Lives of the Azar

The Etsepsas

Abridged Biography

The Etsepsas is a family.

Unabridged Biography

The Etsepsas is a family. A girl named Vuno Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Spring of 107. She was a Gekist criminal.

During the Spring of 127, Vuno and a woman named Saz Drodsank were married. Saz was a Gekist poet. Saz gave birth to Vuno's son Sigish Etsepsa that Summer. Vuno's son was a Gekist criminal.

During the Winter of 128, Saz gave birth to Vuno's son Outsenke Etsepsa. Vuno's son was a farmer.

Saz gave birth to Vuno's son Usho Etsepsa during the Autumn of 129. Vuno's son was a Gekist criminal.

During the Autumn of 141, Vuno's son converted to Gekism. She and a woman named Dreld Adribag were married that Spring. Dreld was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Ogotzould's and Vuno's relationship ended.

During the Autumn of 143, Dreld gave birth to Vuno's child Drasas Etsepsa. Vuno's child was a Gekist farmer.

A girl named Thrilde Etsepsa was born during the Spring of 149. She was a criminal. A man named Geselda Mboushou and Vuno's son adopted her.

During the Winter of 149, a girl named Epai Etsepsa was born. She was a farmer. Geselda and Vuno's son adopted her. They were married that Spring. He was a farmer.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 150, a girl named Mbelzebza Etsepsa was born. Geselda and Vuno's son adopted her.

Mbelzebza died from an illness during the Spring of 152. She was 2 years old.

During the Autumn of 152, Vuno's child converted to Gekism.

A girl named Puntou Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Spring of 155. She was a Gekist criminal. An enby named Tembil Omunk and Vuno's son adopted her.

During the Autumn of 156, Tembil and Vuno's son were married. Xe was a Gekist Monarch of Kenkase, Laird of Kenkase and farmer.

A boy named Haveke Etsepsa was born during the Summer of 157. He was a Gekist farmer. Tembil and Vuno's son adopted him.

During the Spring of 158, a boy named Ptoungast Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Tembil and Vuno's son adopted him. Then, he converted to Gekism.

Vuno's son and a woman named Grankogai Fegse were married during the Winter of 160. Grankogai was a Gekist farmer. That Spring, a girl named Krikiany Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Tembil and Vuno's son adopted her.

Grankogai gave birth to Sigish's son Rude Etsepsa during the Winter of 161. Sigish's son was a Gekist criminal.

During the Autumn of 162, Grankogai gave birth to Sigish's daughter Thebo Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist criminal.

Vuno's son converted to Gekism during the Summer of 164.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Spring of 165, an enby named Gaibse Ptidote gave birth to Outsenke's son Lapig Etsepsa. Outsenke's son was a farmer. They were a farmer.

Gaibse and Vuno's son were married during the Autumn of 165. Then, Sigish's son converted to Gekism. Krikiany converted to it next Autumn.

During the Summer of 167, Puntou converted to Gekism.

Vuno converted to Gekism during the Spring of 168. In Kenkase that Summer, her child and a woman named Akretuz Fegse were married. Akretuz was a Gekist warrior.

Sigish's daughter converted to Gekism during the Winter of 168. That Spring, Akretuz gave birth to Drasas' daughter Gruthraist Etsepsa. Their daughter was a Gekist.

Haveke converted to Gekism during the Summer of 170.

During the Autumn of 172, Drasas' daughter converted to Gekism.

An enby named Zag Tsevavia gave birth to Haveke's daughter Tsiapaishou Etsepsa during the Summer of 177. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. They were a Gekist farmer. Then, his daughter converted to Gekism.

Zag and Haveke were married during the Winter of 177. Next Winter, Zag gave birth to his daughter Thesopse Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

Zag gave birth to Haveke's daughter Kraksi Etsepsa during the Autumn of 179. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

During the Winter of 179, Haveke's daughter converted to Gekism. Then, his daughter converted to it.

Thrilde gave birth to Jeble's son Wadiat Etsepsa in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 180. Jeble's son was a criminal and murderer. A man named Jeble Emzap was a blacksmith.

In Kenkase during the Spring of 181, Krikiany gave birth to Kibsut's daughter Elduny Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. He was a Gekist farmer. His daughter converted to Gekism that Summer.

During the Winter of 181, Krikiany gave birth to Kibsut's daughter Daple Etsepsa. A woman named Ana Shaikrial gave birth to Ptoungast's son Thubra Etsepsa that Spring. Ptoungast's son was a Gekist farmer. She was a Gekist farmer. Then, Drasas' daughter died from The Yellow Plague. Their daughter was 13 years old. Then, Sigish's daughter died from it. His daughter was 19 years old. Then, Kibsut's daughter died from it. Kibsut's daughter was 2 months old. Jeble and Thrilde were married in Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer. Then, Puntou died from The Cold Plague. She was 27 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Autumn of 182, Ptoungast's son converted to Gekism.

Ana and Ptoungast were married in Kenkase during the Winter of 182.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 183, a woman named Jok Krethrobdou gave birth to Outsenke's daughter Vake Krethrobdou. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. Jok was a farmer.

Epai gave birth to Krele's daughter Irankia Etsepsa during the Winter of 186. Xyr daughter was a Gekist merchant. Xe was a merchant.

During the Summer of 187, an enby named Dut Etsepsa was born. They were a warrior. A man named Atelsa Tsouzoux and Vuno's son adopted them.

A girl named Dekmek Etsepsa was born during the Summer of 190. She was a Gekist warrior. In Kraikoust, Atelsa and Vuno's son adopted her.

Epai and an enby named Krele Tsouzoux were married during the Autumn of 190. As a result, Obzo's and xyr relationship ended.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 190, Jok gave birth to Outsenke's child Tanevo Krethrobdou. His child was a Gekist warrior.

Outsenke's son and a woman named Satolda Geksiasia were married during the Summer of 191. She was a criminal. Then, a woman named Gid Ptidote gave birth to his daughter Kriageso Ptidote. His daughter was a merchant. Gid was a criminal.

An enby named Iatzaru Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 191. Ze was a farmer. Outsenke's son and Satolda adopted hir.

In Kraikoust during the Autumn of 193, Atelsa and Vuno's son were married. He was a Gekist warrior. As a result, Poulaitsu's and his relationship ended, and Outsenke's and Jok's relationship ended.

Epai died from an illness during the Winter of 199. As a result, her and Krele's relationship ended. She was 50 years old.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 200, a man named Kliat Niasesh and Thrilde were married. He was a farmer. As a result, Abiabzeng's and Kliat's relationship ended. A woman named Thronkod Shaikrial and Vuno were married in Kenkase that Spring. Thronkod was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Vuno's and Pankembo's relationship ended.

During the Autumn of 201, a woman named Aimbi Shaikrial gave birth to Thubra's son Nadsix Etsepsa. Thubra's son was a Gekist farmer. She was a Gekist farmer. Then, Thubra's son converted to Gekism. Haveke's daughter gave birth to Mboutse's son Thist Etsepsa that Spring. Mboutse's son was a Gekist farmer. A man named Mboutse Fegse was a Gekist King of Krirat, Lord of Krirat and warrior. That Summer, Mboutse's son converted to it.

Haveke's daughter gave birth to Mboutse's son Nkegedra Etsepsa during the Winter of 202. Mboutse's son was a Gekist farmer. Then, Mboutse's son converted to Gekism.

A boy named Fleponia Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 204. He was a Gekist criminal. Jeble's son and a woman named Shoubine Krethrobdou adopted him.

In Kenkase during the Spring of 206, a woman named Asheto Mboushou and Ptoungast's son were married. She was a Gekist criminal. As a result, Aimbi's and Thubra's relationship ended. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a girl named Threb Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Jeble's son and Shoubine adopted her. His son and Shoubine were married that Summer. She was a warrior and murderer. In Kenkase next Summer, a boy named Dritish Etsepsa was born. Dritish was a Gekist farmer. A man named Ptiretsa Ptat and Haveke's daughter adopted Dritish in Kraikoust.

During the Autumn of 207, Dritish converted to Gekism. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a girl named Hakemi Etsepsa was born. She was a criminal. Jeble's son and Shoubine adopted her.

A boy named Gimbega Etsepsa was born in Kraikoust during the Summer of 208. He was a farmer. A man named Sela Wenia and Krele's daughter adopted him.

During the Autumn of 208, Ptiretsa and Haveke's daughter were married. Ptiretsa was a Gekist farmer. Then, in Kenkase, a girl named Digez Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. A man named Embikris Sethrud and Haveke's daughter adopted her. Then, she converted to Gekism.

A girl named Tsaidai Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 208. She was a Gekist farmer. In Kraikoust, Ptiretsa and Haveke's daughter adopted her. She converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, a girl named Abrobzoul Etsepsa was born. Abrobzoul was a Gekist merchant. Sela and Krele's daughter adopted Abrobzoul. Jeble's son murdered Jok in Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer, because she rejected Jeble's son 8 years earlier. She was 48 years old. Next Summer, xyr daughter converted to it.

Dut gave birth to Zugald's son Pud Wial in Krirat during the Winter of 211. Zugald's son was a poet. A man named Zugald Wial was a poet.

