, Ibzo died from it. She was 19 years old in Kenkase. Then, Oubzegses died from it. Oubzegses was 2 years old in Krirat. Then, Koukmounk's child died from it. Koukmounk's child was 26 years old. Then, Inkaithreple's daughter died from it. His daughter was 13 years old. Then, Iamzots' daughter died from it. Iamzots' daughter was 90 years old in Kenkase. Then, Koukmounk's son died from it. His son was 28 years old in Krirat. Then, Aldithrar died from it. She was 43 years old in Kenkase. Then, Geld died from it. Geld was 45 years old in Krirat. Then, Enkegsount died from it. Enkegsount was 71 years old. Then, Nkady's daughter died from it. As a result, Touzap's and Threshapi's relationship ended. His daughter was 94 years old in Kenkase. Then, Kiar's daughter died from it. As a result, Daimitsa's and Ngenk's relationship ended. Kiar's daughter was 46 years old. Then, Daimitsa's son died from it. His son was 9 years old. Then, Rinzi died from it. She was 8 years old. Then, Toune died from it. Toune was 4 years old in Krirat. Then, Napsiank's child died from it. Napsiank's child was 7 years old. Then, Braita died from it. As a result, her and Renkezou's relationship ended. She was 44 years old in Kenkase. Then, Griambaild's daughter died from it. His daughter was 6 years old in Krirat. Then, Abil died from it. Abil was 10 years old in Aitsasho. Then, Klakrets died from it. Klakrets was 12 years old in Krirat. Then, Kiar's son died from it. His son was 46 years old in Kenkase. Then, Nkonk's son died from it. Their son was 41 years old. Then, Koukmounk's daughter died from it. As a result, Pud's and Labu's relationship ended. Koukmounk's daughter was 29 years old in Krirat. Then, Zint died from it. Zint was 21 years old in Kenkase. Then, Omboup died from it. As a result, his and Eshob's relationship ended. He was 24 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Summer of 237, a woman named Eshob Mepeg gave birth to Jalo's daughter Ilak Shas. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. Eshob was a Gekist farmer. Then, in Krirat, Koukmounk's daughter gave birth to Ilzibo's daughter Webrais Shas. Ilzibo's daughter was a Ogsist warrior.

Eshob and Jalo were married in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 237. Then, in Krirat, a woman named Tselo Ptat and Mint were married. Tselo was a Ogsist criminal. As a result, Tselo's and Mbozom's relationship ended.

Koukmounk's son died from an illness during the Winter of 237. His son was 26 years old. Then, Nkiz died from an illness. She was 12 years old in Aitsasho.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 238, a girl named Ubsable Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Tselo and Mint adopted her. Jibib died from an illness that Spring. In Kenkase, she was 74 years old. A girl named Thretse Shas was born in Krirat next Spring. Thretse was a Ogsist poet. They adopted Thretse. That Summer, Jalo's daughter converted to Gekism.

A girl named Retzip Shas was born during the Winter of 240. She was a Ogsist criminal. Tselo and Mint adopted her.

In Nkepu during the Summer of 241, a man named Jair Bapsis and Drosu's daughter were married. Jair was a criminal.

A boy named Grep Shas was born during the Winter of 241. He was a Daibist criminal. Jair and Drosu's daughter adopted him.

During the Autumn of 242, Iamzots' son died from an illness. His son was 97 years old in Kenkase.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 244, a girl named Ngeshouk Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Tselo and Mint adopted her.

A boy named Tenang Shas was born in Obdab during the Winter of 245. Zepami's daughter and an enby named Gikse Mboushou adopted him.

During the Winter of 247, Biasha converted to Gekism.

Koukmounk's daughter converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 248. Next Autumn, Emim converted to it.

A boy named Soudy Shas was born in Krirat during the Winter of 249. He was a Ogsist blacksmith. Inkaithreple's daughter and a man named Krenkenze Ngeste adopted him.

During the Autumn of 250, a boy named Hek Shas was born. He was a Ogsist blacksmith. Inkaithreple's daughter and Krenkenze adopted him. Then, Grep converted to Ogsism.

Thatosho converted to Gekism during the Winter of 250. That Spring, Inkaithreple's daughter and Krenkenze were married. Krenkenze was a Ogsist blacksmith. A man named Des Ptat murdered Fambelo that Summer, because Fambelo rejected him 5 years earlier. He was a blacksmith and murderer. Fambelo was 56 years old. Then, Gumbir died from an illness. As a result, Aitha's and her relationship ended. She was 78 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Winter of 251, a man named Pebete Ptat and Biasha were married. He was a Gekist merchant. A boy named Hulzo Shas was born in Krirat that Spring. Hulzo was a Ogsist farmer. Inkaithreple's daughter and Krenkenze adopted Hulzo.

In Aitsasho during the Autumn of 252, a man named Klotzaibze Doubzoumb and Emim were married. He was a Gekist Lord of Aitsasho, Vassal of Kenkase and farmer.

Biasha gave birth to Pebete's son Kriab Shas during the Winter of 252. Pebete's son was a Gekist merchant. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Tomast Shas was born. Tomast was a Ogsist blacksmith. Inkaithreple's daughter and Krenkenze adopted Tomast. Drosu's daughter died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Meba's and Obia's relationship ended. In Nkepu, Drosu's daughter was 86 years old.

Biasha gave birth to Pebete's daughter Athrouk Shas in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 253. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. That Spring, Emim gave birth to Klotzaibze's daughter Senke Doubzoumb. Klotzaibze's daughter was a Gekist farmer.

Emim gave birth to Klotzaibze's daughter Odsianzi Doubzoumb during the Winter of 254. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 255, Butzabe gave birth to Vemzent's son Gramb Shas. Vemzent's son was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Vemzent Pedsa was a Ogsist farmer. Then, in Aitsasho, Emim gave birth to Klotzaibze's daughter Jugolou Doubzoumb. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

Soudy converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 255.

In Krirat during the Summer of 256, Butzabe gave birth to Vemzent's daughter Sepsamzo Shas. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, in Aitsasho, Emim gave birth to Klotzaibze's daughter Tsozes Doubzoumb. Klotzaibze's daughter was a Gekist farmer. Then, Thretse converted to Gekism.

Shiabu and a woman named Tsounaig Pedsa were married in Krirat during the Spring of 257. She was a Ogsist criminal. Then, Ilzibo's daughter converted to Gekism.

Iatsuthria's son died from The Dark Plague during the Winter of 258. In Obdab, his son was 24 years old. Then, Jalo's daughter died from it. Jalo's daughter was 21 years old in Aitsasho. Then, Iatsuthria's son died from it. His son was 25 years old in Obdab. Then, Pabsavi died from it. She was 38 years old. Then, Tenang died from it. Tenang was 13 years old.

Vemzent's son converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 260.

During the Winter of 260, Ngebrenkou converted to Ogsism. Then, in Krirat, Mint and Ilzibo's daughter were married.

A girl named Klin Shas was born during the Summer of 261. She was a Ogsist merchant. Mint and Ilzibo's daughter adopted her.

During the Winter of 261, Pebete's son converted to Gekism. Kebre and Drosu's son were married that Spring. Next Spring, Klin converted to Ogsism.

Hek converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 263.

During the Spring of 265, Pebete's daughter converted to Gekism. Then, Ubsable converted to Ogsism.

Drosu's son converted to Ogsism during the Summer of 266.

During the Spring of 267, an enby named Toubsa Shas was born. Xe was a Ogsist farmer. An enby named Houmbotsai Ptat and Ngebrenkou adopted xem. Xe converted to Ogsism that Summer.

In Kenkase during the Autumn of 267, Thakro and a man named Thraibzumb Doubzoumb were married. He was a Gekist farmer. Then, Inkaithreple's daughter converted to Gekism. Nkesekra and a man named Ranzout Adoum were married in Krirat next Autumn. He was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Summer of 269, Retzip converted to Ogsism.

Bodsa converted to Ogsism during the Spring of 270. Then, Tomast converted to it. Ngeshouk converted to it that Summer. Next Summer, Vemzent's daughter converted to Gekism. Then, Vemzent's daughter converted to Ogsism.

Bildedso's son converted to Ogsism during the Spring of 272. Then, Houmbotsai and Ngebrenkou were married. Ve was a Ogsist merchant. Then, Mint died from an illness. As a result, his and Webrais' relationship ended. He was 78 years old. A boy named Ouseth Shas was born that Summer. Ouseth was a Ogsist farmer. They adopted Ouseth. Then, Retzip gave birth to Ero's daughter Atzegrish Shas. His daughter was a Ogsist criminal. He was a Ogsist farmer.

A boy named Bepapi Shas was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 272. He was a Gekist warrior. Thakro and a man named Kapanke Omunk adopted him. Then, in Krirat, a man named Ero Shosh and Retzip were married.

Bepapi converted to Gekism during the Winter of 272.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 273, Thakro and Kapanke were married. He was a Gekist warrior.

A boy named Etzedoug Shas was born during the Spring of 274. He was a Gekist criminal. Thakro and Kapanke adopted him. That Summer, Retzip converted to Gekism.

Etzedoug converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 274. Then, in Krirat, Retzip gave birth to Ero's daughter Sego Shas. Ero's daughter was a Ogsist criminal.

Butzabe converted to Gekism during the Winter of 274. Then, Ero's daughter converted to it.

Retzip gave birth to Ero's daughter Oushold Shas during the Summer of 275. His daughter was a Ogsist criminal. Then, his daughter converted to Ogsism.

Inkaithreple's daughter converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 275. Then, Koukmounk's daughter converted to it.

Ouseth converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 275. That Spring, Bazou converted to it. Then, Ilzibo's daughter converted to it.

Hulzo converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 276. Then, Ilzibo's daughter and a man named Mbal Pedsa were married. Mbal was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Ezeny's and Mbal's relationship ended. Nkesekra converted to it that Spring. That Summer, Shiabu converted to it. Then, a boy named Bemb Shas was born. Bemb was a Ogsist farmer. An enby named Flem Kedrai and Koukmounk's daughter adopted Bemb.

Ero's daughter converted to Gekism during the Winter of 277. Then, Inkaithreple's daughter and Ubsable were married. A girl named Tongi Shas was born that Spring. Tongi was a Ogsist criminal. Ilzibo's daughter and Mbal adopted Tongi. In Aitsasho that Summer, a woman named Aimbem Ketsountai and Thatosho were married. Aimbem was a Gekist farmer. Then, a girl named Nkorekma Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. They adopted her.

Thretse converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 278. Then, in Krirat, Drosu's son and a woman named Throukou Ngazob were married. Throukou was a Ogsist farmer.

Ero's daughter converted to Gekism during the Winter of 278. In Aitsasho that Spring, a boy named Brigriab Shas was born. Brigriab was a Gekist farmer. Aimbem and Thatosho adopted Brigriab. Then, in Krirat, Koukmounk's daughter and a man named Soush Ptat were married. Soush was a Ogsist warrior. As a result, Geron's and Grimbeme's relationship ended.

A boy named Tid Shas was born during the Autumn of 279. He was a Gekist warrior. Ilzibo's daughter and Mbal adopted him. Then, Koukmounk's daughter converted to Gekism.

Bemb converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 279. Then, in Aitsasho, a girl named Tsupoud Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Aimbem and Thatosho adopted her. Brigriab converted to Gekism that Spring. In Krirat that Summer, a girl named Krainzo Shas was born. She was a Ogsist warrior. Ilzibo's daughter and Mbal adopted her. Then, Zepami's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 75 years old in Obdab. Then, Ero's daughter converted to Ogsism. Then, Tsupoud converted to Gekism.

Klin converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 280.

During the Winter of 280, Nkorekma converted to Gekism. Bazou died from an illness that Spring. In Krirat, Bazou was 58 years old. Krainzo converted to Ogsism that Summer.

During the Spring of 282, Zozo converted to Ogsism. Then, Butzabe converted to it.

Nkesekra converted to Gekism during the Summer of 283. Then, Tongi converted to Ogsism.

Koukmounk's daughter and a woman named Eksag Gril were married during the Autumn of 283. She was a Ogsist farmer. That Spring, Tomast converted to Gekism. Tid converted to Ogsism next Spring. Then, Tomast converted to Ogsism. Ero's daughter converted to it that Summer. Then, Retzip converted to it.

Hulzo converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 285.

During the Winter of 285, Nkesekra converted to Ogsism.

Thakro died from a sudden illness during the Autumn of 286. As a result, her and Thraibzumb's relationship ended, and her and Kapanke's relationship ended. In Kenkase, she was 72 years old. Then, Drosu's son converted to Gekism.

Drosu's son converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 286. That Spring, Ero's daughter converted to it. Koukmounk's daughter converted to it that Summer.

During the Autumn of 287, Klin converted to Ogsism.

Koukmounk's daughter converted to Ogsism during the Summer of 288.

During the Spring of 289, Hulzo converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Bikmoudrou Shas was born in Krirat during the Autumn of 290. He was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Kraira Gril and Vemzent's daughter adopted him. Then, a woman named Brad Pedsa gave birth to Klin's son Miak Shas. Klin's son was a Ogsist merchant. Brad was a Ogsist merchant.

Bikmoudrou converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 290. Then, a man named Tsetzi Pedsa and Tomast were married. Tsetzi was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Klin's son converted to it. Vemzent and Butzabe were married that Spring. As a result, Fas' and his relationship ended.

During the Autumn of 291, Kraira and Vemzent's daughter were married. Kraira was a Ogsist mystic. Then, Tomast gave birth to Tsetzi's son Stesh Pedsa. Tsetzi's son was a Ogsist blacksmith. Then, in Aitsasho, an enby named Flim Doubzoumb and Biasha were married. Flim was a Gekist blacksmith. A boy named Klam Shas was born in Krirat next Autumn. He was a Ogsist criminal. Vemzent and Butzabe adopted him. That Spring, Klam converted to Ogsism. Then, Inkaithreple's daughter died from an illness. Inkaithreple's daughter was 71 years old. An enby named Bonk Shas was born that Summer. Bonk was a Ogsist poet. Thretse and Bodsa adopted Bonk. Then, Bonk converted to it. Then, a girl named Shiable Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Vemzent and Butzabe adopted her.

Shiable converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 293.

During the Winter of 293, a girl named Unuloumb Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Tsetzi and Tomast adopted her. Then, Unuloumb converted to Ogsism.

A girl named Tsuso Shas was born during the Spring of 295. She was a Ogsist farmer. Kraira and Vemzent's daughter adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism.

A girl named Lubsa Shas was born during the Summer of 297. She was a Ogsist merchant. Bodsa and Thretse adopted her.

During the Autumn of 297, Lubsa converted to Ogsism.

A woman named Lema Painge and Retzip were married during the Winter of 297. Lema was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Summer of 298, Ilzibo's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Webrais' and Mbal's relationship ended. Ilzibo's daughter was 61 years old.

A man named Pakmathe Doubzoumb and Nkorekma were married in Aitsasho during the Summer of 300. He was a Gekist farmer.

During the Winter of 300, Nkorekma gave birth to Pakmathe's son Tesible Doubzoumb. Pakmathe's son was a Gekist farmer.

Ero's daughter gave birth to Tailsast's son Oshinkal Shas in Krirat during the Autumn of 302. Tailsast's son was a Ogsist criminal. A man named Tailsast Pedsa was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Winter of 302, Tailsast's son converted to Ogsism. Tid converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, in Aitsasho, Nkorekma gave birth to Pakmathe's son Sero Doubzoumb. Pakmathe's son was a Gekist criminal.

Tailsast and Ero's daughter were married in Krirat during the Autumn of 303. As a result, Tailsast's and Kel's relationship ended.

During the Summer of 304, a man named Kriadel Painge and Ero's daughter were married. Kriadel was a Ogsist farmer.

A man named Etsiankig Etsepsa and Bepapi were married in Kenkase during the Autumn of 304. Etsiankig was a Gekist farmer.

In Aitsasho during the Summer of 305, Nkorekma gave birth to Pakmathe's son Nan Doubzoumb. Pakmathe's son was a Ogsist farmer.