In Kenkase during the Winter of 213, Kibsut's daughter and an enby named Taz Embo were married. Taz was a Gekist blacksmith. As a result, Taz's and Ngenk's relationship ended. Then, in Krirat, Dut gave birth to Geron's son Ptalambe Legren. A man named Geron Legren was a Ogsist farmer.

Vuno's son died from an illness during the Summer of 214. As a result, Sigish's and Grankogai's relationship ended. In Kenkase, Vuno's son was 87 years old.

Sigish's son and a woman named Dib Shaikrial were married during the Winter of 214. She was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Aimbi's and Rude's relationship ended, and Dib's and Grana's relationship ended. Then, in Krirat, Geron and Dut were married. As a result, Flomb's and Dut's relationship ended. Ptoungast and a woman named Kokmi Ketsountai were married in Kenkase that Spring. She was a Gekist farmer. As a result, her and Mboutse's relationship ended. In Kraikoust that Summer, a woman named Ebou Thir gave birth to Lapig's daughter Iantai Thir. His daughter was a farmer. Ebou was a Gekist mystic and murderer.

A man named Agsia Monk and Dekmek were married during the Winter of 215. He was a Gekist farmer. In Kenkase that Spring, Krikiany and a man named Thapsiamb Shaikrial were married. Thapsiamb was a Gekist farmer. Haveke's daughter gave birth to Mboutse's son Kezoro Etsepsa that Summer. Mboutse's son was a Gekist warrior.

During the Winter of 216, Mboutse's son converted to Gekism. A boy named Ialeka Etsepsa was born in Krirat that Spring. Ialeka was a Ogsist farmer. A woman named Amisa Tsevavia and Dut adopted Ialeka.

During the Autumn of 218, a boy named Laith Etsepsa was born. He was a warrior. Amisa and Dut adopted him.

Outsenke's son and a woman named Itsai Semix were married in Kraikoust during the Winter of 219. She was a Gekist farmer.

During the Autumn of 220, Krele's daughter gave birth to Airaniap's son Nos Etsepsa. Airaniap's son was a Gekist poet. A man named Airaniap Embo was a Gekist farmer.

Amisa and Dut were married in Krirat during the Winter of 220. She was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Degsothra's and Amisa's relationship ended.

During the Autumn of 221, Vuno's son died from an illness. As a result, Tel's and Outsenke's relationship ended. Her son was 93 years old in Kraikoust.

In Kenkase during the Winter of 222, a man named Riple Shas and Vuno's son were married. He was a Gekist farmer.

A woman named Haigabza Asaig and Mboutse's son were married during the Summer of 223. She was a Gekist farmer.

During the Spring of 224, Haigabza gave birth to Thist's daughter Bint Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist. Vuno died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Thronkod's and Vuno's relationship ended. Vuno was 117 years old.

During the Autumn of 224, Thist's daughter converted to Gekism. Vuno's child died from an illness next Autumn. Her child was 82 years old.

During the Summer of 228, Haveke's daughter and a man named Nkish Embo were married. Nkish was a Gekist farmer.

A boy named Shable Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 228. He was a Gekist farmer. Threb and a man named Oubiado Adoum adopted him.

In Kraikoust during the Spring of 230, Dekmek and a man named Ebaza Monk were married. He was a farmer. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a boy named Galdast Etsepsa was born. Galdast was a Gekist blacksmith. Threb and Oubiado adopted Galdast. A girl named Manik Etsepsa was born that Summer. In Kraikoust, Threb and a man named Mady Thir adopted her.

A boy named Ezikiats Etsepsa was born during the Spring of 231. A man named Agiagrok Kaintana and Krele's daughter adopted him. That Summer, an enby named Razos Etsepsa was born. Ze was a Gekist. Iatzaru and a man named Zenab Nashou adopted zir.

Razos converted to Gekism during the Winter of 231. That Spring, Threb and Oubiado were married. He was a farmer.

Ptoungast's son and a woman named Shaiksanti Geksiasia were married in Kenkase during the Summer of 233. She was a Gekist farmer.

During the Autumn of 233, Sigish's son and Haveke's daughter were married. As a result, Mboutse's and Thesopse's relationship ended. Then, a boy named Nedel Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist. They adopted him. Then, he converted to Gekism.

A boy named Krekme Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 233. He was a Gekist farmer. Ptoungast's son and Shaiksanti adopted him. Then, Krekme converted to Gekism.

A boy named Nibden Etsepsa was born during the Summer of 234. He was a Gekist. Sigish's son and Haveke's daughter adopted him. Then, Nibden converted to Gekism.

An enby named Abdaik Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 234. Ze was a Gekist. Mboutse's son and a man named Sape Ptat adopted hir.

During the Summer of 235, Abdaik converted to Gekism. Then, a boy named Ebairimb Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist. Digez and a man named Ishoumag Emzap adopted him.

Ebairimb converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 235. Then, a girl named Pongaiva Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Mboutse's son and Sape adopted her. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Fleponia and a woman named Kastou Emzap were married. Kastou was a farmer. Then, Pongaiva converted to it.

A girl named Fegriza Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 235. She was a Gekist farmer. Fleponia and Kastou adopted her.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 236, Mboutse's son and Sape were married. Sape was a Gekist merchant. Then, Abrobzoul converted to Gekism.

An enby named Ganig Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 236. Fleponia and Kastou adopted them.

During the Winter of 236, Krele's daughter died from The Dark Plague. As a result, Agiagrok's and Irankia's relationship ended. Xyr daughter was 50 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Dritish died from it. Dritish was 29 years old. Then, Abrobzoul died from it. Abrobzoul was 28 years old. Then, Ezikiats died from it. He was 6 years old. Then, Razos died from it. Ze was 6 years old. Then, Tsaidai died from it. She was 28 years old. Then, Thrilde died from it. Thrilde was 88 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, Vuno's son died from it. As a result, Riple's and Usho's relationship ended. Her son was 107 years old in Kenkase. Then, Laith died from it. He was 18 years old in Krirat. Then, Nibden died from it. Nibden was 2 years old in Kenkase. Then, Iatzaru died from it. As a result, Pabzoung's and hir relationship ended. Ze was 45 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Haveke's daughter died from it. As a result, Rude's and Thesopse's relationship ended. Haveke's daughter was 58 years old in Kenkase. Then, Ptoungast's son died from it. As a result, Thubra's and Shaiksanti's relationship ended. Ptoungast's son was 55 years old. Then, Abdaik died from it. Abdaik was 2 years old. Then, Digez died from it. Digez was 28 years old. Then, Nedel died from it. He was 3 years old. Then, Thubra's son died from it. Thubra's son was 35 years old. Then, Thist's daughter died from it. His daughter was 13 years old. Then, Haveke's daughter died from it. Haveke's daughter was 57 years old. Then, Mboutse's son died from it. His son was 34 years old. Then, Ganig died from it. They were 3 months old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, Kibsut's daughter died from it. Kibsut's daughter was 56 years old in Kenkase. Then, Manik died from it. She was 7 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Mboutse's son died from it. As a result, Haigabza's and Thist's relationship ended. Mboutse's son was 35 years old in Kenkase.

During the Spring of 238, Ebairimb died from a sudden illness. He was 3 years old.

An enby named Paipsilzo Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 239. Threb and Gimbega adopted them. That Spring, a girl named Kialsig Etsepsa was born. Kialsig was a criminal. Threb and Mady adopted Kialsig in Kraikoust. Then, they were married. Mady was a farmer. As a result, Threb's and Gimbega's relationship ended. Then, in Kenkase, Ptoungast and Haigabza were married. As a result, Haigabza's and Taz's relationship ended.

Airaniap's son converted to Gekism during the Winter of 240.

During the Autumn of 243, Dut rebelled against Mboutse. As a result, they was executed in Krirat. That Spring, Threb and a woman named Kabde Geksiasia were married. Kabde was a Gekist warrior.

Ptoungast died from an illness during the Autumn of 244. As a result, his and Haigabza's relationship ended. In Kenkase, he was 87 years old.

A boy named Broulou Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 245. He was a Gekist farmer. In Kraikoust, Threb and Mady adopted him.

Dekmek converted to Gekism during the Summer of 247.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 247, a woman named Gumb Niasesh and Fleponia were married. She was a merchant. As a result, his and Febde's relationship ended.

Haveke's daughter died from an illness during the Summer of 248. As a result, Ptiretsa's and Tsiapaishou's relationship ended. In Kraikoust, Haveke's daughter was 71 years old.

Gumb gave birth to Fleponia's son Ngovast Etsepsa in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 248. Fleponia's son was a Gekist criminal.

During the Summer of 249, Broulou converted to Gekism.

Gumb gave birth to Fleponia's daughter Lomoz Etsepsa during the Spring of 250. His daughter was a Gekist merchant.

During the Summer of 251, Galdast converted to Gekism.

Outsenke's son died from an illness during the Autumn of 252. As a result, Lapig's and Ebou's relationship ended. In Kraikoust, Outsenke's son was 88 years old.

Paipsilzo died from an illness during the Spring of 256. They were 16 years old. That Summer, Sigish's son died from an illness. His son was 95 years old in Kenkase.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 256, a woman named Douldug Thir gave birth to Shable's daughter Flur Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. Douldug was a farmer. He and Douldug were married next Winter.

During the Spring of 259, Douldug gave birth to Shable's son Etsiankig Etsepsa. Shable's son was a Gekist farmer.