Ero's daughter gave birth to Kriadel's child Zonkonou Shas in Krirat during the Autumn of 305. Kriadel's child was a Ogsist. Then, Kriadel's child converted to Ogsism. Koukmounk's daughter died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Grimbeme's and Soush's relationship ended. Koukmounk's daughter was 93 years old. Then, in Aitsasho, Nkorekma gave birth to Pakmathe's son Luzony Doubzoumb. Pakmathe's son was a Gekist merchant. Ero's daughter gave birth to Kriadel's daughter Riabzish Shas in Krirat that Summer. Kriadel's daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Kriadel's daughter converted to it.

Ero's daughter gave birth to Kriadel's son Agrenk Shas during the Spring of 307. Kriadel's son was a Ogsist. Then, Kriadel's son converted to Ogsism.

Vemzent's daughter and a man named Atso Driadan were married during the Autumn of 308. Atso was a Ogsist farmer. Then, in Kenkase, a boy named Dap Shas was born. He was a Gekist criminal. A man named Hotho Adoum and Etzedoug adopted him. Then, Bildedso's son died from an illness. His son was 123 years old in Krirat. Next Autumn, Dap converted to Gekism.

A boy named Ngem Shas was born in Kenkase during the Winter of 309. He was a Gekist warrior. Tid and Hotho adopted him. Then, Ngem converted to Gekism. Biasha died from an illness that Spring. In Aitsasho, she was 85 years old.

A boy named Rilai Shas was born during the Autumn of 311. He was a Gekist warrior. A man named Kregink Doubzoumb and Pebete's daughter adopted him.

During the Winter of 311, Rilai converted to Gekism.

Retzip died from an illness during the Summer of 314. In Krirat, she was 73 years old.

Tongi gave birth to Gomb's son Ptosh Shas during the Spring of 315. Gomb's son was a Ogsist. A woman named Gomb Pedsa was a Ogsist merchant. Then, Gomb's son converted to Ogsism. Koukmounk's daughter died from an illness that Summer. Koukmounk's daughter was 103 years old.

During the Autumn of 315, a boy named Besiste Shas was born. He was a Daibist criminal. Vemzent's son and Ero's daughter adopted him. Then, Besiste converted to Ogsism. They were married that Spring. Next Spring, an enby named Tsetzit Shas was born. Tsetzit was a Ogsist. Vemzent's son and Ero's daughter adopted Tsetzit. Then, Tsetzit converted to it. Grep converted to Daibism that Summer. Then, a woman named Fas Ptat and Shiabu were married. She was a Ogsist farmer. Then, a girl named Ostald Shas was born. Ostald was a Ogsist merchant. Fas and Shiabu adopted Ostald.

Ostald converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 317. That Spring, Mbozom and Ubsable were married.

A woman named Shisi Shaikrial gave birth to Tid's daughter Kebra Shas in Kenkase during the Autumn of 318. His daughter was a Gekist warrior. Shisi was a Gekist warrior. Then, his daughter converted to Gekism.

A man named Los Gril and Lubsa were married in Krirat during the Winter of 318. He was a Ogsist farmer.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 319, Shisi gave birth to Tid's son Kaikmin Shas. Tid's son was a Gekist farmer. Then, Grep died from an illness. He was 77 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Autumn of 319, Tid's son converted to Gekism. Then, Zozo died from an illness. She was 87 years old in Krirat.

During the Summer of 320, Ubsable died from The Black Plague. As a result, Mbozom's and her relationship ended. She was 82 years old. Then, Thretse died from it. Thretse was 80 years old. Then, Shiabu died from it. As a result, Fas' and Shiabu's relationship ended. Shiabu was 107 years old. Then, Ero's daughter died from it. As a result, Gramb's and Oushold's relationship ended. Ero's daughter was 45 years old. Then, Soudy died from it. He was 71 years old. Then, Gomb's son died from it. Her son was 5 years old. Then, Unuloumb died from it. Unuloumb was 27 years old. Then, Bemb died from it. Bemb was 43 years old. Then, Lubsa died from it. She was 23 years old. Then, Tomast died from it. As a result, Tsetzi's and Tomast's relationship ended. Tomast was 68 years old. Then, Kriadel's son died from it. Kriadel's son was 13 years old. Then, Tsetzit died from it. They were 3 years old. Then, Nkesekra died from it. She was 133 years old. Then, Drosu's son died from it. His son was 157 years old. Then, Ngebrenkou died from it. As a result, Houmbotsai's and Ngebrenkou's relationship ended. Ngebrenkou was 96 years old. Then, Bikmoudrou died from it. He was 30 years old. Then, Klin died from it. Klin was 59 years old. Then, Tailsast's son died from it. Tailsast's son was 18 years old. Then, Ero's daughter died from it. His daughter was 48 years old. Then, Kriadel's child died from it. Kriadel's child was 15 years old. Then, Ngeshouk died from it. She was 76 years old.

Hek died from an illness during the Spring of 321. He was 71 years old.

During the Winter of 321, Butzabe and Atso were married. A girl named Ounadsia Shas was born next Winter. Ounadsia was a Gekist farmer. They adopted Ounadsia. That Spring, Ounadsia converted to Ogsism. Thatosho died from an illness that Summer. In Aitsasho, Thatosho was 96 years old.

A woman named Ailou Monk gave birth to Miak's son Eneldiath Shas in Krirat during the Autumn of 325. Miak's son was a Ogsist. She was a Gekist farmer.

During the Summer of 326, Shiable and a man named Elaibru Painge were married. He was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Ailou gave birth to Miak's son Zad Shas. Miak's son was a Gekist merchant. Then, Miak's son converted to Ogsism.

Pebete's son died from an illness during the Autumn of 326. In Aitsasho, his son was 74 years old. Ailou gave birth to Miak's daughter Mobo Shas in Krirat that Spring. Miak's daughter was a Gekist merchant.

During the Autumn of 327, Miak's daughter converted to Ogsism. Then, his son converted to it. Pebete's daughter and a woman named Thresh Doubzoumb were married in Aitsasho that Spring. She was a Gekist criminal. As a result, Kregink's and Athrouk's relationship ended.

During the Spring of 331, Tsupoud converted to Ogsism. Then, Miak's son died from an illness. His son was 6 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 331, Butzabe died from an illness. As a result, her and Atso's relationship ended. She was 95 years old.

A woman named Jialza Pedsa gave birth to Toubsa's son Josteny Pedsa during the Spring of 334. Xyr son was a Ogsist farmer. She was a Ogsist criminal.

During the Spring of 336, Jialza and Toubsa were married. A girl named Tadse Shas was born that Summer. Tadse was a Ogsist criminal. Vemzent's daughter and Klin's son adopted Tadse. Then, Tadse converted to Ogsism.

Vemzent's daughter and Klin's son were married during the Autumn of 336. As a result, Miak's and Ailou's relationship ended.

During the Winter of 337, Jialza gave birth to Toubsa's daughter Drizony Pedsa. Xyr daughter was a Ogsist. Tid's daughter gave birth to Sero's son Oket Shas in Aitsasho next Winter. Sero's son was a Gekist warrior. Then, Sero's son converted to Gekism.

Jialza gave birth to Toubsa's daughter Iga Pedsa in Krirat during the Summer of 339. Xyr daughter was a Ogsist criminal.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 339, Nkorekma and a man named Ziant Sethrud were married. He was a Gekist criminal. As a result, Tid's and her relationship ended. Then, in Krirat, Bonk and a man named Grangag Etsepsa were married. He was a Ogsist merchant. Kriadel's daughter gave birth to Dozel's daughter Donk Shas that Spring. Dozel's daughter was a Ogsist warrior and murderer. A man named Dozel Kraine was a Ogsist warrior. Then, Dozel's daughter converted to Ogsism. Then, in Aitsasho, Pakmathe's son and Tid's daughter were married.

Kriadel's daughter gave birth to Dozel's son Dretsa Shas in Krirat during the Summer of 341. Dozel's son was a Ogsist warrior. Then, Kriadel's daughter and Dozel were married. As a result, Wambe's and Riabzish's relationship ended.

Etzedoug and a woman named Igaziny Thir were married in Kenkase during the Autumn of 341. She was a Gekist warrior. Then, Dozel's son converted to Ogsism. Then, in Krirat, a boy named Radekou Shas was born. He was a Ogsist criminal. Krainzo and Bonk adopted him. Then, Jialza gave birth to Toubsa's daughter Flimba Pedsa. Xyr daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, he converted to it.

Kriadel's daughter gave birth to Wambe's son Steshi Painge during the Winter of 341. Wambe's son was a Ogsist blacksmith. A man named Wambe Painge was a Ogsist criminal. That Spring, a girl named Grenga Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Bonk and a man named Eli Ptat adopted her. Kriadel's daughter gave birth to Dozel's daughter Bainouny Shas that Summer. Dozel's daughter was a Ogsist warrior. Then, a girl named Eloupse Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Krainzo and Bonk adopted her. Then, Jialza gave birth to Toubsa's daughter Roksou Pedsa. Xyr daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Grenga converted to Ogsism. Then, Dozel's daughter converted to it. Then, Eloupse converted to it.

Krainzo and Bonk were married during the Winter of 342. Then, Kriadel's daughter gave birth to Dozel's child Nkaidse Shas. Dozel's child was a Ogsist warrior. Then, Besiste converted to Daibism. A boy named Wat Shas was born that Spring. Wat was a Ogsist Lord of Krirat and poet. She and Bonk adopted Wat. Then, Wat converted to Ogsism. Dozel's child converted to Ogsism that Summer. Next Summer, a boy named Tiad Shas was born. He was a Ogsist blacksmith. Klam and a man named Ngas Monk adopted him. Then, Tiad converted to it.

Vemzent's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 344. As a result, Sepsamzo's and Miak's relationship ended. Vemzent's daughter was 88 years old.

During the Summer of 345, Klin's son died from an illness. Her son was 55 years old.

Toubsa died from an illness during the Winter of 346. As a result, Jialza's and xyr relationship ended. Xe was 80 years old. That Spring, Pebete's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Athrouk's and Thresh's relationship ended. His daughter was 94 years old in Aitsasho. Next Spring, Hulzo died from an illness. Hulzo was 96 years old in Krirat. Next Spring, Ero's daughter and an enby named Wiale Gril were married. Wiale was a Ogsist farmer.

Miak's daughter and an enby named Misope Ribaidi were married in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 350. Misope was a Gekist blacksmith. In Krirat that Spring, his daughter gave birth to Misope's daughter Analzaim Shas. Their daughter was a Gekist merchant. Then, Etzedoug died from an illness. Etzedoug was 77 years old in Kenkase. That Summer, their daughter converted to Ogsism.

Besiste died from a sudden illness during the Spring of 352. In Fugrolsa, he was 37 years old. A woman named Tsidy Painge and Miak's son were married in Kraikoust that Summer. She was a Gekist farmer. Then, in Krirat, she gave birth to Zad's son Rible Shas. Zad's son was a Gekist farmer. Then, Zad's son converted to Ogsism. Miak's daughter gave birth to Misope's daughter Stenk Shas next Summer. Misope's daughter was a Gekist merchant.

During the Autumn of 353, Misope's daughter converted to Ogsism.

Miak's daughter gave birth to Misope's child Noliana Shas in Kraikoust during the Winter of 354. Their child was a Gekist merchant. That Spring, their daughter converted to Gekism. Then, their child converted to it. A girl named Ngeg Shas was born in Aitsasho that Summer. She was a Gekist. Klotzaibze's daughter and Tid adopted her.

During the Autumn of 355, Ngeg converted to Gekism. Then, in Kraikoust, Miak's daughter gave birth to Misope's son Tsebdez Shas. Their son was a Gekist merchant.

Klotzaibze's daughter and Tid were married in Aitsasho during the Winter of 355. That Spring, Miak's daughter converted to Gekism. Then, a girl named Atsianu Shas was born. She was a Ogsist warrior. They adopted her. Ostald gave birth to Josteny's son Drenzaz Pedsa in Krirat that Summer. Josteny's son was a Ogsist merchant.

During the Autumn of 356, Atsianu converted to Gekism. Then, Zad's son converted to it.

Tsidy gave birth to Zad's child Stikebo Shas in Kraikoust during the Winter of 356. His child was a Gekist merchant. Then, Ngeg died from an illness. Ngeg was 2 years old in Aitsasho. That Spring, Bepapi died from an illness. As a result, Etsiankig's and Bepapi's relationship ended. Bepapi was 84 years old in Kenkase. That Summer, Misope's son converted to Gekism. Then, Zad's child converted to it.

Miak's son converted to Gekism during the Winter of 357. Then, Misope's daughter converted to it.

A girl named Eksiatsa Shas was born in Kraikoust during the Summer of 358. She was a Gekist farmer. Tsidy and Miak's son adopted her.

In Obdab during the Autumn of 358, Tsupoud and a man named Itou Ribaidi were married. He was a Ogsist warrior.

Eksiatsa converted to Gekism during the Winter of 358.

During the Spring of 362, Dap died from The Cruel Plague. He was 53 years old in Kenkase.

During the Winter of 363, Tsupoud died from an illness. As a result, her and Itou's relationship ended. She was 84 years old in Obdab.

During the Spring of 365, Klam died from an illness. As a result, his and Riabzish's relationship ended. He was 72 years old in Krirat. That Summer, Nkorekma died from an illness. As a result, Nkorekma's and Ziant's relationship ended. Nkorekma was 87 years old in Aitsasho.

In Krirat during the Winter of 366, Wat and Toubsa's daughter were married. Rilai and Emim were married in Aitsasho that Spring. As a result, Ziant's and her relationship ended.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 369, Tadse gave birth to Ouseth's daughter Sathouge Shas. His daughter was a Ogsist criminal.

Ouseth's daughter converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 369. That Spring, a girl named Bez Shas was born. She was a Ogsist warrior. Dozel's child and Shiable adopted her. Bez converted to it that Summer.

During the Spring of 371, Krainzo died from an illness. As a result, her and Bonk's relationship ended. She was 91 years old. A girl named Tsil Shas was born in Aitsasho that Summer. Tsil was a Gekist warrior. Ngem and Klotzaibze's daughter adopted Tsil.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 371, Ouseth and Tsuso were married. As a result, Tadse's and his relationship ended. Then, an enby named Klitilsu Shas was born. Klitilsu was a Ogsist. He and Tsuso adopted Klitilsu. Then, Klitilsu converted to Ogsism. Then, an enby named Brestigi Shas was born. Brestigi was a Ogsist farmer. Dozel's child and Shiable adopted Brestigi. Then, Wat and Toubsa's daughter were married. As a result, Roksou's and Wambe's relationship ended. Then, Brestigi converted to it.

Tsil converted to Gekism during the Winter of 371. In Aitsasho that Spring, a girl named Azedreble Shas was born. Azedreble was a Gekist farmer. Ngem and Klotzaibze's daughter adopted Azedreble. Azedreble converted to it that Summer.

During the Autumn of 372, Ngem and Klotzaibze's daughter were married.

A girl named Vamed Shas was born during the Winter of 372. She was a Gekist merchant and murderer. Ngem and Klotzaibze's daughter adopted her. Then, in Krirat, a boy named Gox Shas was born. He was a Ogsist warrior. Dozel's daughter and Wat adopted him. Then, Gox converted to Ogsism. A girl named Gez Shas was born that Spring. Gez was a Gekist warrior. Dozel's child and Shiable adopted Gez. Then, Gez converted to it.

A girl named Edipsu Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 373. She was a Gekist warrior. Ngem and Klotzaibze's daughter adopted her. That Spring, Vamed converted to Gekism. A girl named Shakmash Shas was born in Krirat that Summer. She was a Gekist poet. Dozel's daughter and Wat adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism. Then, Edipsu converted to Gekism. Then, Grenga and Wambe were married.

Tid died from an illness during the Autumn of 374. In Aitsasho, he was 95 years old. Then, Kregink and Emim were married. Kregink was a Gekist warrior.

Ero's daughter and an enby named Lebdab Painge were married during the Summer of 375. Lebdab was a Ogsist farmer.

In Krirat during the Spring of 376, Grenga gave birth to Wambe's son Lial Painge. Wambe's son was a Ogsist farmer. Dozel's daughter and Wat were married that Summer. Then, in Kraikoust, a boy named Tsedakra Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Zad's son and an enby named Shitsadre Shosh adopted him. Then, Tsedakra converted to Gekism.

A girl named Dougset Shas was born in Krirat during the Autumn of 376. She was a Ogsist farmer and murderer. Dozel's daughter and Wat adopted her.

During the Winter of 376, Dougset converted to Ogsism.

Zad's son and Shitsadre were married in Kraikoust during the Autumn of 377. Shitsadre was a Gekist farmer. Then, in Krirat, Grenga gave birth to Wambe's daughter Tsokment Painge. Wambe's daughter was a Gekist poet.

Grenga gave birth to Wambe's daughter Etse Painge during the Summer of 378. His daughter was a Ogsist blacksmith.

During the Autumn of 378, Shiable died from an illness. As a result, Nkaidse's and her relationship ended. She was 85 years old.

Atsianu gave birth to Rilai's daughter Ebdo Shas in Aitsasho during the Winter of 379. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. Then, Jalo died from an illness. Jalo was 184 years old. Rilai and Atsianu were married that Spring.

During the Autumn of 380, Atsianu gave birth to Rilai's son Natsia Shas. Rilai's son was a Gekist farmer.

Rilai's son converted to Gekism during the Summer of 381.

In Krirat during the Winter of 381, a boy named Thramzish Shas was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Dozel's daughter and Wat adopted him. Then, Thramzish converted to Ogsism. Rilai's daughter converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, in Aitsasho, Atsianu gave birth to Rilai's son Rin Shas. Rilai's son was a Gekist warrior. Then, Rilai's son converted to Gekism. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Lazuti Shas was born. Lazuti was a Ogsist farmer. An enby named Kloulut Etsepsa and Wat adopted Lazuti. Lazuti converted to Ogsism that Summer.

During the Spring of 383, Ero's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Sego's and Lebdab's relationship ended. His daughter was 108 years old. Ouseth died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Ouseth's and Nkek's relationship ended. Ouseth was 111 years old.

During the Autumn of 384, Klitilsu died from an illness. They were 13 years old.

Wat rebelled against a woman named Nkek Monk during the Winter of 384. She was a Ogsist Lady of Krirat, Vassal of Kenkase and criminal. As a result, she was executed, and he became Lord of Krirat. In Kraikoust that Spring, a girl named Tsenkelze Shas was born. Tsenkelze was a Gekist. A woman named Ligothre Ptat and Zad's child adopted Tsenkelze. Then, Tsenkelze converted to Gekism.

Pakmathe's son and Tsuso were married in Krirat during the Summer of 386.

During the Autumn of 386, Tsenkelze died from a sudden illness. She was 2 years old in Kraikoust. Then, in Krirat, a boy named Evonze Shas was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Pakmathe's son and Tsuso adopted him. Then, Evonze converted to Ogsism.

Ngem died from an illness during the Winter of 386. In Aitsasho, he was 77 years old. Ounadsia converted to Gekism that Spring. In Krirat that Summer, Wat was killed. As a result, Wat's and Flimba's relationship ended, and Donk's and Wat's relationship ended. Wat was 44 years old. Wat was a Lord of Krirat for 2 years.

A girl named Pepets Shas was born in Kraikoust during the Spring of 388. She was a Gekist. Ligothre and Zad's child adopted her. Then, Grenga died from an illness. As a result, her and Wambe's relationship ended. She was 46 years old in Krirat. That Summer, Bodsa died from an illness. He was 157 years old. Then, Pepets converted to Gekism.

Rilai's son converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 390.

During the Winter of 390, a girl named Taigsi Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Tsasakre Etsepsa and Eloupse adopted her. Taigsi converted to Ogsism that Spring. That Summer, a boy named Vialdeld Shas was born. Vialdeld was a Ogsist criminal. Ouseth's daughter and Brestigi adopted Vialdeld.

Vialdeld converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 391. Then, Tsuso died from an illness. She was 97 years old.

Tid's daughter died from an illness during the Winter of 391. As a result, Sero's and Kebra's relationship ended. In Aitsasho, Tid's daughter was 73 years old. A girl named Batsa Shas was born in Krirat that Spring. Batsa was a Ogsist farmer. Ouseth's daughter and Brestigi adopted Batsa. Then, Batsa converted to Ogsism.

Tsasakre and Eloupse were married during the Autumn of 392. He was a Ogsist mystic. As a result, Aista's and his relationship ended.

During the Winter of 392, Rilai's son converted to Gekism. A girl named Telzouts Shas was born that Spring. She was a Ogsist farmer. Tsasakre and Eloupse adopted her. Then, Telzouts converted to Ogsism. A boy named Drekmoure Shas was born that Summer. He was a Ogsist criminal. Toubsa's daughter and Radekou adopted him. Then, Drekmoure converted to Ogsism.

Bonk died from an illness during the Spring of 394. They were 101 years old.

During the Autumn of 394, a boy named Iapeb Shas was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Tsasakre and Eloupse adopted him.

Iapeb converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 394. Then, in Aitsasho, Edipsu gave birth to Shezai's son Fliak Pedsa. Shezai's son was a Gekist farmer and murderer. A man named Shezai Pedsa was a Gekist Lord of Aitsasho and farmer.

A boy named Aibsolob Shas was born during the Summer of 395. He was a Gekist warrior and murderer. Azedreble and Pakmathe's son adopted him.

During the Autumn of 395, Shezai and Edipsu were married.

Misope's son and a woman named Droush Etsepsa were married in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 395. She was a Gekist merchant.

During the Summer of 396, a boy named Flam Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Misope's son and Droush adopted him. Then, he converted to Gekism. A girl named Elzemant Shas was born in Krirat next Summer. Elzemant was a Ogsist criminal. A woman named Dak Painge and Ouseth's daughter adopted Elzemant. Then, a boy named Daike Shas was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Ouseth's daughter and Brestigi adopted him. Then, Elzemant converted to Ogsism. Then, Daike converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Gainy Shas was born during the Autumn of 397. He was a Ogsist farmer. Tsasakre and Eloupse adopted him. Then, Gainy converted to Ogsism. Rilai died from an illness that Spring. In Aitsasho, Rilai was 86 years old.

A girl named Fleple Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 398. She was a Gekist merchant. Misope's son and Droush adopted her.

In Krirat during the Winter of 398, a girl named Bote Shas was born. She was a Ogsist criminal and murderer. Dak and Ouseth's daughter adopted her. Then, Bote converted to Ogsism. Then, Aibsolob converted to Gekism. Fleple converted to Gekism that Spring. In Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer, a girl named Ista Shas was born. She was a Gekist merchant and murderer. Misope's son and Droush adopted her. Then, Ista converted to it. A girl named Goubru Shas was born in Krirat next Summer. Goubru was a Ogsist poet. Dak and Ouseth's daughter adopted Goubru. Then, Goubru converted to Ogsism.

Eksiatsa died from The Coughing Plague during the Autumn of 400. In Kraikoust, she was 42 years old.

Zad's son died from The Coughing Plague during the Winter of 400. His son was 48 years old. Then, his child died from it. His child was 44 years old. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a girl named Vildo Shas was born. She was a Gekist merchant. Misope's son and Droush adopted her. Then, Miak's son died from it. Miak's son was 74 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Tsedakra died from it. He was 24 years old. Then, Pepets died from it. She was 13 years old. Then, Dozel's daughter died from an illness. Dozel's daughter was 59 years old in Krirat.

During the Summer of 401, Ouseth's daughter and Brestigi were married. As a result, Dak's and Sathouge's relationship ended. Then, Tid's son died from an illness. Tid's son was 82 years old in Obdab.

During the Spring of 402, Tiad died from an illness. As a result, his and Vita's relationship ended. He was 58 years old in Krirat. That Summer, Vildo converted to Gekism.

Ostald died from an illness during the Winter of 402. She was 86 years old.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Spring of 406, a man named Ankipa Etsepsa and Misope's daughter were married. He was a Gekist farmer. Atsianu converted to Ogsism that Summer. Next Summer, a girl named Enup Shas was born. Enup was a Gekist merchant. He and Misope's daughter adopted Enup.

Kriadel's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 407. In Krirat, his daughter was 101 years old. Enup converted to Gekism that Spring.

During the Autumn of 411, Wambe and Lazuti were married.

Emim died from a sudden illness during the Winter of 411. In Aitsasho, she was 184 years old.

Tadse died from an illness during the Summer of 413. In Krirat, she was 77 years old.

Vemzent's son died from an illness during the Autumn of 414. His son was 159 years old. That Spring, Ounadsia died from an illness. As a result, Esadrab's and her relationship ended. She was 92 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

In Krirat during the Winter of 415, a man named Mounkai Pedsa and Brestigi were married. He was a Ogsist blacksmith.

Gez converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 417.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 419, Edipsu and a man named Tost Ribaidi were married. He was a Gekist merchant.

Radekou and an enby named Feksip Ribaidi were married in Krirat during the Autumn of 420. Ey was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Kloulut's and eir relationship ended. Then, Lazuti and Bez were married. As a result, Mounkai's and Bez's relationship ended.

Dozel's son died from an illness during the Winter of 420. His son was 79 years old. Then, Sero's son died from an illness. Sero's son was 82 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Summer of 421, Miak's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 94 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

In Krirat during the Spring of 422, a boy named Klovo Shas was born. He was a Ogsist blacksmith. Lazuti and Bez adopted him. He converted to Ogsism that Summer. Then, Shakmash converted to Gekism.

A boy named Mbezo Shas was born during the Spring of 427. He was a Ogsist farmer. Bote and a man named Foumb Etsepsa adopted him. Then, Eloupse died from an illness. Eloupse was 85 years old. Then, Mbezo converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Vapeby Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 427. He was a Gekist farmer. Wambe's daughter and Azedreble adopted him.

During the Winter of 427, Vapeby converted to Gekism.

Bote and Foumb were married in Krirat during the Summer of 428. He was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Autumn of 428, Dozel's child died from an illness. His child was 86 years old. A woman named Tes Painge gave birth to Iapeb's daughter Vouby Painge next Autumn. Iapeb's daughter was a Ogsist merchant. Tes was a Ogsist blacksmith. Then, Dozel's daughter murdered an enby named Nish Pedsa. They were a Ogsist criminal. As a result, their and Rigan's relationship ended, Dozel's daughter angered a man named Bunze Pedsa, and Bunze would murder Dozel's daughter 1 month later. In Obdab, they were 68 years old. Then, in Krirat, a boy named Betsem Shas was born. He was a Ogsist blacksmith. Thramzish and Kloulut adopted him. Then, Bunze murdered Dozel's daughter, because Dozel's daughter murdered Nish 1 month earlier. Bunze was a Ogsist criminal and murderer. As a result, Bunze angered Dougset, and she would murder Bunze 3 days later. Dozel's daughter was 90 years old.

During the Winter of 429, Betsem converted to Ogsism. A boy named Wiadeth Shas was born that Spring. Wiadeth was a Ogsist farmer. Bote and Foumb adopted Wiadeth. That Summer, Wiadeth converted to it.

A boy named Itzaste Shas was born during the Winter of 430. He was a Ogsist farmer. Bote and Foumb adopted him. Then, Itzaste converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Etsougep Shas was born during the Autumn of 431. He was a Ogsist farmer and murderer. Bote and Foumb adopted him.

During the Winter of 431, Etsougep converted to Ogsism. Then, in Aitsasho, Vamed murdered a woman named Tadaitha Ribaidi, because Tadaitha rejected Vamed 20 years earlier. Tadaitha was a Gekist merchant. As a result, Tesible's and Tadaitha's relationship ended, Vamed angered an enby named Enembep Doubzoumb, and ne would murder Vamed 4 years later. Tadaitha was 63 years old. In Kraikoust that Spring, a boy named Jemambe Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. A woman named Anze Etsepsa and Misope's child adopted him.

Enup and a man named Esadrab Pedsa were married in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 432. He was a Gekist poet. As a result, Enkiloby's and his relationship ended.

During the Winter of 432, Enup gave birth to Esadrab's daughter Grialzoge Shas. His daughter was a Gekist poet. Anze and Misope's child were married in Kraikoust that Spring. She was a Gekist farmer.

During the Winter of 433, Jemambe converted to Gekism. Then, in Aitsasho, a girl named Grent Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. An enby named Nevots Doubzoumb and Gez adopted her. A girl named Elomba Shas was born in Krirat that Spring. She was a Ogsist criminal. Gainy and Vialdeld adopted her. That Summer, she converted to Ogsism. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Enup gave birth to Esadrab's son Sithrez Shas. Esadrab's son was a Gekist. Then, in Krirat, a man named Pant Painge and Brestigi were married. He was a Ogsist poet.

Grent converted to Gekism during the Winter of 434. Then, Esadrab's daughter converted to it. Then, his son converted to it. A boy named Tuzog Shas was born in Kraikoust that Spring. Tuzog was a Gekist merchant. Anze and Misope's child adopted Tuzog. In Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer, a boy named Tsamzash Shas was born. He was a Gekist blacksmith. A woman named Waldarai Etsepsa and Flam adopted him. Then, in Krirat, an enby named Avoseld Shas was born. Avoseld was a Ogsist farmer. Pant and Brestigi adopted Avoseld. Then, Avoseld converted to Ogsism.

Enembep murdered Vamed in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 435, because she murdered Tadaitha 4 years earlier. Ne was a Gekist farmer and murderer. Vamed was 63 years old. Then, Nevots and Gez were married. Nevots was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Nevots' and Tsil's relationship ended, and Edipsu's and Nevots' relationship ended. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Waldarai and Flam were married. She was a Gekist blacksmith.

A boy named Ousogenk Shas was born in Kraikoust during the Winter of 435. He was a Gekist merchant. Anze and Misope's child adopted him. Then, Tsamzash converted to Gekism. Then, Ousogenk converted to it.

Thramzish and Kloulut were married in Krirat during the Summer of 436. Xe was a Ogsist blacksmith.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 436, a boy named Meveme Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer and murderer. Waldarai and Flam adopted him. Tuzog converted to Gekism that Spring. In Kraikoust that Summer, a boy named Rebas Shas was born. Rebas was a Gekist merchant. Anze and Misope's child adopted Rebas. Then, in Krirat, Gainy and Vialdeld were married. As a result, Gainy's and Stegilse's relationship ended. Then, Meveme converted to it.

A boy named Eno Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 437. He was a Gekist farmer. Waldarai and Flam adopted him. Then, Misope's child died from an illness. As a result, Anze's and Noliana's relationship ended. Misope's child was 83 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Rebas converted to Gekism.

A girl named Ptebe Shas was born in Krirat during the Winter of 437. She was a Ogsist farmer. Gainy and Vialdeld adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism.

A girl named Jelike Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 438. She was a Gekist Queen of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lady of Ptiksaint Thrink and farmer. Waldarai and Flam adopted her. Then, Misope's daughter died from an illness. Misope's daughter was 87 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Autumn of 438, Eno converted to Gekism. Jelike converted to it that Spring.

During the Winter of 440, Brigriab died from an illness. He was 162 years old in Aitsasho. That Spring, Misope's son died from an illness. As a result, Tsebdez's and Droush's relationship ended. Their son was 86 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

During the Spring of 445, a man named Boutzaksi Ribaidi murdered Dougset, because she murdered Bunze 15 years earlier. Boutzaksi was a Ogsist warrior and murderer. She was 68 years old in Krirat. That Summer, Esadrab's son died from an illness. His son was 11 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

During the Summer of 447, Atsianu died from an illness. She was 91 years old in Obdab.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 447, Ista murdered a man named Liabdex Etsepsa, because he rejected her 14 years earlier. He was a Gekist farmer. He was 53 years old. A boy named Ikmesai Shas was born in Krirat next Winter. Ikmesai was a Gekist farmer. Bote and Foumb adopted Ikmesai. That Spring, Lazuti and Foumb were married. Then, Ikmesai converted to Ogsism. Brestigi and Pant were married next Spring. As a result, Brestigi's and Tal's relationship ended. That Summer, a boy named Aile Shas was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Bote and Foumb adopted him.

Aile converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 450.

During the Winter of 450, a boy named Likmolze Shas was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Lazuti and Foumb adopted him. Likmolze converted to Ogsism that Spring.