Jeble's son died from an illness during the Winter of 259. As a result, Wadiat's and Shoubine's relationship ended. Jeble's son was 79 years old.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 260, Outsenke's daughter and Mboutse's son were married.

Douldug gave birth to Shable's daughter Ubdantag Etsepsa in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 260. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

In Kenkase during the Winter of 260, a boy named Gigride Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Outsenke's daughter and Mboutse's son adopted him. Then, Gigride converted to Gekism.

Douldug gave birth to Shable's son Zokseria Etsepsa in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 261. Shable's son was a Gekist farmer.

In Kenkase during the Spring of 263, a girl named Adrebsast Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Outsenke's daughter and Mboutse's son adopted her. Then, she converted to Gekism. Fleponia and a woman named Oulubdar Emzap were married in Ptiksaint Thrink next Spring. Oulubdar was a Gekist farmer.

During the Autumn of 265, Shable's daughter converted to Gekism.

Dekmek and a man named Krethrugai Aibiankous were married in Kraikoust during the Winter of 265. He was a farmer.

In Kenkase during the Autumn of 268, a man named Throst Embo and Haveke were married. Throst was a Gekist poet.

Kialsig gave birth to Ezu's daughter Oumbai Etsepsa in Kraikoust during the Winter of 268. Xyr daughter was a Gekist merchant. Xe was a Gekist criminal. That Spring, Kialsig and xe were married. Gimbega and Kabde were married in Ptiksaint Thrink next Spring.

During the Winter of 270, Galdast died from a sudden illness. He was 41 years old in Kenkase. In Kraikoust that Spring, Kialsig gave birth to Ezu's son Eksedunk Etsepsa. Xyr son was a Gekist farmer. She died from an illness next Spring. As a result, her and xyr relationship ended. She was 32 years old.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 272, a girl named Zeb Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist merchant. A woman named Etub Emzap and Fegriza adopted her.

A girl named Saibset Etsepsa was born during the Spring of 274. She was a Gekist merchant. Etub and Fegriza adopted her. That Summer, Threb converted to Gekism.

A boy named Etsan Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 274. He was a Gekist farmer. Etub and Fegriza adopted him.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 275, a boy named Tsiank Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Krekme and Airaniap's son adopted him.

Tsiank converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 275. That Spring, a boy named Unko Etsepsa was born. Unko was a Gekist farmer. Krekme and Airaniap's son adopted Unko. Then, Unko converted to it.

A man named Iliap Thir and Broulou were married in Kraikoust during the Autumn of 276. Iliap was a Gekist poet.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 277, Etub and Fegriza were married. Etub was a Gekist merchant. As a result, Kredse's and Fegriza's relationship ended.

A boy named Azese Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 277. He was a Gekist. Krekme and Airaniap's son adopted him.

During the Winter of 277, Azese converted to Gekism.

Krekme and Airaniap's son were married during the Summer of 278.

During the Winter of 278, Ialeka converted to Ogsism. A girl named Bratere Etsepsa was born that Spring. She was a Gekist warrior. Krekme and Airaniap's son adopted her.

During the Autumn of 279, Fleponia converted to Gekism. Then, Bratere converted to it.

A woman named Ngiaple Emzap gave birth to Ubdantag's son Zezig Etsepsa in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Spring of 282. Ubdantag's son was a Gekist farmer. Ngiaple was a Gekist farmer.

During the Winter of 282, an enby named Kaibi Etsepsa was born. Ey was a Gekist poet. Fleponia's son and a woman named Kaith Adoum adopted em. Then, Ngiaple and Shable's daughter were married.

A woman named Stouziati Thir and Fleponia's son were married during the Spring of 285. She was a Gekist farmer. That Summer, Shable's son converted to Gekism. Then, Haveke died from an illness. As a result, Throst's and Haveke's relationship ended. Haveke was 128 years old in Kenkase.

During the Autumn of 285, Shable's son converted to Gekism. Fleponia died from an illness next Autumn. In Ptiksaint Thrink, Fleponia was 82 years old. Stouziati gave birth to Ngovast's son Tsatsi Etsepsa that Spring. Ngovast's son was a Gekist farmer. That Summer, Ngiaple gave birth to Ubdantag's daughter Rant Etsepsa. Ubdantag's daughter was a Gekist farmer.

Stouziati gave birth to Ngovast's son Piantekme Etsepsa during the Autumn of 288. Ngovast's son was a Gekist farmer.

During the Spring of 290, Gimbega died from an illness. As a result, his and Kabde's relationship ended. He was 82 years old. Mboutse's son died from an illness that Summer. In Kenkase, Mboutse's son was 74 years old. Then, Krikiany died from an illness. As a result, Nur's and Krikiany's relationship ended. Krikiany was 129 years old.

Fleponia's daughter converted to Gekism during the Winter of 290. Then, Ezu's daughter converted to it.

Azese died from an illness during the Summer of 292. He was 15 years old.

During the Autumn of 292, Adrebsast gave birth to Buzo's son Ngepsa Etsepsa. Buzo's son was a Gekist farmer. A man named Buzo Fegse was a Gekist warrior. Then, a man named Hotho Adoum gave birth to Etsiankig's daughter Ptentadsa Etsepsa. Etsiankig's daughter was a Gekist merchant. Hotho was a Gekist farmer. Then, Buzo's son converted to Gekism. Then, Etsiankig's daughter converted to it.

Shable's daughter gave birth to Zebri's daughter Ptote Etsepsa in Kraikoust during the Winter of 292. Zebri's daughter was a Gekist warrior. A man named Zebri Ptat was a Gekist farmer.

During the Summer of 293, Fleponia's son converted to Gekism. Then, Ubdantag's daughter converted to it.

Shable's daughter gave birth to Zebri's son Aisaby Etsepsa during the Autumn of 293. Zebri's son was a Gekist farmer.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 293, Hakemi and a man named Met Tsevavia were married. He was a Gekist farmer.

Dekmek died from an illness during the Autumn of 294. In Kraikoust, she was 104 years old.

Zebri's daughter converted to Gekism during the Winter of 294.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 295, Buzo and Adrebsast were married. Zebri's son converted to Gekism next Summer.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 296, Ezu's daughter and Etsan were married. Then, Zeb converted to Gekism.

Ezu's daughter gave birth to Etsan's daughter Flonk Etsepsa during the Winter of 296. His daughter was a Gekist merchant.

During the Summer of 297, a woman named Fanzag Emzap and Shable were married. She was a farmer.

Ezu's daughter gave birth to Etsan's son Nadrouno Etsepsa during the Autumn of 297. Etsan's son was a Gekist merchant.

During the Winter of 297, a girl named Zasegsou Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. A woman named Gant Shaikrial and Shable adopted her. A boy named Ukrabsint Etsepsa was born that Spring. Ukrabsint was a Gekist farmer. Fanzag and Shable adopted Ukrabsint. That Summer, Etsan's daughter converted to Gekism. A girl named Udroubset Etsepsa was born in Kraikoust next Summer. Udroubset was a Gekist farmer. An enby named Ezu Shosh and Shable's daughter adopted Udroubset.

During the Autumn of 299, Fegriza converted to Gekism.

Udroubset converted to Gekism during the Winter of 299. That Spring, a girl named Mberen Etsepsa was born. Mberen was a Gekist merchant. Ezu and Shable's daughter adopted Mberen. Then, xyr son converted to it.

Mberen converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 300. Then, Ezu and Shable's daughter were married. As a result, Flur's and Zebri's relationship ended.

Shable's daughter converted to Gekism during the Winter of 300.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 301, Ezu's daughter gave birth to Etsan's son Tag Etsepsa. Etsan's son was a Gekist farmer.

Saibset converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 301. That Spring, Ezu's daughter gave birth to Etsan's daughter Gridsethre Etsepsa. His daughter was a Ogsist criminal. Hakemi died from an illness next Spring. As a result, her and Met's relationship ended. She was 95 years old.

In Kenkase during the Winter of 303, a girl named Oma Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Tsiank and Hotho adopted her. Then, she converted to Gekism.

Shable's son and a man named Bepapi Shas were married during the Autumn of 304. Bepapi was a Gekist warrior.

During the Winter of 305, a girl named Tseth Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Shable's son and Bepapi adopted her. She converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, Etsan's daughter converted to it. A boy named Retzelza Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer. Retzelza was a Gekist merchant. Met and Fleponia's daughter adopted Retzelza.

In Kraikoust during the Autumn of 306, Zeb gave birth to Runt's daughter Arouza Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist merchant. He was a Gekist warrior. Then, his daughter converted to Gekism. Then, in Kenkase, an enby named Tep Etsepsa was born. Ze was a Gekist blacksmith. Shable's son and Bepapi adopted hir. Ubdantag's daughter died from an illness that Spring. In Ptiksaint Thrink, her daughter was 20 years old. Then, Shable's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Ezu's and Flur's relationship ended. His daughter was 50 years old in Kraikoust. That Summer, Zeb gave birth to Runt's son Grangag Etsepsa. Runt's son was a Ogsist merchant. Then, ze converted to it.

Met and Fleponia's daughter were married in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 307. Then, in Kenkase, a boy named Eke Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist farmer. A woman named Donk Thir and Pongaiva adopted him.

Eke converted to Gekism during the Winter of 307. That Spring, Ngovast's son converted to it. Then, Runt's son converted to it.