During the Summer of 452, a girl named Mem Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. An enby named Peny Ribaidi and Elzemant adopted her.

Mem converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 452. Then, Peny and Elzemant were married. Ey was a Ogsist farmer.

Tsil and an enby named Stiak Imatail were married in Aitsasho during the Winter of 453. Xe was a Gekist farmer. Then, in Krirat, a boy named Eloup Shas was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Tongi and Evonze adopted him. Then, Eloup converted to Ogsism. Then, a boy named Liakani Shas was born. Liakani was a Ogsist farmer. Peny and Elzemant adopted Liakani. Then, Liakani converted to it.

A girl named Vady Shas was born during the Autumn of 454. She was a Ogsist farmer. Peny and Elzemant adopted her.

During the Winter of 454, Vady converted to Ogsism. Then, Lazuti died from an illness. Lazuti was 73 years old. Then, Grent converted to it.

A boy named Tsathrokou Shas was born during the Summer of 455. He was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Tal Ribaidi and Daike adopted him.

During the Autumn of 455, Tsathrokou converted to Ogsism. Then, Gez died from an illness. As a result, Nevots' and her relationship ended. She was 83 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Summer of 456, a girl named Tsirambe Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Tsil and Stiak adopted her. Then, Drekmoure died from an illness. He was 63 years old in Krirat.

During the Winter of 456, Tsirambe converted to Gekism. A boy named Dentik Shas was born in Aitsasho that Spring. He was a Gekist warrior. Tsil and Stiak adopted him.

In Obdab during the Autumn of 457, Grent gave birth to Rin's son Maink Kraine. Rin's son was a Ogsist criminal. A man named Rin Kraine was a Ogsist mystic. Then, Dentik converted to Gekism.

A man named Threzogsia Omunk and Rilai's son were married in Aitsasho during the Winter of 457. Threzogsia was a Gekist farmer.

In Obdab during the Summer of 458, Rin and Grent were married.

Ouseth's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 458. As a result, Kets' and Sathouge's relationship ended. In Krirat, his daughter was 89 years old. A man named Pabzo Doubzoumb and Tsil were married in Aitsasho that Spring. Pabzo was a Gekist merchant. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Jelike gave birth to Tsoub's daughter Pix Shas. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. He was a Gekist farmer. Then, in Aitsasho, a boy named Zalzi Shas was born. Zalzi was a Gekist farmer. Aibsolob and Enembep adopted Zalzi.

Tsoub's daughter converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 459. Then, Zalzi converted to it.

Grent gave birth to Rin's son Zenza Kraine in Obdab during the Winter of 459. Rin's son was a Ogsist farmer.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 460, Jelike and a man named Tsoub Pedsa were married. Then, in Aitsasho, an enby named Lenzou Shas was born. Ey was a Gekist farmer. Threzogsia and Rilai's son adopted em.

Grent gave birth to Rin's son Zegair Kraine in Obdab during the Autumn of 460. Rin's son was a Ogsist blacksmith. Then, Bez died from an illness. Bez was 91 years old in Krirat.

In Aitsasho during the Summer of 461, Wambe's daughter and Edipsu were married. Then, in Obdab, Grent gave birth to Rin's daughter Risainga Kraine. Rin's daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Vialdeld died from an illness. As a result, Gainy's and Vialdeld's relationship ended. Vialdeld was 70 years old in Krirat.

During the Spring of 462, Avoseld died from a sudden illness. They were 27 years old.

A boy named Thoutsa Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 462. He was a Gekist farmer. Wambe's daughter and Edipsu adopted him. That Spring, Rilai's son converted to Ogsism.

Brestigi died from an illness during the Autumn of 463. In Krirat, they were 92 years old. Then, in Aitsasho, a woman named Fledaimb Painge gave birth to Vapeby's son Gasa Painge. Vapeby's son was a Gekist criminal. She was a Gekist farmer. Then, Shakmash died from an illness. Shakmash was 89 years old. Tal and Daike were married in Krirat that Spring. Tal was a Ogsist farmer. That Summer, Grent converted to Gekism. Rilai's daughter died from an illness next Summer. In Aitsasho, his daughter was 86 years old. An enby named Edai Pedsa and Jelike were married in Ptiksaint Thrink next Summer. Ey was a Gekist farmer.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 466, a boy named Kubounk Shas was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Klud Gril and Daike adopted him. Then, Kubounk converted to Ogsism.

Thoutsa converted to Gekism during the Winter of 466. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, an enby named Tsenkast Shas was born. They were a Gekist farmer. Edai and Jelike adopted them. Rilai's son converted to it that Spring.

During the Autumn of 467, Lenzou converted to Gekism.

Wiadeth died from an illness during the Summer of 468. In Krirat, he was 38 years old. Then, Tsenkast converted to Gekism.

A woman named Ngireth Pedsa gave birth to Eno's son Jogiangou Shas in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 468. Eno's son was a Gekist farmer. She was a Gekist farmer. That Spring, Azedreble died from an illness. Azedreble was 97 years old in Aitsasho. Then, Eno and Ngireth were married.

Tsil died from an illness during the Autumn of 469. She was 98 years old. Then, Aibsolob murdered Wambe's daughter, because Wambe's daughter rejected Aibsolob 20 years earlier. As a result, Tsokment's and Edipsu's relationship ended, Aibsolob angered Vapeby, and Aibsolob angered Thoutsa. Wambe's daughter was 92 years old.

Misope's daughter and Tsoub were married in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 469. That Spring, Eno's son converted to Gekism. Fleple died from an illness next Spring. She was 72 years old. Then, Evonze died from an illness. He was 84 years old in Krirat. Then, Klud and Daike were married. Klud was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Tongi died from an illness. Tongi was 193 years old. Then, Gox died from an illness. He was 98 years old. Ikmesai converted to it that Summer.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 471, a woman named Ushou Pedsa gave birth to Meveme's son Nebsetou Shas. Meveme's son was a Gekist farmer and murderer. She was a Gekist farmer. Meveme's son converted to Gekism that Spring.

In Krirat during the Summer of 474, a girl named Ailsenk Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. A man named Tsimzag Pedsa and Mem adopted her in Kenkase. Then, Ailsenk converted to Ogsism. They were married next Summer. He was a Gekist farmer.

In Kraikoust during the Winter of 475, a woman named Puth Ptat and Eno were married. She was a Gekist warrior. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Mono Shas was born. Mono was a Gekist merchant. Tsimzag and Mem adopted Mono in Kenkase. Then, Mono converted to Ogsism. Batsa died from an illness that Spring. In Krirat, Batsa was 84 years old.

Puth gave birth to Eno's son Pteby Shas in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 476. Eno's son was a Gekist warrior. Then, Eno's son converted to Gekism.

An enby named Jashoumi Shas was born in Krirat during the Summer of 477. They were a Gekist merchant. In Kenkase, Tsimzag and Mem adopted them. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Puth gave birth to Eno's son Rodabdu Shas. Eno's son was a Gekist farmer. Then, Jashoumi converted to Ogsism.

Gainy died from an illness during the Autumn of 477. As a result, his and Tes' relationship ended. In Krirat, he was 80 years old. Then, Eno's son converted to Gekism.

A girl named Pebzal Shas was born during the Winter of 477. She was a Ogsist warrior. Klud and Daike adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism. A girl named Tsonk Shas was born in Kenkase that Spring. Tsonk was a Gekist farmer. Tsimzag and Mem adopted Tsonk. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Puth gave birth to Eno's daughter Okmelu Shas. Eno's daughter was a Gekist warrior. Then, Mem converted to Gekism. Ailsenk converted to Gekism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 478, Eno's daughter converted to Gekism.

A boy named Igepe Shas was born in Kenkase during the Winter of 478. He was a Gekist merchant. Tsimzag and Mem adopted him. In Aitsasho that Spring, Edipsu and a man named Tseshone Gril were married. He was a Gekist criminal. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Meveme murdered Ushou, because she rejected Meveme 1 month earlier. As a result, Ankipa's and her relationship ended, Meveme angered Meveme's son, and Meveme's son would murder Meveme 36 years later. She was 47 years old.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 479, Etsougep murdered an enby named Bredsap Pedsa, because they rejected him 20 years earlier. They were a Ogsist Laird of Krirat and farmer. As a result, their and Umbaim's relationship ended, a boy named Voupip Pedsa became Lord of Krirat, Etsougep angered Voupip, Etsougep angered Shezai's son, and Voupip would murder Etsougep 14 years later. They were 55 years old. They were a Laird of Krirat for 10 years. Then, Jashoumi converted to Gekism. Tsonk converted to it next Autumn.

During the Winter of 480, Rilai's son died from an illness. His son was 100 years old in Aitsasho. In Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring, a girl named Shemb Shas was born. She was a Gekist merchant. A woman named Iatambe Ptat and Flam adopted her. Then, Mono converted to Gekism. Then, Igepe converted to it. Then, Grent converted to Ogsism. Tsoub and Flam were married that Summer. As a result, Iatambe's and Flam's relationship ended.

During the Autumn of 481, Shemb converted to Gekism.

Betsem and a woman named Kantak Ptimzonki were married in Obdab during the Winter of 481. She was a Ogsist criminal. In Aitsasho that Spring, a girl named Rebrits Shas was born. Rebrits was a Gekist farmer. Ikmesai and a woman named Gresh Ribaidi adopted Rebrits. A boy named Sirolde Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer. He was a Gekist merchant. Tsamzash and Misope's daughter adopted him.

During the Autumn of 482, Rebrits converted to Gekism.

A boy named Fletsiby Shas was born in Kraikoust during the Winter of 482. He was a Gekist farmer. A man named Aidalded Brudeny and Ousogenk adopted him. In Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring, Tsamzash and Misope's daughter were married. Then, a boy named Pakik Shas was born. Pakik was a Gekist merchant. Tsamzash and Misope's daughter adopted Pakik.

Pakik converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 483. Then, in Aitsasho, a boy named Enkir Shas was born. Enkir was a Gekist farmer. Ikmesai and Gresh adopted Enkir.

Sirolde converted to Gekism during the Winter of 483. Then, Enkir converted to it. Then, Fletsiby converted to it. Then, in Kraikoust, Aidalded and Ousogenk were married. Aidalded was a Gekist criminal.

A boy named Nkovok Shas was born during the Summer of 484. He was a Gekist warrior and murderer. Tuzog and a woman named Gresteple Thum adopted him. Then, Aibsolob died from an illness. As a result, his and Enembep's relationship ended. He was 89 years old in Aitsasho. Then, Elzemant died from an illness. Elzemant was 87 years old in Krirat.

In Kraikoust during the Autumn of 484, Tuzog and Gresteple were married. She was a Gekist warrior. Then, in Aitsasho, Ikmesai and Gresh were married. Gresh was a Gekist farmer. Then, Nkovok converted to Gekism. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a girl named Asheso Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Tsamzash and Misope's daughter adopted her.

Asheso converted to Gekism during the Winter of 484. In Aitsasho that Spring, a girl named Memzai Shas was born. Memzai was a Gekist farmer. Ikmesai and Gresh adopted Memzai. Elomba and Peny were married in Krirat that Summer. As a result, eir and Ngingine's relationship ended. In Kenkase next Summer, a woman named Aze Painge and Rebas were married. She was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Bipase's and her relationship ended.

A girl named Zukis Shas was born during the Autumn of 486. She was a Gekist merchant. Aze and Rebas adopted her.

During the Winter of 486, Memzai converted to Gekism. Zukis converted to it that Spring.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 487, Daike and a woman named Mbogi Thum were married. She was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, her and Oriatzai's relationship ended.

Klovo and an enby named Bedy Thum were married during the Winter of 487. Bedy was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Summer of 488, Iapeb died from an illness. He was 94 years old.

Jelike became Lady of Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 488. In Aitsasho that Spring, a boy named Gonk Shas was born. He was a Gekist warrior. Dentik and Lenzou adopted him. Gonk converted to Gekism that Summer.

During the Spring of 490, Dentik and Lenzou were married.

A girl named Bankobzou Shas was born during the Autumn of 490. She was a Gekist blacksmith. Dentik and Lenzou adopted her. In Obdab next Autumn, a boy named Zidrinke Shas was born. Zidrinke was a Gekist farmer. A woman named Jouksu Ribaidi and Betsem adopted Zidrinke. Then, Zidrinke converted to Ogsism. Bankobzou converted to Gekism next Autumn. Then, Flam died from an illness. As a result, Flam's and Shonkeko's relationship ended, and Tsoub's and Flam's relationship ended. Flam was 96 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. In Obdab that Spring, Jouksu and Betsem were married. Jouksu was a Ogsist farmer. Voupip murdered Etsougep in Krirat that Summer, because Etsougep murdered Bredsap 14 years earlier. Voupip was a Ogsist Lord of Krirat, Vassal of Nkepu, farmer and murderer. As a result, Voupip angered Bote; and 15 years later, she would murder Voupip. Etsougep was 62 years old.

Daike died from an illness during the Autumn of 493. He was 96 years old. Then, in Aitsasho, a boy named Aitse Shas was born. Aitse was a Ogsist farmer. Dentik and Lenzou adopted Aitse. Then, Aitse converted to Gekism.

A girl named Flos Shas was born during the Summer of 494. She was a Gekist farmer. Dentik and Lenzou adopted her.

During the Autumn of 494, Thramzish died from an illness. He was 113 years old in Krirat. Then, Flos converted to Gekism. A girl named Baishiash Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring. Baishiash was a Gekist merchant. Tsamzash and Misope's daughter adopted Baishiash.

During the Autumn of 495, Baishiash converted to Gekism. Misope's daughter and Ankipa were married that Spring.

During the Autumn of 496, an enby named Ptezeg Ptat gave birth to Tsamzash's daughter Shibsamb Shas. His daughter was a Gekist warrior. Ze was a Gekist warrior. His daughter converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, he and ze were married. A girl named Enkax Shas was born that Summer. Enkax was a Gekist merchant. He and Misope's daughter adopted Enkax. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Delsimb Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Roustogri Painge and Vady adopted her.

Delsimb converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 497. That Spring, a woman named Bralu Painge gave birth to Kubounk's daughter Nkeg Shas. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Bralu was a Ogsist farmer. Then, a girl named Gestep Shas was born. She was a Ogsist criminal. Roustogri and Vady adopted her. Gestep converted to it that Summer. Then, Kubounk's daughter converted to it.

Kubounk and Bralu were married during the Autumn of 498.

During the Winter of 498, a girl named Zoumbapa Shas was born. She was a Ogsist mystic. Roustogri and Vady adopted her. Enkax converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, Zoumbapa converted to Ogsism. Elomba died from an illness that Summer. She was 65 years old.

During the Autumn of 499, Jelike established The State of Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, in Obdab, Grent and a man named Ilsoust Ribaidi were married. He was a Ogsist poet.

Likmolze died from an illness during the Winter of 499. As a result, his and Shaibset's relationship ended. In Krirat, he was 49 years old. A woman named Tsatseny Gril and Eno's son were married in Kraikoust that Spring. Tsatseny was a Gekist farmer.

During the Autumn of 500, a girl named Selsouno Shas was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Tsatseny and Eno's son adopted her.

A woman named Braikaiby Pedsa gave birth to Liakani's son Tsathro Shas in Krirat during the Winter of 500. Liakani's son was a Daibist farmer. She was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Liakani's son converted to Ogsism. Tsonk gave birth to Zalzi's son Ngiazezou Shas in Aitsasho that Spring. Zalzi's son was a Gekist mystic. Then, in Kraikoust, Tuzog and Gresteple were married. As a result, his and Fleziany's relationship ended.

Selsouno converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 501.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 501, Tsonk gave birth to Zalzi's daughter Nginkenk Shas. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. His son converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, Vapeby and Fledaimb were married. Zalzi's daughter converted to it that Summer.

During the Autumn of 502, Vildo died from an illness. She was 102 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

In Kraikoust during the Winter of 502, a girl named Ptidope Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer and murderer. Tsatseny and Eno's son adopted her. Then, Ptidope converted to Gekism. His daughter died from an illness next Winter. His daughter was 26 years old. In Kenkase that Spring, a woman named Shiabou Etsepsa and Rebas were married. Shiabou was a Gekist farmer. A boy named Ngekroli Shas was born in Kraikoust that Summer. He was a Gekist poet. Tsatseny and Eno's son adopted him. Then, Enup died from an illness. Enup was 97 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

During the Autumn of 504, Ngekroli converted to Gekism.

Tsonk gave birth to Zalzi's son Drounank Shas in Aitsasho during the Winter of 504. Zalzi's son was a Gekist farmer. In Kraikoust that Spring, an enby named Geksob Shas was born. They were a Emzunist Laird of Oubrelse Gramb and warrior. Tsatseny and Eno's son adopted them. Then, Zalzi's son converted to Gekism.

Geksob converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 505. In Kenkase that Spring, a girl named Embaishix Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Shiabou and Rebas adopted her. Vady died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Roustogri's and her relationship ended. In Krirat, she was 52 years old.

Embaishix converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 506.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 506, Meveme murdered Ankipa, because Ankipa rejected Meveme 2 months earlier. As a result, Stenk's and Ankipa's relationship ended. Ankipa was 131 years old. Then, in Aitsasho, Lenzou and Vapeby's son were married.

Tsonk and Zalzi were married during the Spring of 508. That Summer, Mbezo died from an illness. Mbezo was 81 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 508, Bote murdered Voupip, because he murdered Etsougep 15 years earlier. Voupip was 44 years old. Voupip was a Lord of Krirat for 29 years. Voupip was a Vassal of Nkepu for 4 years.

Tsonk gave birth to Zalzi's daughter Fitho Shas in Aitsasho during the Summer of 509. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

During the Summer of 511, Telzouts died from an illness. She was 118 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 511, Goubru and an enby named Vezeti Painge were married. Xe was a Ogsist merchant.

Zalzi's daughter converted to Gekism during the Winter of 512. Next Winter, Zidrinke converted to it. Ptebe died from an illness that Spring. In Nkepu, she was 76 years old. A man named Enoubde Etsepsa and Bote were married in Krirat that Summer. He was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Mbogi's and his relationship ended.

In Kenkase during the Autumn of 514, a girl named Brenai Shas was born. She was a Gekist merchant. A man named Ngunta Pedsa and Zukis adopted her.

Meveme's son murdered him in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 514, because he murdered Ushou 36 years earlier. He was 78 years old. That Spring, Brenai converted to Gekism. A boy named Fotairai Shas was born in Kenkase that Summer. Fotairai was a Gekist farmer. Ngunta and Zukis adopted Fotairai. Then, Grent died from an illness. As a result, Grent's and Ilsoust's relationship ended. Grent was 82 years old in Obdab.

During the Autumn of 515, Fotairai converted to Gekism.

Ngunta and Zukis were married in Kenkase during the Winter of 515. He was a Gekist merchant.

During the Summer of 516, Itzaste died from an illness. He was 86 years old in Krirat.

In Aitsasho during the Autumn of 516, a boy named Bainzaple Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Ikmesai and Gresh adopted him.

Bainzaple converted to Gekism during the Winter of 516. Then, Rilai's son died from an illness. Rilai's son was 135 years old. A woman named Nabzouz Kraine gave birth to Ikmesai's daughter Tsemba Shas that Spring. His daughter was a Gekist warrior. Nabzouz was a Gekist warrior. That Summer, his daughter converted to it.

Tuzog died from an illness during the Winter of 518. In Kraikoust, he was 84 years old. Liakani and a woman named Rotes Ptat were married in Krirat that Spring. She was a Ogsist Lady of Krirat and warrior.

During the Autumn of 519, a girl named Ubitai Shas was born. She was a Ogsist criminal. Liakani and Rotes adopted her. Then, Ubitai converted to Ogsism.

Ailsenk converted to Gekism during the Winter of 519. Then, in Kenkase, a girl named Elserel Shas was born. Elserel was a Gekist merchant. Ngunta and Zukis adopted Elserel. Then, in Kraikoust, Nkovok murdered a man named Bres Ptat, because Bres rejected Nkovok 2 years earlier. Bres was a Gekist criminal. Bres was 70 years old.

Elserel converted to Gekism during the Summer of 520.

In Aitsasho during the Autumn of 522, a girl named Zant Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Tsirambe and Enkir adopted her.

Radekou died from an illness during the Summer of 523. In Krirat, he was 182 years old. Then, in Aitsasho, a girl named Graidiny Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Tsirambe and Enkir adopted her.

Rebas died from an illness during the Autumn of 523. As a result, Shiabou's and his relationship ended. In Kenkase, he was 86 years old.

Tsirambe and Enkir were married in Aitsasho during the Winter of 523. That Spring, Zant converted to Gekism. Then, a girl named Lix Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. They adopted her. She converted to it that Summer.

During the Spring of 525, Klovo died from an illness. He was 103 years old in Krirat. That Summer, Betsem died from an illness. Betsem was 96 years old in Obdab.

In Aitsasho during the Autumn of 525, a girl named Thez Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Tsirambe and Enkir adopted her.

Thez converted to Gekism during the Winter of 525.

During the Summer of 526, Graidiny converted to Gekism. Then, Dentik and a woman named Imze Ribaidi were married. Imze was a Gekist poet.

Jemambe died from an illness during the Autumn of 526. In Kraikoust, he was 95 years old.

Geksob converted to Emzunism during the Winter of 526.

In Aitsasho during the Summer of 527, a girl named Shepso Shas was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Memzai and a man named Waneshe Ribaidi adopted her. Shepso converted to Gekism next Summer.

During the Autumn of 528, Eno died from an illness. He was 91 years old in Kraikoust. In Aitsasho that Spring, Memzai and Waneshe were married. Waneshe was a Gekist farmer.

Tsoub's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 529. In Ptiksaint Thrink, his daughter was 71 years old. Then, in Aitsasho, a boy named Ougo Shas was born. Ougo was a Gekist farmer. Memzai and Waneshe adopted Ougo.

Igepe died from an illness during the Winter of 529. In Kenkase, he was 51 years old. Then, Ougo converted to Gekism. A woman named Boudrodre Ptat and Eno's son were married in Kraikoust that Spring. She was a Gekist warrior.

During the Autumn of 530, a boy named Ibsemboud Shas was born. He was a Gekist warrior. Boudrodre and Eno's son adopted him. Then, in Aitsasho, Flos gave birth to Vous' son Alseshi Pedsa. Vous' son was a Gekist farmer. A man named Vous Pedsa was a Gekist poet.

Ikmesai died from an illness during the Winter of 530. As a result, his and Gog's relationship ended. He was 82 years old. That Spring, a girl named Vinka Shas was born. Vinka was a Ogsist warrior. Memzai and Waneshe adopted Vinka. Then, Aile died from an illness. He was 81 years old in Krirat.

During the Winter of 531, Tsamzash died from an illness. As a result, his and Stenk's relationship ended. He was 97 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, Misope's daughter died from an illness. Their daughter was 179 years old.

Vinka converted to Gekism during the Summer of 532. Then, Ibsemboud converted to it.

Edipsu and Vous were married in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 533. As a result, Flos' and his relationship ended. Then, in Kenkase, a boy named Flaves Shas was born. Flaves was a Gekist warrior. Jashoumi and a woman named Pub Ribaidi adopted Flaves.

A boy named Nkog Shas was born in Kraikoust during the Winter of 533. He was a Gekist warrior. A man named Shous Thir and Tsenkast adopted him. That Spring, Flaves converted to Gekism. Then, Nkog converted to it.

Jashoumi and Pub were married in Kenkase during the Summer of 535. She was a Gekist warrior.

During the Winter of 535, Flos and Zidrinke were married. Then, a boy named Red Shas was born. Red was a Gekist. Jashoumi and Pub adopted Red.

Red converted to Gekism during the Summer of 536.

In Krirat during the Spring of 537, a girl named Dretso Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Flos and Zidrinke adopted her. Then, Tsirambe died from an illness. She was 81 years old in Aitsasho. That Summer, Dretso converted to Ogsism.

Esadrab's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 537. In Ptiksaint Thrink, his daughter was 105 years old. Then, Flos converted to Ogsism.

Aitse converted to Ogsism during the Summer of 538. Then, Zidrinke converted to it.

Liakani died from an illness during the Spring of 539. In Krirat, he was 85 years old. Red died from an illness that Summer. In Kenkase, Red was 3 years old.

Edipsu died from an illness during the Autumn of 539. As a result, her and Vous' relationship ended. In Aitsasho, she was 166 years old. Then, Geksob became Laird of Oubrelse Gramb.

Mem died from an illness during the Summer of 541. In Kenkase, she was 89 years old.

Eloup died from an illness during the Winter of 541. In Krirat, he was 88 years old.

Zalzi's son died from an illness during the Summer of 542. In Aitsasho, his son was 41 years old.

Meveme's son died from an illness during the Spring of 544. In Ptiksaint Thrink, his son was 72 years old.

Jelike was killed during the Winter of 544. She was 107 years old. She was a Lady of Ptiksaint Thrink for 56 years. She was a Queen of Ptiksaint Thrink for 45 years. Then, in Kenkase, a girl named Oushiksian Shas was born. Oushiksian was a Ogsist farmer. An enby named Riabraime Etsepsa and Elserel adopted Oushiksian. Oushiksian converted to Gekism that Spring. That Summer, a boy named Koukmango Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. A man named Sady Kraine and Bankobzou adopted him. Then, Liakani's son converted to Daibism. Then, Jashoumi died from an illness. Jashoumi was 68 years old. Then, Koukmango converted to Gekism. Then, in Kraikoust, a girl named Embegrest Shas was born. She was a Gekist. A woman named Shianko Thir and Nkovok adopted her.

Embegrest converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 545. Then, in Kenkase, a boy named Seng Shas was born. He was a Ogsist merchant. Riabraime and Elserel adopted him.

Zalzi died from an illness during the Winter of 545. In Aitsasho, he was 87 years old. Seng converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, in Kenkase, an enby named Houple Shas was born. They were a Gekist farmer. Sady and Bankobzou adopted them.

Taigsi died from an illness during the Autumn of 546. In Krirat, she was 156 years old.

Houple converted to Gekism during the Winter of 546. That Spring, Dretso converted to it.

Kubounk died from an illness during the Autumn of 547. As a result, his and Bralu's relationship ended. He was 81 years old. Then, Thoutsa died from an illness. Thoutsa was 85 years old in Aitsasho. Then, Flos converted to Gekism. Zidrinke converted to it that Spring. Then, Tsenkast died from an illness. They were 81 years old in Kraikoust.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Spring of 550, Geksob was killed. They were 45 years old. They were a Laird of Oubrelse Gramb for 11 years.

Sady and Bankobzou were married in Kenkase during the Autumn of 550. He was a Gekist Lord of Kenkase and farmer. As a result, his and Flaid's relationship ended. That Spring, Tsonk died from an illness. She was 73 years old in Aitsasho. Then, Embegrest died from an illness. Embegrest was 6 years old in Kraikoust. In Kenkase that Summer, a girl named Poumziante Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. They adopted her.

A boy named Ngubix Shas was born during the Autumn of 551. He was a Gekist criminal. A man named Enemb Etsepsa and Bankobzou adopted him.

During the Winter of 551, Poumziante converted to Gekism. Ngubix converted to it that Spring.

During the Winter of 552, a girl named Kombokou Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Sady and Bankobzou adopted her. Then, Kombokou converted to Gekism. A boy named Tsodre Shas was born next Winter. Tsodre was a Gekist mystic. Enemb and Bankobzou adopted Tsodre. Then, Tsodre converted to it. Then, Enemb and Bankobzou were married. Enemb was a Gekist farmer.

A girl named Grokab Shas was born during the Summer of 555. She was a Gekist blacksmith. Enemb and Bankobzou adopted her. Then, Grokab converted to Gekism.

Goubru died from an illness during the Autumn of 555. In Krirat, she was 155 years old. Then, Ailsenk died from an illness. Ailsenk was 81 years old in Kenkase.

During the Summer of 556, Eno's son died from an illness. His son was 80 years old in Kraikoust.

In Nkepu during the Autumn of 556, a boy named Zonzez Shas was born. He was a Ogsist criminal. An enby named Tsontato Etsepsa and Gestep adopted him. Then, Shemb died from a sudden illness. Shemb was 76 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. That Spring, he converted to Ogsism. A girl named Mistoupu Shas was born in Kenkase that Summer. She was a Gekist farmer. Sady and Bankobzou adopted her. Then, in Nkepu, a boy named Alsenze Shas was born. He was a Ogsist criminal. Ze and Gestep adopted him. Then, Mistoupu converted to Gekism.

Dentik died from an illness during the Winter of 557. In Aitsasho, he was 101 years old. A girl named Zimze Shas was born in Nkepu that Spring. She was a Ogsist criminal. Tsontato and Gestep adopted her.

During the Winter of 558, Zimze converted to Ogsism.

Alsenze converted to Ogsism during the Summer of 559.

During the Autumn of 559, Pakik died from an illness. He was 77 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 560, a boy named Siakrou Shas was born. He was a Ogsist blacksmith. A woman named Ibsinko Painge and Bainzaple adopted him. Then, a boy named Bez Shas was born. He was a Gekist warrior. A woman named Ngeza Pedsa and Rebrits adopted him.

An enby named Sheshe Shas was born during the Autumn of 561. They were a Gekist Laird of Aitsasho, Vassal of Ptiksaint Thrink and farmer. Ibsinko and Bainzaple adopted them. Then, a girl named Pelza Shas was born. Pelza was a Ogsist farmer. Ngeza and Rebrits adopted Pelza.

Siakrou converted to Gekism during the Winter of 561. That Spring, Sheshe converted to it. Pebzal died from an illness that Summer. In Krirat, she was 85 years old.

Bote died from an illness during the Winter of 562. She was 164 years old. That Spring, Pelza converted to Gekism. Then, Bez converted to it. Ngeza and Rebrits were married in Aitsasho next Spring. Ngeza was a Gekist warrior.

During the Spring of 566, a girl named Gil Shas was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Ngeza and Rebrits adopted her. Nkovok died from an illness that Summer. In Kraikoust, he was 82 years old.

Gil converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 566.

During the Autumn of 568, Baishiash died from an illness. She was 73 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 568, a girl named Lushar Shas was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Shepso and Zalzi's son adopted her. Then, Lushar converted to Gekism.

Kubounk's daughter and a man named Venzenge Pedsa were married in Krirat during the Summer of 569. Venzenge was a Ogsist farmer.

In Aitsasho during the Autumn of 569, a man named Nadso Painge and Graidiny were married. He was a Gekist farmer. Then, a boy named Jenke Shas was born. Jenke was a Gekist warrior. Shepso and Zalzi's son adopted Jenke.

Aitse died from an illness during the Summer of 570. As a result, Maiby's and his relationship ended. In Obdab, he was 77 years old.

Zoumbapa died from an illness during the Autumn of 570. In Krirat, she was 72 years old. Then, Jenke converted to Gekism.

Sirolde died from an illness during the Winter of 570. In Ptiksaint Thrink, he was 89 years old.

A girl named Bousur Shas was born in Obdab during the Autumn of 571. She was a Ogsist warrior. A man named Aintou Ribaidi and Ubitai adopted her. Then, in Aitsasho, a girl named Kukai Shas was born. She was a Gekist blacksmith. Nadso and Graidiny adopted her. Bousur converted to Ogsism that Spring. Then, Kukai converted to Gekism. A boy named Mouzeby Shas was born that Summer. He was a Ogsist merchant. A man named Atade Pedsa and Vinka adopted him.

In Obdab during the Autumn of 572, Aintou and Ubitai were married. He was a Ogsist warrior. Then, in Kenkase, a boy named Lalsobdou Shas was born. Lalsobdou was a Gekist farmer. A woman named Diasaint Etsepsa and Flaves adopted Lalsobdou.

Lalsobdou converted to Gekism during the Winter of 572. In Aitsasho that Spring, a girl named Shet Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Nadso and Graidiny adopted her. Then, in Kenkase, a boy named Segrebdo Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. A man named Akel Thir and Brenai adopted him. Then, in Kraikoust, a man named Fleziany Gril and Ousogenk were married. Fleziany was a Gekist criminal. Then, in Kenkase, Dretso gave birth to Zoulzege's daughter Tatzi Shas. Zoulzege's daughter was a Gekist criminal. A woman named Zoulzege Thir was a Gekist farmer. Segrebdo converted to it that Summer. Then, in Kraikoust, a girl named Tsoude Shas was born. She was a Gekist merchant. They adopted her.