Etsan's son converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 309. That Spring, Fegriza died from an illness. As a result, Etub's and Fegriza's relationship ended. Fegriza was 74 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. That Summer, Kaibi converted to it. Then, in Kenkase, a girl named Thopa Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Adrebsast and a man named Jel Fegse adopted her. Then, in Kraikoust, Saibset and a woman named Zepsuby Shosh were married. Zepsuby was a Gekist farmer.

Thopa converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 310.

During the Winter of 310, Zasegsou converted to Gekism. Shable's daughter died from an illness next Winter. In Ptiksaint Thrink, his daughter was 51 years old.

A girl named Gresould Etsepsa was born during the Summer of 312. She was a Gekist criminal. Fleponia's daughter and Gigride adopted her. Then, Ubdantag's son converted to Gekism.

Ngovast's son converted to Gekism during the Winter of 312.

In Kenkase during the Summer of 313, a girl named Ngosho Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Adrebsast and Jel adopted her. Then, Ngosho converted to Gekism.

Fleponia's daughter and Gigride were married in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 313.

During the Winter of 313, a girl named Bripe Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist merchant. Fleponia's daughter and Gigride adopted her. Then, Gresould converted to Gekism. A woman named Tsipoulou Omunk gave birth to Tsiank's son Mbosh Etsepsa in Kenkase that Spring. Tsiank's son was a Gekist farmer. She was a Gekist blacksmith. In Kraikoust that Summer, Zebri's daughter gave birth to Brodse's son Zudy Ptat. Brodse's son was a Gekist warrior. A man named Brodse Ptat was a Gekist farmer.

A boy named Junkez Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 314. He was a Emzunist farmer. In Oubrelse Gramb, a man named Tile Thir and Ezu's son adopted him.

Tsipoulou and Tsiank were married in Kenkase during the Winter of 314. Then, his son converted to Gekism.

Ukrabsint converted to Gekism during the Summer of 315.

During the Autumn of 315, Tsipoulou gave birth to Tsiank's son Gakrou Etsepsa. Tsiank's son was a Gekist. Then, Etsan's son converted to Gekism.

Tsiank's son converted to Gekism during the Winter of 315. Then, Shable converted to it. Then, in Kraikoust, Zebri's daughter gave birth to Brodse's son Kethailu Ptat. Brodse's son was a Gekist criminal.

Retzelza converted to Gekism during the Summer of 316.

During the Winter of 316, Etsan converted to Gekism. Then, Zeb and a man named Amibold Thir were married. Amibold was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Runt's and her relationship ended. Airaniap's son died from an illness that Spring. In Kenkase, his son was 96 years old. Bripe converted to it next Spring. Next Spring, Shable died from an illness. As a result, Gant's and Shable's relationship ended. Shable was 90 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, Pongaiva died from an illness. Pongaiva was 84 years old in Kenkase.

During the Summer of 320, Ialeka died from The Black Plague. He was 103 years old in Krirat.

In Kraikoust during the Autumn of 320, Udroubset gave birth to Migsina's son Letiathe Etsepsa. Migsina's son was a Gekist. A man named Migsina Shosh was a Gekist criminal.

Buzo's son and Hotho were married in Kenkase during the Winter of 320. In Kraikoust that Spring, Udroubset and Migsina were married. Then, his son converted to Gekism. Tile and Ezu's son were married in Oubrelse Gramb that Summer. Tile was a Gekist criminal. As a result, Zoni's and Eksedunk's relationship ended. Then, in Kenkase, a girl named Shenk Etsepsa was born. Shenk was a Gekist farmer. Buzo's son and Hotho adopted Shenk. Then, in Kraikoust, Udroubset gave birth to Migsina's daughter Akraibredy Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist.

Shenk converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 321.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 321, a girl named Lap Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. An enby named Moulatu Emzap and Ukrabsint adopted her. Then, she converted to Gekism. A boy named Vangek Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb that Spring. Vangek was a Gekist farmer. Tile and Ezu's son adopted Vangek.

During the Autumn of 322, Fleponia's son died from an illness. His son was 74 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 322, a girl named Nimbai Etsepsa was born. She was a Emzunist farmer. Tile and Ezu's son adopted her. A boy named Ted Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring. Ted was a Gekist. A man named Flaiz Emzap and Kaibi adopted Ted. Next Spring, Migsina's daughter converted to Gekism.

Flaiz and Kaibi were married during the Autumn of 324. He was a Gekist warrior. Then, in Kenkase, a girl named Ere Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist. Oma and a woman named Shialasi Doubzoumb adopted her.

Ere converted to Gekism during the Summer of 325. Then, Ted converted to it. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a boy named Boup Etsepsa was born. Boup was a Gekist. Flaiz and Kaibi adopted Boup.

An enby named Vaibenk Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Winter of 325. They were a Gekist farmer. Buzo's son and Hotho adopted them. That Spring, Boup converted to Gekism. A boy named Gubu Etsepsa was born in Kraikoust that Summer. Gubu was a Gekist. A man named Mots Ptat and Mberen adopted Gubu. Then, Gubu converted to it.

An enby named Ungiak Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 326. Ze was a Gekist criminal. Flaiz and Kaibi adopted zir. Then, ze converted to Gekism. Then, Vaibenk converted to it.

A woman named Fagsor Kaintana gave birth to Piantekme's daughter Dranko Etsepsa in Kraikoust during the Summer of 328. His daughter was a Gekist. Fagsor was a Gekist farmer.

During the Autumn of 328, Piantekme's daughter converted to Gekism. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a boy named Thouzose Etsepsa was born. Thouzose was a Gekist farmer. Moulatu and Etsan adopted Thouzose.

A woman named Ombe Thir gave birth to Etsan's daughter Tsaipia Thir during the Winter of 328. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. Ombe was a Gekist farmer. Then, Moulatu and Ukrabsint were married. Moulatu was a Gekist warrior. As a result, Moulatu's and Etsan's relationship ended.

Ombe gave birth to Etsan's daughter Ner Thir during the Autumn of 329. His daughter was a Gekist. Then, Thouzose converted to Gekism. Then, in Kraikoust, a girl named Sailzoz Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist. Zepsuby and Zebri's son adopted her. Then, Sailzoz converted to it. A girl named Kregsilo Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring. Kregsilo was a Gekist. Moulatu and Ukrabsint adopted Kregsilo. That Summer, Kregsilo converted to it.

Migsina's daughter died from an illness during the Winter of 330. In Kraikoust, his daughter was 9 years old. Then, Runt's son converted to Ogsism. Then, Mberen died from The Sleeping Plague. She was 31 years old. Then, Ngovast's son died from The Sleeping Plague. As a result, Fagsor's and Piantekme's relationship ended. Ngovast's son was 42 years old. Then, Zebri's son died from it. As a result, Zepsuby's and Aisaby's relationship ended. Zebri's son was 37 years old. Then, Shable's son died from it. As a result, Ebou's and Zokseria's relationship ended. Shable's son was 70 years old. Then, Saibset died from it. She was 57 years old. Then, Tsiank's son died from it. His son was 15 years old in Kenkase. Then, Zeb died from it. Zeb was 58 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Migsina's son died from it. Migsina's son was 10 years old. Then, Gubu died from it. He was 5 years old. Then, Runt's daughter died from it. Runt's daughter was 24 years old. Then, Sailzoz died from it. She was 2 years old. Udroubset died from it that Spring. As a result, Udroubset's and Migsina's relationship ended, and Stezastou's and Udroubset's relationship ended. Udroubset was 32 years old. Then, Threb died from it. She was 125 years old. Then, Piantekme's daughter died from it. His daughter was 2 years old. Then, Boup died from it. Boup was 6 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, Ere died from it. Ere was 6 years old in Kenkase. Then, Ted died from it. He was 8 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, Fleponia's daughter died from it. Fleponia's daughter was 81 years old. Then, Etsan died from it. As a result, his and Ombe's relationship ended. He was 56 years old. Then, Ngosho died from it. Ngosho was 18 years old in Kenkase. That Summer, Broulou died from an illness. As a result, Broulou's and Shoukmetu's relationship ended. Broulou was 86 years old in Kraikoust.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 331, a girl named Shor Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Moulatu and Ukrabsint adopted her.

Tseth and Eke were married in Kenkase during the Winter of 331. That Spring, Shor converted to Gekism.

A woman named Tash Pedsa gave birth to Grangag's son Ozoth Etsepsa in Krirat during the Summer of 333. Grangag's son was a Ogsist merchant. She was a Ogsist merchant. Then, Grangag's son converted to Ogsism.

Etsan's daughter and a man named Soumzud Gril were married during the Autumn of 333. Soumzud was a Ogsist criminal. As a result, Klos' and Gridsethre's relationship ended. In Kenkase next Autumn, a boy named Ogrouso Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist warrior. Tseth and Eke adopted him.