Dretso and Zoulzege were married during the Autumn of 573. Then, Zoulzege's daughter converted to Gekism.

A boy named Griakaikme Shas was born in Obdab during the Winter of 573. He was a Ogsist Lord of Obdab and warrior. Aintou and Ubitai adopted him. Then, Tsoude converted to Gekism. Then, Griakaikme converted to Ogsism. Mouzeby converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, Shet converted to it.

A girl named Wepouz Shas was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 574. She was a Gekist Lady of Kenkase and farmer. Akel and Brenai adopted her. Then, Wepouz converted to Gekism. Eno's son died from an illness that Spring. In Kraikoust, Eno's son was 98 years old. Diasaint and Flaves were married in Kenkase that Summer. Diasaint was a Gekist mystic. Then, a boy named Tituby Shas was born. Tituby was a Ogsist farmer. Akel and Brenai adopted Tituby. Then, Tituby converted to it.

An enby named Ngamber Shas was born during the Autumn of 575. Ze was a Gekist. Diasaint and Flaves adopted zir. That Spring, ze converted to Gekism. Memzai died from an illness that Summer. In Aitsasho, Memzai was 91 years old.

Ptidope murdered Shous in Kraikoust during the Autumn of 576, because he rejected her 3 years earlier. He was a Gekist warrior. As a result, his and Zob's relationship ended. He was 85 years old.

During the Spring of 578, Ista died from an illness. She was 179 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Next Spring, Kubounk's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Nkeg's and Venzenge's relationship ended. Kubounk's daughter was 81 years old in Krirat. In Aitsasho that Summer, a girl named Udotza Shas was born. She was a Ogsist criminal. A man named Gebana Kraine and Enkir adopted her.

Ngamber died from a sudden illness during the Winter of 579. In Kenkase, ze was 4 years old. Then, Brenai died from a sudden illness. As a result, Akel's and her relationship ended. She was 65 years old. Udotza converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, Enkir died from an illness. As a result, Gebana's and Enkir's relationship ended, and Vapeby's and Enkir's relationship ended. Enkir was 97 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Winter of 581, Gestep died from an illness. She was 84 years old in Nkepu. That Spring, Mono died from an illness. Mono was 106 years old in Kenkase. That Summer, Asheso died from an illness. She was 98 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

During the Autumn of 582, Vinka converted to Ogsism. Fletsiby died from an illness that Spring. As a result, his and Ialeble's relationship ended. In Kraikoust, he was 100 years old. Delsimb died from an illness next Spring. In Krirat, Delsimb was 87 years old. Then, Mouzeby converted to it. Then, Gonk died from an illness. He was 95 years old in Aitsasho. Next Spring, Zidrinke died from an illness. Zidrinke was 94 years old in Kenkase. In Kraikoust that Summer, a woman named Don Noukse and Ngubix were married. She was a Gekist poet.

A boy named Zaikoung Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 585. He was a Gekist farmer. In Kraikoust, Don and Ngubix adopted him. Zaikoung converted to Gekism that Spring. In Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer, a girl named Fat Shas was born. Fat was a Gekist poet. They adopted Fat in Kraikoust.

During the Winter of 586, a boy named Tseg Shas was born. He was a Gekist merchant. A man named Fep Shosh and Enkax adopted him. Then, Fat converted to Gekism. Zukis died from an illness that Spring. In Kenkase, she was 101 years old. Oushiksian converted to Ogsism that Summer.

In Kraikoust during the Autumn of 587, a boy named Jink Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Fep and Enkax adopted him. Then, Jink converted to Gekism.

A boy named Ediagoup Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 587. He was a Ogsist blacksmith. Don and Ngubix adopted him. That Spring, Ediagoup converted to Gekism. Ikmesai's daughter died from an illness that Summer. In Aitsasho, Ikmesai's daughter was 71 years old. Then, Liakani's son died from an illness. His son was 87 years old in Fugrolsa.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 588, a boy named Rikmiald Shas was born. He was a Ogsist King of Krirat, Lord of Krirat and farmer. Don and Ngubix adopted him. Then, Tseg converted to Gekism. Then, Rikmiald converted to it. A boy named Uldist Shas was born in Aitsasho that Spring. He was a Ogsist warrior. Sheshe and a woman named Ngony Ribaidi adopted him. That Summer, he converted to it.

Zalzi's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 589. His daughter was 88 years old.

During the Winter of 589, a girl named Theko Shas was born. She was a Gekist. Sheshe and Ngony adopted her. Theko converted to Gekism that Spring. That Summer, Sheshe and Ngony were married. Ngony was a Gekist warrior. Then, in Kraikoust, Fep and Enkax were married. He was a Gekist farmer. A girl named Nkiabsiat Shas was born in Aitsasho next Summer. Nkiabsiat was a Gekist farmer. Sheshe and Ngony adopted Nkiabsiat.

In Kraikoust during the Spring of 592, a girl named Idrankesh Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Fep and Enkax adopted her. Then, Ngekroli died from an illness. Ngekroli was 88 years old. Idrankesh converted to Gekism that Summer.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 592, a girl named Taimite Shas was born. She was a Gekist merchant. Sheshe and Ngony adopted her. Then, Theko died from an illness. She was 3 years old. Selsouno died from an illness that Spring. In Kenkase, Selsouno was 93 years old.

Tsoude died from an illness during the Autumn of 593. In Kraikoust, she was 20 years old.

Taimite converted to Gekism during the Summer of 594. Then, Ougo died from an illness. He was 65 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Winter of 594, Bainzaple and a woman named Ngatsim Pedsa were married. She was a Gekist merchant. Then, Elserel died from an illness. As a result, Riabraime's and Elserel's relationship ended. Elserel was 75 years old in Kenkase. That Spring, Nkiabsiat converted to Gekism. Then, Flos died from an illness. Flos was 101 years old.

Rebrits and Ibsinko were married in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 595. Ibsinko was a Gekist Lady of Aitsasho, Vassal of Krirat and blacksmith.

During the Summer of 597, Lenzou died from an illness. Ey was 137 years old.

A girl named Ziathraid Shas was born in Nkepu during the Winter of 598. She was a Ogsist criminal. Alsenze and a woman named Otsezu Soshinia adopted her. That Spring, Ziathraid converted to Ogsism. A girl named Woun Shas was born in Krirat that Summer. Woun was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Bravus Painge and Oushiksian adopted Woun.

During the Autumn of 599, Seng converted to Ogsism. Then, Woun converted to it. Alsenze and Otsezu were married in Nkepu that Spring. Otsezu was a Ogsist merchant. That Summer, a girl named Drat Shas was born. She was a Ogsist. They adopted her.

Drat converted to Ogsism during the Spring of 601.

During the Winter of 601, a girl named Ugaigrag Shas was born. She was a Ogsist criminal. Alsenze and Otsezu adopted her. Then, in Aitsasho, Rebrits and Ibsinko were married. Gil died from an illness that Spring. She was 36 years old. Then, Udotza converted to Ogsism. Then, Vinka died from an illness. She was 71 years old in Obdab.

During the Autumn of 602, Ugaigrag converted to Ogsism.

Ptidope died from an illness during the Spring of 605. In Kraikoust, she was 102 years old. Flaves died from an illness that Summer. In Kenkase, he was 72 years old. Then, in Obdab, Aintou and Ubitai were married.

Graidiny died from an illness during the Winter of 605. In Aitsasho, she was 82 years old.

Vapeby died from an illness during the Autumn of 606. He was 179 years old. Then, Siakrou converted to Ogsism. Tsathrokou died from an illness that Spring. In Krirat, he was 152 years old. Then, Drat died from an illness. She was 7 years old in Nkepu.

During the Winter of 607, Ousogenk died from an illness. He was 172 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Spring of 609, Poumziante died from an illness. She was 58 years old in Aitsasho. That Summer, Zalzi's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 100 years old.

Uldist converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 610.

During the Winter of 610, Ibsinko and Bainzaple were married.

Ngeza and Sheshe were married during the Summer of 611.

During the Autumn of 611, a girl named Niaz Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. Ibsinko and Bainzaple adopted her.

Niaz converted to Gekism during the Winter of 611.

During the Autumn of 612, Thez died from an illness. She was 87 years old.

Rikmiald converted to Ogsism during the Summer of 613.

In Kraikoust during the Autumn of 613, a girl named Agembesh Shas was born. She was a Gekist criminal. Enkax and a man named Ikemaint Pedsa adopted her.

Zant died from an illness during the Summer of 614. In Aitsasho, she was 92 years old.

Idrankesh rebelled against a woman named Klaithru Kraine during the Autumn of 614. Klaithru was a Ogsist Lady of Kenkase, Lady of Ptiksaint Thrink, Vassal of Aitsasho, Vassal of Krirat and farmer. As a result, in Kenkase, Idrankesh was executed. A woman named Ithrar Thir gave birth to Zaikoung's daughter Adrembia Thir in Kraikoust that Spring. His daughter was a Gekist Lady of Kraikoust and farmer. Ithrar was a Gekist Lady of Kraikoust and farmer. That Summer, Bankobzou died from an illness. She was 125 years old in Kenkase. Then, Agembesh converted to Gekism.

Griakaikme became Lord of Obdab during the Spring of 616.

During the Summer of 617, Ubitai died from an illness. She was 98 years old in Obdab. In Aitsasho next Summer, a boy named Ptanke Shas was born. He was a Gekist poet. Bez and Kukai adopted him.

Ptanke converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 618.

In Krirat during the Winter of 618, a girl named Thrud Shas was born. She was a Daibist merchant. Seng and a woman named Tsoumb Nange adopted her. Then, in Kenkase, a boy named Elath Shas was born. Elath was a Ogsist farmer. Tituby and Pelza adopted Elath in Krirat. That Spring, Houple died from an illness. They were 73 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Autumn of 619, Elath converted to Gekism. Then, in Kenkase, Lalsobdou and Mistoupu were married. Then, Thrud converted to Ogsism.

Ibsemboud died from an illness during the Summer of 620. In Kraikoust, he was 90 years old.

A girl named Drabzep Shas was born in Kenkase during the Winter of 620. She was a Gekist farmer. Lalsobdou and Mistoupu adopted her. That Spring, Rikmiald became Lord of Krirat.

Drabzep converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 621.

During the Summer of 622, Tituby converted to Ogsism.

Elath converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 622. That Spring, a boy named Ilzu Shas was born. Ilzu was a Gekist warrior. Lalsobdou and Mistoupu adopted Ilzu.

Ilzu converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 623.

During the Winter of 623, Pelza converted to Ogsism. Lix died from an illness next Winter. In Aitsasho, Lix was 101 years old.

Thrud converted to Gekism during the Summer of 627.

During the Spring of 628, Rebrits died from an illness. She was 146 years old.

Zimze died from a sudden illness during the Spring of 631. In Nkepu, she was 73 years old.

Eno's son died from an illness during the Spring of 633. In Ptiksaint Thrink, his son was 164 years old.

Siakrou died from an illness during the Autumn of 633. In Krirat, he was 73 years old. Tituby and a woman named Eshatzis Pedsa were married next Autumn. She was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Tituby's and Pelza's relationship ended.

During the Spring of 638, a man named Atheby Withre and Ugaigrag were married. He was a Ogsist farmer.

Ugaigrag gave birth to Atheby's son Urabia Shas during the Summer of 639. Atheby's son was a Gekist farmer. Then, in Aitsasho, a girl named Drialake Shas was born. Drialake was a Gekist merchant. A man named Drathe Pedsa and Taimite adopted Drialake.

Atheby's son converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 639.

During the Winter of 639, Agembesh died from an illness. She was 26 years old in Kraikoust. In Kenkase that Spring, a girl named Kesha Shas was born. Kesha was a Gekist merchant. A man named Stoug Thir and Lushar adopted Kesha. Then, in Aitsasho, a girl named Thriple Shas was born. She was a Ogsist merchant. Drathe and Taimite adopted her. Kesha converted to Gekism that Summer. Then, Koukmango died from an illness. He was 95 years old in Kenkase. Then, Thriple converted to it.

Ugaigrag gave birth to Atheby's daughter Bomila Shas in Krirat during the Winter of 640. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, a girl named Stebank Shas was born. She was a Ogsist warrior. Woun and Uldist adopted her. Then, in Aitsasho, Bainzaple and Nabzouz were married. Then, Stebank converted to Ogsism. Atheby's daughter converted to it that Spring. Then, in Kenkase, Stoug and Lushar were married. He was a Gekist farmer. A girl named Azelzu Shas was born in Aitsasho that Summer. Azelzu was a Gekist farmer. Bainzaple and Nabzouz adopted Azelzu. Then, in Nkepu, Alsenze and a man named Mbam Dreselsa were married. Mbam was a Ogsist farmer.

A girl named Ptoun Shas was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 641. She was a Gekist poet. Stoug and Lushar adopted her.

During the Winter of 641, Ptoun converted to Gekism. Then, Azelzu converted to it. Then, Oushiksian died from an illness. She was 97 years old in Krirat. That Spring, Woun and Uldist were married. Then, Kombokou died from an illness. She was 89 years old in Kenkase. In Krirat that Summer, an enby named Natsenk Shas was born. Xe was a Ogsist blacksmith. Atheby and Ugaigrag adopted xem. Then, Drialake converted to it. Then, in Nkepu, a girl named Bunkene Shas was born. Bunkene was a Ogsist farmer. Alsenze and Mbam adopted Bunkene.

A girl named Daik Shas was born in Krirat during the Spring of 643. She was a Ogsist criminal. Atheby and Ugaigrag adopted her. Then, a boy named Melso Shas was born. Melso was a Ogsist warrior. Woun and Uldist adopted Melso. Then, Daik converted to Ogsism. Then, Zonzez died from an illness. He was 86 years old. Then, Tsodre died from an illness. Tsodre was 89 years old in Kenkase. Then, Natsenk converted to it. Melso converted to it that Summer.

During the Autumn of 643, Bunkene converted to Ogsism. Then, Dretso died from an illness. As a result, Dretso's and Miaple's relationship ended. Dretso was 106 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Winter of 643, Zaikoung died from an illness. He was 58 years old. A boy named Tsank Shas was born in Aitsasho next Winter. Tsank was a Gekist criminal. Nabzouz and Bez adopted Tsank. That Spring, Tsank converted to Gekism. Wepouz became Lady of Kenkase that Summer. Then, Ngubix died from an illness. Ngubix was 94 years old in Kraikoust.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 645, Nabzouz and Bez were married. As a result, his and Kukai's relationship ended.

A boy named Zash Shas was born during the Autumn of 646. He was a Gekist warrior. Bainzaple and Nabzouz adopted him. That Spring, a boy named Neksoldo Shas was born. He was a Gekist merchant. She and Bez adopted him. Then, Ptanke and Nkiabsiat were married.

A boy named Ozenout Shas was born during the Autumn of 647. He was a Gekist farmer. Ptanke and Nkiabsiat adopted him.

During the Winter of 647, Neksoldo converted to Gekism. Then, a girl named Atet Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Nabzouz and Bez adopted her.

Ediagoup converted to Ogsism during the Summer of 648.

During the Autumn of 648, Atet converted to Gekism. Then, Shepso died from an illness. Shepso was 121 years old.

Zash converted to Gekism during the Winter of 649. Then, Ozenout converted to it.

Pelza died from an illness during the Summer of 650. In Krirat, she was 89 years old.

A girl named Nithi Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 650. She was a Gekist criminal. Ptanke and Nkiabsiat adopted her.

In Kenkase during the Winter of 650, a boy named Lembaz Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Fotairai and a woman named Flepsaith Brouriny adopted him. Then, Tsamzash's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 154 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

In Aitsasho during the Summer of 651, a girl named Nguzamza Shas was born. She was a Gekist criminal. Ptanke and Nkiabsiat adopted her.