Etsan's daughter gave birth to Soumzud's child Kloulut Etsepsa in Kraikoust during the Winter of 334. Soumzud's child was a Ogsist blacksmith. In Oubrelse Gramb that Spring, a woman named Laidren Brudeny gave birth to Junkez's son Tevoshe Etsepsa. Junkez's son was a Daibist farmer. She was a Gekist criminal. Ogrouso converted to Gekism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 335, Soumzud's child converted to Gekism. Then, Adrebsast died from an illness. She was 73 years old in Kenkase.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 335, Laidren gave birth to Junkez's daughter Mbianzia Etsepsa. His daughter was a farmer. A girl named Ngoure Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring. She was a Gekist farmer. Moulatu and Ukrabsint adopted her. In Kraikoust that Summer, Etsan's daughter gave birth to Soumzud's son Loshas Etsepsa. Soumzud's son was a Ogsist criminal. Then, she converted to Gekism. Then, Soumzud's son converted to it.

Etsan's daughter gave birth to Soumzud's son Tsasakre Etsepsa during the Winter of 336. Soumzud's son was a Ogsist mystic. That Spring, Soumzud's son converted to Gekism.

A boy named Iagsu Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 337. He was a Gekist farmer. Tseth and Eke adopted him.

During the Winter of 337, Iagsu converted to Gekism.

A girl named Kradar Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 338. She was a Gekist farmer. Gant and Ubdantag's son adopted her.

In Krirat during the Winter of 338, a boy named Iaba Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist blacksmith. An enby named Bonk Shas and Runt's son adopted him. Then, Iaba converted to Ogsism. Then, Kradar converted to Gekism. A girl named Nkosha Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring. Nkosha was a Gekist merchant. Etsan's daughter and Ubdantag's son adopted Nkosha. That Summer, Gant and Ubdantag's son were married. Gant was a Gekist poet. As a result, Flonk's and Zezig's relationship ended.

Bonk and Runt's son were married in Krirat during the Winter of 339. Bonk was a Ogsist poet. Next Winter, Nkosha converted to Gekism. A man named Britze Thum gave birth to Junkez's daughter Tsish Etsepsa in Oubrelse Gramb next Winter. Junkez's daughter was a Gekist farmer. Britze was a mystic. Then, in Kenkase, Bripe gave birth to Kasti's daughter Kloboug Shaikrial. His daughter was a Gekist farmer. He was a Gekist farmer. Retzelza and a woman named Nkum Emzap were married in Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring. She was a Gekist criminal. Then, Etsan's son and Ombe were married. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Junkez and Britze were married. As a result, Laidren's and Junkez's relationship ended. Bripe and a man named Kasti Shaikrial were married in Kenkase that Summer. In Oubrelse Gramb next Summer, Britze gave birth to Junkez's son Bredaip Etsepsa. Junkez's son was a Gekist farmer.

A man named Louziby Thir and Etsan's daughter were married in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 343. Louziby was a Gekist farmer. In Oubrelse Gramb that Spring, Britze gave birth to Junkez's son Keneza Etsepsa. Junkez's son was a farmer.

Kregsilo died from an illness during the Autumn of 344. In Ptiksaint Thrink, she was 14 years old. Junkez's son converted to Gekism that Spring.

In Kenkase during the Autumn of 345, Bripe gave birth to Kasti's son Tsible Shaikrial. Kasti's son was a Gekist warrior. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a girl named Ngouda Etsepsa was born. Ngouda was a Gekist merchant. Louziby and Etsan's daughter adopted Ngouda.

Ezu's daughter died from an illness during the Winter of 345. As a result, Oumbai's and Louziby's relationship ended, and Met's and her relationship ended. Xyr daughter was 77 years old. Then, Ngouda converted to Gekism.

A boy named Itsaz Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Summer of 346. He was a Gekist warrior. Etsiankig's daughter and a man named Bidair Embo adopted him. Then, Etsan's daughter converted to Ogsism. Then, Itsaz converted to Gekism.

A girl named Klalia Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 346. She was a Gekist. An enby named Ankazom Shaikrial and Shenk adopted her.

During the Winter of 346, Klalia converted to Gekism. Then, Soumzud's child converted to Ogsism. Bripe gave birth to Kasti's daughter Obsux Shaikrial next Winter. Kasti's daughter was a Gekist poet. That Spring, Soumzud's son converted to Ogsism. Then, his son converted to it. Etsiankig's daughter and Bidair were married that Summer. Bidair was a Gekist warrior.

During the Autumn of 349, Vangek converted to Gekism. A girl named Mbenusia Etsepsa was born that Spring. She was a Gekist farmer. Etsiankig's daughter and Bidair adopted her. Then, she converted to it.

A girl named Wazonk Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 351. She was a Gekist. Etsiankig's daughter and Bidair adopted her.

During the Winter of 351, Wazonk converted to Gekism.

A girl named Oukse Etsepsa was born during the Summer of 352. She was a Gekist. Etsiankig's daughter and Bidair adopted her. Then, she converted to Gekism. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Nimbai gave birth to Zidikma's son Zan Etsepsa. Zidikma's son was a warrior. A man named Zidikma Embo was a farmer.

Etsiankig's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 352. As a result, Ptentadsa's and Bidair's relationship ended. In Kenkase, Etsiankig's daughter was 60 years old. Tsiank and Tsipoulou were married that Spring.

During the Autumn of 353, Buzo's son and a man named Threzogsia Omunk were married. Threzogsia was a Gekist farmer. A girl named Voble Etsepsa was born that Spring. She was a Gekist farmer. They adopted her. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a man named Kage Emzap and Lap were married. He was a Gekist farmer. Then, Voble converted to Gekism. Unko died from an illness that Summer. In Kenkase, Unko was 78 years old.

A boy named Onikme Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 354. He was a Gekist. Buzo's son and Threzogsia adopted him.

During the Summer of 355, Onikme converted to Gekism.

Lap gave birth to Kage's daughter Baikroud Etsepsa in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 355. His daughter was a Gekist criminal. Then, his daughter converted to Gekism. A woman named Kleple Shosh gave birth to Tevoshe's son Shax Etsepsa in Oubrelse Gramb that Spring. Tevoshe's son was a farmer. She was a Daibist criminal and murderer. Then, Ukrabsint died from an illness. As a result, Moulatu's and his relationship ended. He was 58 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. In Fugrolsa that Summer, she and Junkez's son were married.

Nimbai and Zidikma were married in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 356.

During the Summer of 357, Soumzud's son converted to Daibism.

Kleple gave birth to Tevoshe's daughter Wiag Etsepsa during the Autumn of 357. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

During the Winter of 357, a woman named Brebiatzou Geksiasia gave birth to Junkez's son Kedebre Etsepsa. Junkez's son was a farmer. She was a mystic.

Kleple gave birth to Tevoshe's daughter Flonk Etsepsa during the Summer of 358. His daughter was a Daibist farmer.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 358, Etsan's son and Shor were married. Then, Junkez's daughter died from an illness. Junkez's daughter was 23 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Summer of 359, Brebiatzou and Junkez were married. As a result, her and Keksat's relationship ended.

Brebiatzou gave birth to Junkez's daughter Ngunkesh Etsepsa during the Spring of 360. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

During the Summer of 361, Kleple gave birth to Tevoshe's son Pabebe Etsepsa. Tevoshe's son was a Daibist farmer.

Shor gave birth to Tag's daughter Ketzo Etsepsa in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 361. His daughter was a Gekist Lady of Ptiksaint Thrink and farmer. That Spring, Shenk died from The Cruel Plague. As a result, Ankazom's and her relationship ended. She was 41 years old in Kenkase. Then, Iagsu died from it. Iagsu was 24 years old. Then, Thopa died from it. Thopa was 52 years old. Then, Vaibenk died from it. Vaibenk was 36 years old. Then, Bripe died from it. She was 48 years old. Then, Klalia died from it. Klalia was 15 years old. Then, Onikme died from it. He was 7 years old in Aitsasho. Then, Krekme died from it. Krekme was 128 years old in Kenkase. Then, Oukse died from it. She was 10 years old. Then, Tsiank died from it. As a result, his and Tsipoulou's relationship ended. He was 87 years old. Then, Wazonk died from it. She was 11 years old.

Nkum and Gigride were married in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 363. Then, in Krirat, Grangag's son gave birth to Josteny's son Memzold Pedsa. Josteny's son was a Ogsist merchant. A man named Josteny Pedsa was a Ogsist farmer. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Shor gave birth to Tag's daughter Raitsai Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

A man named Nezashou Adoum and Etsan's daughter were married during the Winter of 363. Nezashou was a Gekist mystic. That Spring, a girl named Droush Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist merchant. They adopted her.

An enby named Vomaigia Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 364. They were a Gekist warrior. Tseth and Oma adopted them.

During the Winter of 364, Gigride died from an illness. As a result, Nkum's and his relationship ended. He was 104 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, Vomaigia converted to Gekism.

Droush converted to Gekism during the Spring of 366. That Summer, Shor gave birth to Tag's daughter Enkiloby Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

Tseth and Oma were married in Kenkase during the Spring of 367. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Shor gave birth to Tag's daughter Graksemba Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

A girl named Kliakat Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 367. She was a Gekist farmer. Tseth and Eke adopted her. Then, Kliakat converted to Gekism. Then, Tag's daughter converted to it.

Threzogsia and Shable's son were married during the Winter of 367. As a result, Etsiankig's and Ankazom's relationship ended. That Spring, Tag's daughter converted to Gekism. A boy named Bumoudse Etsepsa was born that Summer. Bumoudse was a Gekist warrior. Tseth and Oma adopted Bumoudse. Then, Bumoudse converted to it.

Tag's daughter converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 368. Then, Shable's son died from an illness. As a result, Threzogsia's and Etsiankig's relationship ended. Shable's son was 110 years old.

Tag's daughter converted to Gekism during the Winter of 368.

During the Summer of 369, Buzo's son and Tep were married.

A boy named Foumb Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 369. He was a Ogsist farmer. Buzo's son and Tep adopted him. Then, Foumb converted to Gekism.

A boy named Goun Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 370. He was a Gekist farmer. Buzo's son and Tep adopted him. That Spring, Goun converted to Gekism. A woman named Ngemai Gril and Iaba were married that Summer. She was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Spring of 372, Bratere died from an illness. She was 93 years old. A girl named Waldarai Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer. Waldarai was a Gekist blacksmith. Zasegsou and Thouzose adopted Waldarai.

During the Autumn of 372, Waldarai converted to Gekism.

A man named Tink Shosh and Vangek were married in Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 372. Tink was a Daibist farmer. That Spring, Zebri's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 80 years old in Kraikoust. In Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer, Zasegsou and Thouzose were married.

A boy named Aiparu Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 373. He was a Gekist farmer. Tink and Vangek adopted him. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Retzelza and Lap were married.

A girl named Vinka Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 373. She was a Gekist farmer. Zasegsou and Thouzose adopted her. Then, Vinka converted to Gekism. Then, Buzo's son died from an illness. As a result, Ngepsa's and Tep's relationship ended. Buzo's son was 81 years old in Kenkase. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a boy named Thelaistia Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist blacksmith. Retzelza and Lap adopted him. Ubdantag's son died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Gant's and Zezig's relationship ended. Ubdantag's son was 92 years old. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, a boy named Flakmesh Etsepsa was born. Flakmesh was a Emzunist Lord of Oubrelse Gramb and farmer. A woman named Oulzobsez Geksiasia and Junkez's son adopted Flakmesh. Thelaistia converted to it that Summer. Then, Etsan's son died from an illness. Etsan's son was 77 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 374, a boy named Metsai Etsepsa was born. He was a Ogsist merchant. Ngemai and Iaba adopted him.

Metsai converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 374.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 375, an enby named Datsunk Etsepsa was born. Ve was a Gekist farmer. Zasegsou and Thouzose adopted ver. Then, ve converted to Gekism.

A girl named Sait Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 375. She was a Emzunist farmer. Tink and Vangek adopted her. In Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring, a girl named Ogagrou Etsepsa was born. Ogagrou was a Gekist farmer. Zasegsou and Thouzose adopted Ogagrou. Then, a boy named Ankipa Etsepsa was born. Ankipa was a Gekist farmer. Retzelza and Lap adopted Ankipa.

Ankipa converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 376.

During the Summer of 377, Ogagrou converted to Gekism.

An enby named Kushidy Etsepsa was born in Fugrolsa during the Winter of 377. Ey was a Ogsist poet. A woman named Tsok Brudeny and Soumzud's son adopted em. That Spring, ey converted to Daibism. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, a boy named Oulsa Etsepsa was born. Oulsa was a Gekist criminal. A man named Mbiagrelai Shosh and Junkez's son adopted Oulsa.

An enby named Begeb Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 378. They were a Gekist warrior. A man named Thisalza Shosh and Junkez's son adopted them. Then, a girl named Kradrou Etsepsa was born. She was a Emzunist farmer. A woman named Angoubdo Ptat and Junkez's daughter adopted her. Etsan's daughter died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Louziby's and Flonk's relationship ended, and Nezashou's and her relationship ended. In Ptiksaint Thrink, Etsan's daughter was 82 years old. Then, Itsaz died from an illness. He was 33 years old in Kenkase. In Oubrelse Gramb that Summer, a boy named Perotsi Etsepsa was born. Perotsi was a Emzunist merchant. Thisalza and Junkez's son adopted Perotsi.

A girl named Gib Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 379. She was a Emzunist farmer. Mbiagrelai and Junkez's son adopted her.

During the Summer of 380, a man named Gupsunzi Thum and Nimbai were married. He was a Emzunist criminal. As a result, Shepene's and her relationship ended.

A girl named Kenots Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 380. She was a Emzunist criminal. Thisalza and Junkez's son adopted her. Then, a girl named Fuget Etsepsa was born. Fuget was a Gekist criminal. Gupsunzi and Nimbai adopted Fuget. Then, Soumzud's son converted to Ogsism. Thisalza and Junkez's son were married that Spring. Thisalza was a warrior. As a result, Mbiagrelai's and Keneza's relationship ended, and Keksat's and Keneza's relationship ended. Next Spring, Etsan's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 80 years old in Krirat. That Summer, Kushidy converted to it. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, a boy named Drogo Etsepsa was born. Drogo was a Emzunist farmer and murderer. Vangek and a man named Jeksema Krethrobdou adopted Drogo. Then, Zasegsou died from an illness. As a result, her and Thouzose's relationship ended. She was 85 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

During the Winter of 382, Tevoshe's daughter converted to Gekism.

Ngovast's son died from an illness during the Summer of 383. In Kenkase, his son was 96 years old.

Tseth died from an illness during the Winter of 383. As a result, her and Eke's relationship ended, and her and Oma's relationship ended. Tseth was 78 years old. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Vangek and Jeksema were married. Jeksema was a Gekist warrior. As a result, Poubzaksou's and Jeksema's relationship ended. Aiparu converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, a boy named Iambouto Etsepsa was born. Iambouto was a farmer. Tink and Vangek adopted Iambouto. Then, in Krirat, an enby named Nam Painge and Runt's son were married. Nam was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Grangag's and Hethimzia's relationship ended, and Rem's and Grangag's relationship ended. Kaibi and Lap were married in Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer. As a result, Misope's and Lap's relationship ended.

During the Winter of 384, Thouzose and Gresould were married. Then, Iaba and a woman named Flimba Pedsa were married. Flimba was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Etsan's son died from an illness. As a result, Tag's and Shor's relationship ended. Etsan's son was 84 years old. A girl named Anze Etsepsa was born that Spring. Anze was a Gekist farmer. Thouzose and Gresould adopted Anze. In Oubrelse Gramb that Summer, a girl named Telo Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Vangek and Jeksema adopted her.

A boy named Aidsokmink Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 385. He was a Gekist farmer. Kaibi and Lap adopted him.

During the Autumn of 386, Anze converted to Gekism.

Aidsokmink converted to Gekism during the Winter of 386. In Krirat next Winter, a boy named Des Etsepsa was born. Des was a Ogsist farmer. Soumzud's son and a woman named Rabson Pedsa adopted Des. Then, Des converted to Ogsism.

Soumzud's son and Rabson were married during the Summer of 388. She was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Tsok's and Loshas' relationship ended.

During the Autumn of 388, a girl named Tashouko Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Soumzud's son and Rabson adopted her. Then, Tashouko converted to Ogsism.

Oma died from an illness during the Winter of 388. In Kenkase, she was 85 years old. A boy named Onep Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring. He was a Gekist Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink and criminal. Ungiak and Nkosha adopted him. That Summer, he converted to Gekism.

Telo converted to Gekism during the Winter of 389. Then, a girl named Iakiz Etsepsa was born. Iakiz was a Gekist merchant. Ungiak and Nkosha adopted Iakiz. A boy named Enoubde Etsepsa was born in Krirat that Spring. He was a Ogsist farmer. Soumzud's son and Rabson adopted him. Then, Enoubde converted to Ogsism. Iakiz converted to Gekism that Summer.

In Kraikoust during the Autumn of 390, Tag's daughter and a man named Jalu Shosh were married. Jalu was a Gekist criminal.

Tag's daughter gave birth to Jalu's daughter Aile Shosh during the Winter of 390. Jalu's daughter was a Gekist. Then, in Krirat, a woman named Aista Pedsa gave birth to Tsasakre's daughter Thilikru Pedsa. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. Aista was a Ogsist farmer. Ogrouso and Kradar were married in Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring. In Kenkase that Summer, a man named Pelzi Shaikrial and Mbenusia were married. He was a Gekist warrior.

An enby named Ianu Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 391. They were a Ogsist warrior. Pelzi and Mbenusia adopted them. Then, Kaibi died from an illness. As a result, eir and Lap's relationship ended. Ey was 109 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. That Spring, Ianu converted to Gekism.

Soumzud's son and a woman named Eloupse Shas were married in Krirat during the Autumn of 392. She was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Aista's and Tsasakre's relationship ended.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 392, a boy named Oukmenenk Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist farmer. Oulzobsez and Junkez's son adopted him. Tag's daughter gave birth to Jalu's son Oshabriaz Shosh in Kraikoust that Spring. Jalu's son was a Gekist.

During the Autumn of 393, Ungiak and Nkosha were married. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a boy named Bipase Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist criminal. They adopted him.

A girl named Jabsi Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 393. She was a Gekist warrior. Ogrouso and Kradar adopted her. That Spring, Bipase converted to Gekism. Junkez's daughter converted to it that Summer.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 394, a woman named Danka Brudeny gave birth to Kedebre's daughter Abzemo Etsepsa. His daughter was a Emzunist criminal. Danka was a Emzunist criminal. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a girl named Sheshu Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Ogrouso and Kradar adopted her.