Nguzamza converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 651. Then, in Kenkase, a girl named Kralaista Shas was born. Kralaista was a Ogsist warrior. Fotairai and Flepsaith adopted Kralaista. Then, Enkax died from an illness. She was 154 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Nithi converted to it. A boy named Nenkashe Shas was born in Aitsasho that Spring. Nenkashe was a Gekist farmer. Ptanke and Nkiabsiat adopted Nenkashe. That Summer, Nenkashe converted to it.

Grokab died from an illness during the Autumn of 652. As a result, Drounank's and her relationship ended. In Kenkase, she was 97 years old.

Embaishix died from an illness during the Winter of 652. She was 147 years old. Next Winter, a boy named Naikiby Shas was born. He was a Gekist merchant. Fotairai and Flepsaith adopted him. Lembaz converted to Gekism that Spring. Next Spring, Jenke died from an illness. Jenke was 85 years old. Naikiby converted to it that Summer.

During the Spring of 656, Elath died from an illness. He was 37 years old in Krirat.

During the Spring of 658, Shet died from an illness. She was 85 years old in Aitsasho. That Summer, Jink died from an illness. He was 71 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Kralaista converted to Gekism.

Segrebdo died from an illness during the Autumn of 658. In Kenkase, he was 85 years old. Bez died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Nabzouz's and Bez's relationship ended. In Aitsasho, Bez was 98 years old.

Wepouz died from an illness during the Autumn of 660. In Kenkase, she was 86 years old. She was a Lady of Kenkase for 15 years.

Sheshe and Ngeza were married in Aitsasho during the Summer of 662. Next Summer, Atheby's son converted to Gekism. Zalzi's son died from an illness next Summer. In Kenkase, Zalzi's son was 160 years old.

Kesha gave birth to Urabia's daughter Stombagi Shas during the Winter of 664. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. That Spring, Thrud converted to Daibism. Bousur died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Elia's and Bousur's relationship ended. In Obdab, Bousur was 94 years old.

Griakaikme died from an illness during the Winter of 665. He was 92 years old. He was a Lord of Obdab for 50 years. Then, Urabia's daughter converted to Gekism. Kesha gave birth to Urabia's son Nosouth Shas in Kenkase next Winter. Urabia's son was a Gekist farmer. That Spring, Mouzeby died from an illness. He was 95 years old in Nkepu. Then, a boy named Wiabdai Shas was born. Wiabdai was a Ogsist criminal. A man named Tsias Painge and Udotza adopted Wiabdai. Then, Urabia's son converted to it. Then, Wiabdai converted to Ogsism. Kesha and Atheby's son were married in Kenkase that Summer.

During the Autumn of 668, Kesha gave birth to Urabia's son Lainakria Shas. Urabia's son was a Gekist farmer. Urabia's son converted to Gekism that Spring.

During the Spring of 671, Taimite died from an illness. She was 78 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Autumn of 671, Niaz converted to Ogsism.

Tsoumb and Nkog were married in Kraikoust during the Autumn of 673. She was a Gekist blacksmith.

During the Summer of 674, a boy named Tsezi Shas was born. He was a Gekist blacksmith. Tsoumb and Nkog adopted him.

Tsezi converted to Gekism during the Spring of 675. Then, Lalsobdou died from an illness. Lalsobdou was 102 years old in Kenkase.

During the Summer of 676, Sheshe became Laird of Aitsasho, when Ibsinko died from an illness. An enby named Liabdon Thir murdered Nkog in Kraikoust next Summer, because he rejected Liabdon 3 years earlier. Liabdon was a Gekist farmer and murderer. As a result, Tsoumb's and his relationship ended. He was 143 years old.

During the Autumn of 679, Uldist died from an illness. As a result, Woun's and his relationship ended. He was 90 years old in Krirat. Next Autumn, Rikmiald established The State of Krirat.

Drabzep died from an illness during the Spring of 682. In Kenkase, she was 61 years old.

A girl named Aibedosh Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 682. She was a Gekist blacksmith. A woman named Lat Thribroble and Ilzu adopted her. Next Autumn, they were married. Lat was a Gekist blacksmith. A girl named Ngamb Shas was born that Spring. Ngamb was a Gekist warrior. They adopted Ngamb. Then, Aibedosh converted to Gekism.

A girl named Onkenu Shas was born during the Winter of 684. She was a Gekist criminal. Lat and Ilzu adopted her. Then, he died from an illness. As a result, Lat's and his relationship ended. He was 62 years old. Thriple converted to Ogsism that Spring. That Summer, Rikmiald died from an illness. Rikmiald was 97 years old in Krirat. Rikmiald was a Lord of Krirat for 64 years. Rikmiald was a King of Krirat for 5 years.

During the Autumn of 685, Sheshe pledged allegiance to a woman named Tsoubdegrou Thribroble. She was a Gekist Queen of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lady of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lady of Kenkase, Lady of Krirat, Vassal of Krirat and merchant.

Ngamb converted to Gekism during the Winter of 685.

During the Winter of 687, Onkenu converted to Gekism. A girl named Klavebsou Shas was born in Aitsasho that Spring. Klavebsou was a Gekist farmer. An enby named Bidsongo Pedsa and Ozenout adopted Klavebsou.

During the Winter of 688, a boy named Apim Shas was born. He was a Gekist poet. Bidsongo and Ozenout adopted him.

Ziathraid died from an illness during the Spring of 691. In Nkepu, she was 92 years old. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Klushonk Shas was born. Klushonk was a Ogsist farmer. Natsenk and a woman named Grobdekmi Shadreple adopted Klushonk. Klushonk converted to Ogsism that Summer.

During the Winter of 691, Wiabdai converted to Daibism. Natsenk and Grobdekmi were married that Spring. She was a Ogsist farmer. That Summer, Apim converted to Gekism. Then, Mistoupu died from an illness. Mistoupu was 135 years old in Kenkase.

During the Autumn of 692, Stebank died from an illness. She was 52 years old in Krirat.

During the Winter of 692, Klavebsou converted to Gekism. Then, Alsenze died from an illness. He was 136 years old in Nkepu.

During the Summer of 694, Tseg died from an illness. He was 107 years old in Kenkase.

During the Winter of 695, Thrud died from an illness. She was 77 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Autumn of 696, Fotairai died from an illness. He was 181 years old in Kenkase. That Spring, Bainzaple died from an illness. Bainzaple was 180 years old in Aitsasho. That Summer, Woun died from an illness. As a result, Ediagoup's and her relationship ended. She was 98 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 700, a boy named Panez Shas was born. He was a Ogsist warrior. Melso and a woman named Mbiado Pedsa adopted him.

Niaz died from an illness during the Winter of 700. In Obdab, she was 89 years old. Then, Panez converted to Ogsism. Then, in Aitsasho, a man named Shibzuz Etsepsa rebelled against Sheshe. Shibzuz was a Gekist Lord of Aitsasho, Vassal of Ptiksaint Thrink and blacksmith. As a result, they was executed, and Shibzuz became Lord of Aitsasho. Melso and Mbiado were married in Krirat that Spring. Mbiado was a Ogsist blacksmith. That Summer, a girl named Oshemb Shas was born. She was a Ogsist blacksmith. He and Mbiado adopted her. Then, Oshemb converted to it.

A girl named Kladrosh Shas was born during the Winter of 702. She was a Ogsist blacksmith. Melso and Mbiado adopted her. That Spring, Kladrosh converted to Ogsism. An enby named Zankoge Shas was born in Nkepu next Spring. Ze was a Ogsist criminal. Bunkene and a man named Posain Lam adopted zir. Then, ze converted to it.

Kralaista converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 704.

During the Summer of 706, Ediagoup died from an illness. He was 119 years old in Krirat.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 707, a girl named Thrainkoub Shas was born. She was a Gekist farmer. An enby named Tsiankoshe Ptadri and Onkenu adopted her.

An enby named Mout Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Summer of 708. Ey was a Gekist criminal. Zash and Nguzamza adopted em.

During the Spring of 710, Thrainkoub converted to Gekism. Mout converted to it that Summer. Then, Zash and Nguzamza were married.

Lushar died from an illness during the Autumn of 710. In Kenkase, she was 142 years old. Then, in Aitsasho, a girl named Kony Shas was born. Kony was a Gekist criminal. Zash and Nguzamza adopted Kony.

Kony converted to Gekism during the Winter of 710.

During the Spring of 712, Tituby died from an illness. He was 137 years old in Krirat.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 712, an enby named Baip Shas was born. Ze was a Gekist merchant and murderer. Zash and Nguzamza adopted hir.

Baip converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 713. That Spring, Zoulzege's daughter died from an illness. Her daughter was 141 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Winter of 716, Ptanke died from an illness. As a result, his and Nkiabsiat's relationship ended. He was 98 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Spring of 718, Atheby's son died from an illness. As a result, Kesha's and Urabia's relationship ended. Atheby's son was 79 years old in Kenkase.

During the Autumn of 719, Ptoun died from an illness. She was 78 years old.

An enby named Jaidote Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 719. Ey was a Gekist farmer. Lembaz and a man named Rantate Ptadri adopted em.

During the Autumn of 720, Lembaz and Rantate were married. Rantate was a Gekist poet.

Tsiankoshe and Onkenu were married during the Winter of 720. Ze was a Gekist farmer. That Spring, Panez converted to Gekism.

Jaidote converted to Gekism during the Winter of 721. Then, Azelzu died from an illness. She was 81 years old in Aitsasho. That Spring, Wiabdai converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Sepetso Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 722. He was a Gekist King of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lord of Kenkase, Lord of Kraikoust and farmer. Lembaz and Rantate adopted him. That Spring, Sepetso converted to Gekism.

Tsiankoshe and Ngamb were married in Kraikoust during the Spring of 725. In Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer, a girl named Flagrou Shas was born. Flagrou was a Gekist farmer. They adopted Flagrou in Kraikoust. Then, Flagrou converted to Gekism. Atheby's daughter died from an illness next Summer. In Krirat, his daughter was 85 years old.

Klushonk gave birth to Itsol's son Tsad Shas during the Autumn of 726. Itsol's son was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Itsol Pedsa was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Itsol's son converted to Ogsism. A girl named Nar Shas was born in Obdab next Autumn. Nar was a Gekist merchant. Thriple and a man named Floukse Tash adopted Nar. That Spring, Nar converted to it. Drialake died from an illness that Summer. In Aitsasho, Drialake was 89 years old.

Ozenout died from an illness during the Spring of 729. He was 81 years old.

In Obdab during the Autumn of 729, Thriple and Floukse were married. He was a Ogsist blacksmith.

A man named Fathot Dramum gave birth to Apim's daughter Koudo Shas in Aitsasho during the Winter of 729. Apim's daughter was a Gekist Lady of Aitsasho, Vassal of Ptiksaint Thrink and farmer. Fathot was a Gekist Lord of Aitsasho, Vassal of Ptiksaint Thrink and poet. In Kenkase that Spring, a man named Tap Kliabzeg and Urabia's son were married. Tap was a Gekist criminal. Fat died from an illness that Summer. In Kraikoust, Fat was 144 years old.

A girl named Tis Shas was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 730. She was a Gekist farmer. Tap and Urabia's son adopted her. Then, in Aitsasho, Fathot gave birth to Apim's daughter Flotsab Shas. Apim's daughter was a Gekist poet. Nkiabsiat died from an illness that Spring. She was 140 years old. Then, Tis converted to Gekism. Thriple died from an illness that Summer. As a result, her and Floukse's relationship ended. In Obdab, she was 91 years old. Zash died from an illness next Summer. As a result, Nithi's and Zash's relationship ended. In Aitsasho, Zash was 86 years old.

Apim's daughter converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 733.

During the Winter of 733, Apim's daughter converted to Gekism.

Kralaista died from an illness during the Autumn of 734. In Krirat, she was 83 years old.

A girl named Donk Shas was born in Kenkase during the Winter of 734. She was a Ogsist criminal. In Krirat, Panez and an enby named Dig Mbir adopted her.

Donk converted to Gekism during the Spring of 736. Then, Lembaz died from an illness. As a result, his and Rantate's relationship ended. Lembaz was 85 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. In Krirat that Summer, Panez and Dig were married. Dig was a Ogsist criminal. Then, Kukai died from an illness. Kukai was 165 years old in Aitsasho. Then, in Kenkase, an enby named Ipamzup Shas was born. They were a Ogsist warrior. He and Dig adopted them in Krirat.

In Aitsasho during the Autumn of 736, a boy named Amzoldiple Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. A woman named Olzo Mep and Klavebsou adopted him. Then, he converted to Gekism. Seng died from an illness that Spring. In Krirat, Seng was 191 years old. Ipamzup converted to it that Summer.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 739, a girl named Tsenk Shas was born. She was a Ogsist warrior. Panez and Dig adopted her in Krirat. Then, she converted to Gekism.

Natsenk died from an illness during the Winter of 740. Xe was 99 years old.

In Kraikoust during the Summer of 741, Ngamb and a man named Thesheba Ezeksople were married. He was a Gekist farmer. Panez converted to Ogsism next Summer.

During the Autumn of 742, Tsenk converted to Ogsism.

Ipamzup converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 742.

During the Autumn of 743, Urabia's son died from an illness. His son was 77 years old in Kenkase.

During the Summer of 744, Donk converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Bivaple Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Winter of 744. He was a Gekist farmer. Apim and Fathot adopted him.

During the Spring of 746, Udotza died from an illness. She was 167 years old in Nkepu.

During the Autumn of 746, Bivaple converted to Gekism.

Wiabdai died from an illness during the Winter of 748. In Krirat, he was 82 years old. Nguzamza died from an illness that Spring. In Aitsasho, she was 98 years old.

Naikiby died from an illness during the Spring of 751. In Kenkase, he was 97 years old. Nenkashe died from an illness next Spring. In Aitsasho, Nenkashe was 100 years old.

Nar converted to Gekism during the Summer of 755.

During the Spring of 756, Melso died from an illness. He was 113 years old in Krirat.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 757, a boy named Bridetso Shas was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Dragrour Zoudat and Tis adopted him.

Dragrour and Tis were married during the Winter of 757. Dragrour was a Gekist farmer. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Ngembe Shas was born. She was a Ogsist farmer. An enby named Helsiado Neshan and Ugaigrag adopted her. A girl named Resh Shas was born in Kenkase that Spring. She was a Gekist farmer. Dragrour and Tis adopted her. That Summer, Bridetso converted to Gekism. Then, Resh converted to it. Then, Ngembe converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Mbomze Shas was born during the Winter of 758. He was a Gekist criminal. Dragrour and Tis adopted him. That Spring, he converted to Gekism. A woman named Rad Ezo and Oshemb were married in Krirat that Summer. Rad was a Ogsist blacksmith.

During the Autumn of 759, Helsiado and Ugaigrag were married. Ne was a Ogsist poet.

Aibedosh died from an illness during the Winter of 759. In Ptiksaint Thrink, she was 77 years old. Then, Tsezi died from an illness. He was 86 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Summer of 762, Tsank died from an illness. He was 118 years old in Kenkase.

During the Summer of 764, Ngamb died from an illness. She was 80 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Autumn of 764, Klushonk died from an illness. She was 73 years old in Obdab.

During the Summer of 765, Urabia's son died from an illness. His son was 97 years old in Kenkase.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 766, a boy named Douponti Shas was born. He was a Gekist Lord of Aitsasho and warrior. An enby named Nanke Painge and Apim's daughter adopted him.

Thrainkoub died from an illness during the Summer of 767. In Kraikoust, she was 60 years old.

Douponti converted to Gekism during the Spring of 768. Next Spring, Klavebsou died from an illness. As a result, Olzo's and Klavebsou's relationship ended. Klavebsou was 81 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Summer of 770, Sepetso became Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink.

Daik died from an illness during the Spring of 772. In Krirat, she was 129 years old.

Sepetso established The State of Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 772.

During the Autumn of 773, Atet died from an illness. She was 126 years old in Aitsasho. Next Autumn, Apim's daughter became Lady of Aitsasho, when Fathot died from an illness. Onkenu died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Onkenu's and Fakudre's relationship ended. In Ptiksaint Thrink, Onkenu was 90 years old.