Jabsi converted to Gekism during the Winter of 394. Then, a man named Itzup Brudeny murdered Tevoshe's son, because Tevoshe's son rejected Itzup 14 years earlier. Itzup was a blacksmith and murderer. As a result, Itzup angered Kleple, Itzup angered Junkez's son, and Kleple would murder Itzup 3 years later. In Fugrolsa, Tevoshe's son was 39 years old. Then, Sheshu converted to it.

A boy named Liabdex Etsepsa was born in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 395. He was a Gekist farmer. Ogrouso and Kradar adopted him. Then, Tag's daughter became Lady of Ptiksaint Thrink.

Tag's daughter was killed during the Winter of 395. His daughter was 34 years old. His daughter was a Lady of Ptiksaint Thrink for 4 months. Then, Liabdex converted to Gekism. Then, a man named Tsebdez Shas and Droush were married. He was a Gekist merchant. A boy named Meshiasai Etsepsa was born that Spring. Meshiasai was a Gekist farmer. Ogrouso and Kradar adopted Meshiasai.

During the Autumn of 396, Meshiasai converted to Gekism.

A girl named Both Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 396. She was a Gekist warrior. Ogrouso and Kradar adopted her. That Spring, Kliakat died from an illness. She was 30 years old in Kenkase. That Summer, Both converted to Gekism.

A girl named Emzustai Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Spring of 398. She was a Emzunist farmer. Tevoshe's daughter and Thisalza adopted her. That Summer, a man named Napagra Ribaidi and Voble were married. He was a Ogsist warrior.

Junkez's daughter converted to Gekism during the Spring of 399. Then, Soumzud's son died from an illness. As a result, Loshas' and Rabson's relationship ended. Soumzud's son was 63 years old in Krirat.

During the Winter of 399, Tevoshe's son converted to Daibism. Junkez's son converted to it that Spring. Then, a girl named Umbaim Etsepsa was born. She was a Ogsist poet. Soumzud's child and an enby named Rem Pedsa adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism. Then, Tevoshe's daughter converted to Daibism. Begeb converted to Gekism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 400, Tsiank's son died from The Coughing Plague. His son was 87 years old in Kenkase.

During the Winter of 400, Begeb died from The Coughing Plague. They were 22 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Tag's daughter died from it. His daughter was 34 years old. Then, in Krirat, a girl named Shiald Etsepsa was born. She was a Ogsist merchant. Soumzud's child and Rem adopted her. Then, she converted to Ogsism.

Retzelza died from an illness during the Summer of 401. In Ptiksaint Thrink, he was 95 years old.

Kedebre's daughter converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 401. Next Autumn, Tep died from an illness. Ze was 96 years old in Kenkase.

During the Winter of 402, Oulsa converted to Gekism.

A boy named Maz Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Spring of 404. He was a Emzunist criminal. Tevoshe's daughter and Thisalza adopted him. Then, Voble converted to Ogsism. Tevoshe's daughter and a man named Ptiashemu Thum were married that Summer. Ptiashemu was a Gekist merchant. As a result, Wiag's and Thisalza's relationship ended. Then, in Fugrolsa, a girl named Ogre Etsepsa was born. She was a Daibist farmer. A woman named Porap Thum and Tevoshe's son adopted her. Then, Flakmesh converted to Gekism.

Ogre converted to Daibism during the Autumn of 404. That Spring, Porap and Tevoshe's son were married. Porap was a Daibist poet.

A girl named Drik Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 405. She was a Emzunist farmer. Tevoshe's daughter and Ptiashemu adopted her. In Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring, a boy named Jouny Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist criminal. Ngoure and Ungiak adopted him. Then, Ankipa and a woman named Stenk Shas were married. She was a Gekist merchant. Jouny converted to Gekism that Summer.

During the Spring of 407, Eke died from an illness. He was 99 years old in Kenkase.

During the Autumn of 407, Onep rebelled against a man named Semzo Shosh. Semzo was a Gekist Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink, Vassal of Kenkase and farmer. As a result, Semzo was executed in Kraikoust, and Onep became Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink. In Oubrelse Gramb that Spring, a boy named Ral Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist farmer and murderer. Tevoshe's daughter and Ptiashemu adopted him.

Ngoure and Ungiak were married during the Summer of 409.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 409, a boy named Koupsaible Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist criminal. Ngoure and Ungiak adopted him. A girl named Dantu Etsepsa was born that Spring. Dantu was a Gekist farmer. Tag's daughter and ze adopted Dantu. That Summer, Dantu converted to Gekism.

Onep was killed in Kenkase during the Autumn of 410. He was 21 years old. He was a Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink for 3 years. Then, Koupsaible converted to Gekism.

Junkez's son and Danka were married in Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 410. That Spring, his son and a woman named Lan Shosh were married. Lan was a farmer. As a result, Pembobse's and Lan's relationship ended. Ezu's son died from an illness that Summer. Xyr son was 140 years old.

During the Winter of 411, Danka gave birth to Kedebre's daughter Ngeb Etsepsa. His daughter was a Emzunist criminal. Shor died from an illness that Spring. In Ptiksaint Thrink, she was 80 years old.

Ngoure died from an illness during the Autumn of 412. As a result, her and Ungiak's relationship ended. She was 76 years old.

During the Winter of 412, Gresould died from an illness. As a result, Thouzose's and her relationship ended. She was 100 years old.

Thouzose died from an illness during the Autumn of 413. He was 85 years old. Next Autumn, Perotsi converted to Gekism.

Nkosha died from an illness during the Summer of 415. She was 76 years old. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, an enby named Tudseld Etsepsa was born. They were a Emzunist farmer. Junkez's daughter and a woman named Steshatza Krethrobdou adopted them.

Junkez converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 415.

During the Summer of 416, Foumb converted to Ogsism. Then, Junkez's daughter and Steshatza were married. She was a Daibist poet.

A boy named Stithre Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 416. He was a Daibist farmer. Junkez's daughter and Steshatza adopted him. That Spring, Lap died from an illness. Lap was 95 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 417, a boy named Mbid Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist farmer. Junkez's daughter and Steshatza adopted him. Soumzud's son died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Tsasakre's and Eloupse's relationship ended. In Krirat, Soumzud's son was 81 years old.

Zidikma's son and a woman named Seze Thum were married in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 419. She was a Gekist farmer.

During the Winter of 419, Iambouto died from an illness. He was 36 years old.

Gib converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 420.

During the Summer of 421, Tag's daughter and Ungiak were married.

Junkez's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 421. His daughter was 80 years old.

During the Summer of 422, a boy named Tsamzeria Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist Lord of Oubrelse Gramb and blacksmith. A woman named Pougru Thum and Flakmesh adopted him.

A girl named Jougragre Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 422. She was a Gekist farmer. A man named Iriaby Imatail and Fuget adopted her.

During the Winter of 422, Meshiasai died from an illness. He was 27 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. In Kraikoust that Spring, Vomaigia and a man named Tsouzikai Thum were married. Tsouzikai was a Gekist farmer. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, Iakiz gave birth to Abze's child Tsabze Pedsa. Abze's child was a Gekist farmer. A woman named Abze Pedsa was a Gekist farmer.

Tashouko converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 423. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Pougru and Flakmesh were married. Pougru was a Emzunist farmer.

Iakiz gave birth to Abze's child Edai Pedsa in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 423. Abze's child was a Gekist farmer. Then, Zidikma's son died from an illness. As a result, Zan's and Seze's relationship ended. Zidikma's son was 72 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. That Spring, a girl named Odishou Etsepsa was born. Odishou was a Gekist farmer. Iriaby and Fuget adopted Odishou. Then, Flakmesh rebelled against a woman named Flingaza Gril. She was a Gekist Lady of Kraikoust, Lady of Oubrelse Gramb, Lady of Krirat, Vassal of Kenkase and farmer. As a result, she was executed in Kraikoust, and Flakmesh became Lord of Oubrelse Gramb. In Aitsasho that Summer, Tashouko gave birth to Rald's child Peny Ribaidi. His child was a Ogsist farmer. He was a Gekist farmer.

A boy named Pemiri Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 424. He was a Emzunist blacksmith. Pougru and Flakmesh adopted him. In Ptiksaint Thrink that Spring, Iakiz and Abze were married. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Kenots and an enby named Oupin Brudeny were married. Oupin was a Emzunist criminal. As a result, Fuget's and Oupin's relationship ended. A girl named Gigailo Etsepsa was born that Summer. She was a Emzunist criminal. Pougru and Flakmesh adopted her.

During the Winter of 425, a girl named Alzezai Etsepsa was born. She was a Emzunist criminal. Kenots and Oupin adopted her. Then, an enby named Lishog Etsepsa was born. They were a Gekist farmer. Fuget and a man named Rubabai Embo adopted them.

Kradrou converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 426.

During the Winter of 426, Fuget converted to Gekism. Iaba converted to it next Winter. Then, Oulsa died from an illness. Oulsa was 50 years old. Mbid converted to Daibism that Spring. Then, Junkez converted to Daibism. Kradrou and Thisalza were married that Summer. As a result, Nimbai's and his relationship ended. Then, in Krirat, a woman named Bote Shas and Foumb were married. She was a Ogsist criminal and murderer.

A girl named Draram Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 428. She was a Emzunist farmer. Kradrou and Thisalza adopted her. That Spring, Iaba died from an illness. Iaba was 90 years old in Kenkase.