Sepetso became Lord of Kenkase during the Autumn of 779, when he and his armies attacked Kenkase. Next Autumn, a woman named Grovatza Tserenke gave birth to his son Tsaipinkai Shas. Sepetso's son was a Gekist King of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lord of Kenkase, Lord of Kraikoust and warrior. She was a Gekist warrior. Sepetso's son converted to Gekism next Autumn. That Spring, she gave birth to his son Tagubsai Shas. Sepetso's son was a Gekist poet.

Sepetso's son converted to Gekism during the Winter of 782. Then, Grovatza gave birth to his son Satsiaby Shas. Sepetso's son was a Gekist farmer.

A man named Pod Bamb and Apim's daughter were married in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 783. Pod was a Gekist poet. Then, Sepetso's son converted to Gekism. A boy named Rodek Shas was born that Spring. Rodek was a Gekist poet. They adopted Rodek. That Summer, Apim died from an illness. He was 95 years old. Then, Rodek converted to it.

Panez died from an illness during the Autumn of 784. As a result, his and Dig's relationship ended. In Krirat, he was 84 years old.

A girl named Wathrush Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Winter of 784. She was a Gekist poet. Pod and Apim's daughter adopted her. Then, Apim's daughter pledged allegiance to Sepetso. Sepetso and Grovatza were married in Ptiksaint Thrink next Winter. As a result, Grovatza's and Ambez's relationship ended. That Spring, Wathrush converted to Gekism. A girl named Ptedonk Shas was born in Aitsasho that Summer. Ptedonk was a Gekist poet. Pod and Apim's daughter adopted Ptedonk.

During the Autumn of 786, Ptedonk converted to Gekism. A girl named Dimzenai Shas was born that Spring. Dimzenai was a Gekist merchant. Pod and Apim's daughter adopted Dimzenai.

During the Summer of 788, Dimzenai converted to Gekism.

An enby named Ushoudy Shas was born in Kenkase during the Winter of 790. Ze was a Gekist merchant. Resh and Kesha adopted zir.

During the Autumn of 791, Kesha died from an illness. As a result, Resh's and Kesha's relationship ended. Kesha was 152 years old.

Ushoudy converted to Gekism during the Winter of 791. Then, Kony died from an illness. She was 81 years old in Aitsasho. That Spring, Oshemb died from an illness. Oshemb was 91 years old in Krirat.

During the Winter of 794, Sepetso became Lord of Kraikoust, when he and his armies attacked Kraikoust.

Sepetso died from an illness during the Summer of 796. As a result, his son became King of Ptiksaint Thrink, his son became Lord of Kenkase, and his son became Lord of Kraikoust. In Ptiksaint Thrink, he was 73 years old. He was a Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink for 26 years. He was a King of Ptiksaint Thrink for 23 years. He was a Lord of Kenkase for 17 years. He was a Lord of Kraikoust for 2 years. Then, Mout died from an illness. Ey was 88 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Autumn of 796, Kladrosh died from an illness. She was 94 years old in Krirat.

During the Summer of 797, Itsol's son and a woman named Ledou Pedsa were married. She was a Ogsist warrior. She gave birth to Tsad's daughter Mbadobri Shas in Obdab next Summer. Tsad's daughter was a Ogsist warrior.

During the Spring of 799, Tsad's daughter converted to Ogsism.

Neksoldo died from an illness during the Autumn of 799. In Aitsasho, he was 152 years old.

Zankoge died from an illness during the Summer of 800. In Nkepu, ze was 96 years old.

Ugaigrag died from an illness during the Winter of 800. In Krirat, she was 199 years old.

A boy named Ouse Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Summer of 801. He was a Gekist warrior. Nithi and an enby named Grir Ebrianta adopted him. Then, he converted to Gekism.

An enby named Sux Shas was born during the Summer of 804. They were a Gekist poet and murderer. Baip and Grir adopted them. Then, Bivaple died from an illness. He was 60 years old. Then, a girl named Vestidi Shas was born. She was a Gekist Lady of Aitsasho, Lady of Kenkase, Vassal of Kraikoust and warrior. Ze and Douponti adopted her.

Flagrou died from an illness during the Winter of 804. In Kraikoust, she was 79 years old.

Sux converted to Gekism during the Summer of 805. Next Summer, Vestidi converted to it.

Jaidote died from an illness during the Spring of 809. In Ptiksaint Thrink, ey was 89 years old.

Baip murdered Grir in Aitsasho during the Autumn of 809. They were a Gekist warrior. As a result, ze angered Sux; and 13 years later, Sux would murder hir. Grir was 57 years old.

Itsol's son died from an illness during the Spring of 811. As a result, Tsad's and Ledou's relationship ended. In Obdab, Itsol's son was 84 years old.

Tis died from an illness during the Autumn of 812. As a result, her and Nkatse's relationship ended. In Kenkase, Tis was 82 years old.

Bridetso converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 815.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Spring of 818, Sepetso's son and a woman named Liamb Vodias were married. She was a Gekist merchant. Donk died from an illness that Summer. In Krirat, Donk was 83 years old.

An enby named Goumethrou Shas was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 818. Ze was a Gekist merchant. Sepetso's son and Liamb adopted zir.

During the Summer of 819, Bunkene died from an illness. She was 177 years old in Nkepu.

During the Winter of 819, Apim's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Douponti became Lord of Aitsasho. Apim's daughter was 90 years old in Aitsasho. Apim's daughter was a Lady of Aitsasho for 45 years. Apim's daughter was a Vassal of Ptiksaint Thrink for 35 years. Then, Goumethrou converted to Gekism.

Baip murdered Douponti during the Autumn of 820. As a result, Vestidi became Lady of Aitsasho, and ze angered her. He was 54 years old. He was a Lord of Aitsasho for 9 months.

During the Spring of 822, Tsenk died from an illness. She was 83 years old in Krirat.

In Aitsasho during the Autumn of 822, Sux murdered Baip, because ze murdered Grir 13 years earlier. As a result, Sux angered Sux, and Sux would murder Sux 7 months later. Ze was 110 years old.

During the Winter of 825, Apim's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 95 years old.

Sepetso's son was killed in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 826. As a result, Tsaipinkai's and Liamb's relationship ended. Sepetso's son was 46 years old. Sepetso's son was a King of Ptiksaint Thrink for 30 years. Sepetso's son was a Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink for 30 years. Sepetso's son was a Lord of Kenkase for 30 years. Sepetso's son was a Lord of Kraikoust for 30 years. Then, Vestidi became Lady of Kenkase, when Vestidi and her armies attacked Kenkase.

Nar died from an illness during the Winter of 826. In Aitsasho, she was 99 years old.

Bridetso died from an illness during the Summer of 828. In Krirat, he was 71 years old.

Amzoldiple died from an illness during the Spring of 833. In Aitsasho, he was 96 years old.

Wathrush converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 835. Next Winter, she converted to Gekism.

Nithi died from an illness during the Spring of 838. She was 187 years old.

In Krirat during the Winter of 839, a girl named Shabziatha Shas was born. She was a Ogsist warrior. A man named Loumzera Aze and Tsad's daughter adopted her. She converted to Ogsism that Spring. That Summer, they were married. Loumzera was a Ogsist farmer.

Dimzenai converted to Gatism during the Summer of 844.

During the Spring of 848, Dimzenai converted to Gekism. Vestidi pledged allegiance to a man named Pizibsi Apsebedy next Spring. He was a Gekist King of Kraikoust, Lord of Kraikoust and farmer.

During the Autumn of 851, Urabia's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 187 years old in Kenkase.

During the Winter of 852, Ngembe died from an illness. She was 95 years old in Krirat.

During the Spring of 855, Resh died from an illness. She was 97 years old in Kenkase.

During the Autumn of 859, Ptedonk died from an illness. She was 73 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Winter of 859, Wathrush died from an illness. She was 75 years old.

Sepetso's son died from an illness during the Summer of 862. In Ptiksaint Thrink, his son was 80 years old.

Dimzenai died from an illness during the Summer of 872. In Aitsasho, she was 85 years old.

Vestidi was killed during the Spring of 875. She was 71 years old. She was a Lady of Aitsasho for 55 years. She was a Lady of Kenkase for 49 years. She was a Vassal of Kraikoust for 26 years. Next Spring, Rodek died from an illness. He was 92 years old.

Goumethrou died from an illness during the Autumn of 876. In Kraikoust, ze was 58 years old.

Sepetso's son died from an illness during the Autumn of 878. In Ptiksaint Thrink, his son was 96 years old.

Ouse died from an illness during the Spring of 887. In Aitsasho, he was 86 years old. Tsad's daughter died from an illness next Spring. In Krirat, Tsad's daughter was 90 years old. A man named Rougroro Shaivias and Shabziatha were married that Summer. He was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Winter of 891, a boy named Ngabzetsa Shas was born. He was a Ogsist warrior. Rougroro and Shabziatha adopted him. Then, Ngabzetsa converted to Ogsism.

Ushoudy and a woman named Mong Tserenke were married in Kenkase during the Winter of 908. She was a Gekist warrior.

During the Summer of 917, Shabziatha died from an illness. She was 78 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 918, a woman named Emze Salziaste gave birth to Ngabzetsa's daughter Shailza Shas. His daughter was a Ogsist merchant. Emze was a Ogsist merchant. Then, his daughter converted to Ogsism. Emze and he were married that Spring. Next Spring, she gave birth to his son Tip Shas. Ngabzetsa's son was a Ogsist warrior. Ngabzetsa's son converted to it that Summer.

During the Winter of 920, Emze gave birth to Ngabzetsa's daughter Tekmamze Shas. His daughter was a Ogsist Lady of Krirat, Vassal of Oubrelse Gramb and merchant. Then, his daughter converted to Ogsism.

Mbomze died from an illness during the Summer of 926. In Kenkase, he was 167 years old.

Ipamzup died from an illness during the Autumn of 926. In Krirat, they were 190 years old.

Ngabzetsa's son died from an illness during the Spring of 939. His son was 19 years old.

During the Spring of 945, Ushoudy died from an illness. Ze was 154 years old in Kenkase.

In Krirat during the Summer of 954, Ngabzetsa's daughter gave birth to Kebe's daughter Ikmou Shas. Kebe's daughter was a Ogsist Lady of Krirat and merchant. A man named Kebe Nkouby was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Kebe's daughter converted to Ogsism.

Ngabzetsa's daughter gave birth to Kebe's son Shousa Shas during the Spring of 955. Kebe's son was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Winter of 955, Ngabzetsa's daughter gave birth to Kebe's daughter Aze Shas. Kebe's daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Kebe's daughter converted to Ogsism.

Ngabzetsa's daughter gave birth to Kebe's child Sherest Shas during the Autumn of 956. Kebe's child was a Daibist farmer. That Spring, Kebe's child converted to Ogsism.

Kebe's son converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 957.

During the Autumn of 967, a boy named Ketin Shas was born. He was a Gekist warrior. A man named Leto Mbounke and Ngabzetsa's daughter adopted him. Then, Ketin converted to Ogsism.

Kebe's child converted to Daibism during the Autumn of 978.

During the Autumn of 983, Ngabzetsa died from an illness. He was 92 years old. Ketin converted to Gekism next Autumn.

During the Winter of 993, Ngabzetsa's daughter became Lady of Krirat.

Ngabzetsa's daughter pledged allegiance to a woman named Iatux Estothax during the Autumn of 996. She was a Emzunist Queen of Oubrelse Gramb, Lady of Oubrelse Gramb, Lady of Fugrolsa and farmer.

During the Winter of 997, Ngabzetsa's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 79 years old.

A girl named Biap Shas was born in Aitsasho during the Spring of 1010. She was a Gekist farmer. Ketin and a woman named Ptema Rimob adopted her.

During the Winter of 1010, a boy named Aikreth Shas was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Ketin and Ptema adopted him. Then, Biap converted to Gekism. Aikreth converted to it next Winter.

In Fugrolsa during the Autumn of 1019, a man named Pepathru Tsenk and Kebe's child were married. Pepathru was a Daibist poet. Ngabzetsa's daughter died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Kebe's daughter became Lady of Krirat. In Krirat, Ngabzetsa's daughter was 99 years old. Ngabzetsa's daughter was a Lady of Krirat for 26 years.

A boy named Lino Shas was born in Fugrolsa during the Autumn of 1020. He was a Daibist farmer. Pepathru and Kebe's child adopted him.

During the Spring of 1022, Lino converted to Daibism.

A girl named Tont Shas was born during the Autumn of 1023. She was a Daibist poet. Pepathru and Kebe's child adopted her. That Spring, she converted to Daibism. A boy named Idizo Shas was born next Spring. He was a Daibist farmer. They adopted him. Then, he converted to it.

Kebe's daughter died from an illness during the Summer of 1026. In Krirat, his daughter was 72 years old. His daughter was a Lady of Krirat for 6 years.

Kebe's daughter and a man named Reda Getsebse were married in Nkepu during the Winter of 1028. Reda was a Ogsist merchant.

During the Spring of 1030, a girl named Studaik Shas was born. She was a Ogsist blacksmith. Kebe's daughter and Reda adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism.

Kebe's child died from an illness during the Winter of 1031. In Fugrolsa, his child was 75 years old.

Kebe's son died from an illness during the Winter of 1042. In Krirat, his son was 88 years old.

A woman named Muldat Olzex and Biap were married in Aitsasho during the Summer of 1045. Muldat was a Gekist farmer.

During the Autumn of 1046, a boy named Elibdoz Shas was born. He was a Gekist merchant. Muldat and Biap adopted him. He converted to Gekism that Spring. Next Spring, an enby named Shimbour Shas was born. Xe was a Ogsist Monarch of Krirat, Laird of Krirat and criminal. They adopted xem. Xe converted to it that Summer.

During the Winter of 1050, Kebe's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 95 years old in Nkepu.

During the Autumn of 1053, Ketin died from an illness. He was 86 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Summer of 1070, Shimbour converted to Ogsism.

A girl named Thounou Shas was born during the Autumn of 1078. She was a Gekist farmer. Aikreth and a woman named Lomb Dot adopted her.

During the Summer of 1080, Biap died from an illness. She was 70 years old.

Thounou converted to Gekism during the Winter of 1080.

During the Summer of 1082, Tont died from an illness. She was 59 years old in Fugrolsa. Then, in Obdab, a boy named Mogsomb Shas was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. Shimbour and a man named Tekmoulza Ngegouldia adopted him.

Mogsomb converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 1082.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 1094, a girl named Losh Shas was born. She was a Gekist merchant. A woman named Gaitzitou Thribroble and Elibdoz adopted her.

Losh converted to Gekism during the Spring of 1097.

During the Winter of 1097, a girl named Daites Shas was born. She was a Gekist merchant. Gaitzitou and Elibdoz adopted her. Then, Lino died from an illness. Lino was 77 years old in Fugrolsa.

In Aitsasho during the Summer of 1098, a boy named Nish Shas was born. He was a Gekist merchant. Gaitzitou and Aikreth adopted him.

Nish converted to Gekism during the Winter of 1098. That Spring, Aikreth died from an illness. As a result, Aikreth's and Lomb's relationship ended. Aikreth was 88 years old. Daites converted to it that Summer.

During the Summer of 1111, Idizo died from an illness. He was 86 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Spring of 1116, Studaik died from an illness. She was 86 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 1121, Mogsomb died from an illness. He was 39 years old in Aitsasho. Next Autumn, Thounou died from an illness. She was 44 years old.

Elibdoz died from an illness during the Spring of 1147. In Kenkase, he was 101 years old.

Nish rebelled against a woman named Stiak Denkage during the Winter of 1158. She was a Gekist Queen of Aitsasho, Lady of Aitsasho, Lady of Kenkase, Lady of Obdab, Vassal of Fugrolsa and farmer. As a result, in Aitsasho, he was executed.

Daites died from an illness during the Spring of 1179. In Kenkase, she was 81 years old.

Shimbour became Laird of Krirat during the Summer of 1181.

During the Autumn of 1183, Shimbour established The State of Krirat.

Losh died from an illness during the Spring of 1190. In Aitsasho, she was 95 years old. Shimbour was killed in Krirat next Spring. Xe was 143 years old. Xe was a Laird of Krirat for 10 years. Xe was a Monarch of Krirat for 7 years.