During the Autumn of 429, Tsamzeria converted to Daibism. A boy named Thrami Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb that Spring. Thrami was a Emzunist merchant. A woman named Lobri Geksiasia and Perotsi adopted Thrami. That Summer, a girl named Gerok Etsepsa was born. Gerok was a Daibist blacksmith. Kradrou and Thisalza adopted Gerok.

A woman named Thruge Ainkast gave birth to Bumoudse's daughter Ogrounia Etsepsa in Kenkase during the Autumn of 430. His daughter was a Daibist farmer. Thruge was a Gekist farmer.

During the Winter of 430, Ogre died from an illness. She was 26 years old in Fugrolsa. In Krirat that Spring, a boy named Jople Etsepsa was born. He was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Gox Shas and Umbaim adopted him. Jople converted to Ogsism that Summer. Then, Bumoudse's daughter converted to Gekism.

A boy named Lemb Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Winter of 431. He was a Ogsist warrior. A woman named Railez Dulent and Bipase adopted him. Then, Tevoshe's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Wiag's and Ptiashemu's relationship ended. Tevoshe's daughter was 74 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. Then, in Krirat, a woman named Tes Painge gave birth to Des' child Vezeti Painge. His child was a Ogsist merchant. She was a Ogsist blacksmith. Then, Lemb converted to Gekism. Junkez's son died from an illness that Spring. In Fugrolsa, his son was 97 years old. Grangag's son died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Tune's and Ozoth's relationship ended. In Krirat, Grangag's son was 99 years old.

Des and Tes were married during the Winter of 432. Then, Lishog converted to Gekism. Anze and an enby named Noliana Shas were married in Kraikoust that Spring. Ey was a Gekist merchant. That Summer, Tsamzeria converted to it. Then, in Obdab, Kushidy and a woman named Kantak Ptimzonki were married. She was a Ogsist criminal.

A girl named Solapa Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 433. She was a Emzunist farmer. A woman named Sted Embo and Maz adopted her. Then, Odishou converted to Gekism.

A boy named Elonku Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 433. He was a Emzunist farmer. A man named Stokmo Thum and Perotsi adopted him. Then, in Obdab, a girl named Kuz Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist criminal. Kushidy and Kantak adopted her. Then, Kuz converted to Ogsism. Tes gave birth to Des' son Bidaim Painge in Krirat that Spring. Des' son was a Ogsist merchant. In Fugrolsa that Summer, Tevoshe's daughter and an enby named Mbabsou Thum were married. Ne was a Daibist poet. As a result, nir and Nkenkimai's relationship ended.

A boy named Ounkonkob Etsepsa was born in Obdab during the Autumn of 434. He was a Ogsist criminal. Kushidy and Kantak adopted him. Then, he converted to Ogsism.

A girl named Paib Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Winter of 434. She was a Gekist warrior. Railez and Bipase adopted her. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, an enby named Ngevo Etsepsa was born. Ngevo was a Emzunist farmer. Aiparu and a woman named Nas Thum adopted Ngevo. Then, Kradar died from an illness. As a result, Ogrouso's and Kradar's relationship ended. Kradar was 96 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, in Fugrolsa, a boy named Bip Etsepsa was born. Bip was a Daibist. Tevoshe's daughter and Mbabsou adopted Bip. Paib converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, Jougragre converted to it. Bip converted to Daibism that Summer.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Autumn of 435, Waldarai and a man named Flam Shas were married. He was a Gekist farmer.

Ngouda died from an illness during the Winter of 435. She was 90 years old. In Oubrelse Gramb that Spring, Stokmo and Perotsi were married. Stokmo was a Emzunist farmer. Then, Ungiak died from an illness. Ze was 109 years old in Kenkase. Then, in Obdab, a boy named Wishingo Etsepsa was born. He was a Ogsist criminal. Kushidy and Kantak adopted him. A boy named Ailzegso Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb that Summer. Ailzegso was a Emzunist criminal. A man named Mezis Thum and Sait adopted Ailzegso. Then, in Krirat, a man named Thramzish Shas and Soumzud's child were married. Thramzish was a Ogsist farmer. Then, in Fugrolsa, a girl named Krerant Etsepsa was born. Krerant was a Daibist farmer. Tevoshe's daughter and Mbabsou adopted Krerant. Then, Wishingo converted to Ogsism. Then, in Kenkase, Railez and Bipase were married. She was a Gekist warrior.

Iriaby and Telo were married in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 436. He was a Gekist farmer. Then, Krerant converted to Daibism.

A boy named Tsumo Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 436. Stokmo and Perotsi adopted him. In Kenkase that Spring, a girl named Shiabou Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist farmer. Railez and Bipase adopted her. Then, Shiabou converted to Gekism. Mbid converted to it that Summer.

During the Winter of 437, Ogrouso died from an illness. He was 103 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

During the Summer of 438, Emzustai converted to Gekism. Then, Kage's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 83 years old.

A boy named Mbantumb Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 438. He was a Gekist farmer. Railez and Bipase adopted him. Then, Maz converted to Gekism.

Tashouko and a man named Rald Ribaidi were married in Aitsasho during the Winter of 438. As a result, Tsokment's and Tashouko's relationship ended.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Summer of 439, a boy named Tait Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist farmer. A man named Zailda Thum and Kedebre's daughter adopted him. Then, a boy named Hiap Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Iriaby and Telo adopted him.

Drik and a man named Thibaibsai Brudeny were married during the Autumn of 439. He was a Emzunist blacksmith. Then, Des died from an illness. Des was 52 years old in Krirat.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 439, Drik gave birth to Thibaibsai's daughter Saldade Etsepsa. His daughter was a Emzunist criminal. Then, Junkez's son died from an illness. Junkez's son was 97 years old. A boy named Lodsenk Etsepsa was born that Spring. Iriaby and Telo adopted him. Then, Ral murdered Vangek, because Vangek rejected Ral 3 months earlier. As a result, Vangek's and Mapa's relationship ended, Vangek's and Jeksema's relationship ended, Ral angered Drogo, and Drogo would murder Ral 29 years later. Vangek was 118 years old.

During the Autumn of 440, Zailda and Kedebre's daughter were married. Zailda was a Emzunist farmer. Then, Drik gave birth to Thibaibsai's daughter Retsiast Etsepsa. His daughter was a Daibist criminal.

A boy named Grimont Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 440. He was a Daibist farmer. Zailda and Kedebre's daughter adopted him. Then, Kedebre's daughter converted to Gekism. Then, in Fugrolsa, Tevoshe's daughter and a man named Iagrishob Krethrobdou were married. Iagrishob was a Daibist farmer. As a result, Nevi's and Iagrishob's relationship ended.

A woman named Thushoge Shosh and Flakmesh were married in Oubrelse Gramb during the Summer of 441. She was a Emzunist farmer. Then, a man named Maizon Ptat and Both were married. Maizon was a Gekist Lord of Fugrolsa, Vassal of Kenkase and criminal. Then, Mbantumb converted to Gekism.

Junkez's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 441. His daughter was 82 years old. Then, a girl named Bil Etsepsa was born. She was a Emzunist criminal. Thushoge and Flakmesh adopted her. Enoubde and an enby named Bedy Thum were married in Krirat that Spring. Bedy was a Ogsist farmer. In Fugrolsa that Summer, a girl named Bimb Etsepsa was born. She was a Daibist. Tevoshe's daughter and Mbabsou adopted her.

A boy named Dribrai Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 442. He was a Daibist. Tevoshe's daughter and Iagrishob adopted him. Then, Dribrai converted to Daibism.

Bimb converted to Daibism during the Winter of 442. Then, Junkez's son died from an illness. His son was 99 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. In Fugrolsa that Spring, a boy named Kapigre Etsepsa was born. Kapigre was a Daibist poet. Tevoshe's daughter and Mbabsou adopted Kapigre. Gerok converted to Emzunism that Summer.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 443, Kedebre's daughter and a man named Mapa Embo were married. Mapa was a Emzunist farmer. Then, Kapigre converted to Daibism.

An enby named Misope Ribaidi and Ogagrou were married in Ptiksaint Thrink during the Summer of 444. Misope was a Gekist blacksmith.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 444, a girl named Ialdoksedy Etsepsa was born. Emzustai and Drogo adopted her. Thrami converted to Gekism next Autumn. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a boy named Tsizang Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Misope and Ogagrou adopted him.

Tsizang converted to Gekism during the Winter of 445. Then, Tevoshe's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Flonk's and Mbabsou's relationship ended, and her and Iagrishob's relationship ended. Tevoshe's daughter was 88 years old in Fugrolsa. That Spring, Waldarai died from an illness. As a result, Waldarai's and Flam's relationship ended. Waldarai was 74 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

During the Autumn of 446, Bumoudse died from an illness. He was 78 years old in Kenkase.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 446, Emzustai and Drogo were married. Gib converted to Emzunism that Spring. Then, Kedebre's daughter gave birth to Zeple's daughter Nukets Shosh. Zeple's daughter was a Emzunist farmer. A man named Zeple Shosh was a Emzunist farmer. Both died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Maizon's and Both's relationship ended. In Kraikoust, Both was 50 years old.

A girl named Ngaimzopia Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 447. She was a Emzunist farmer. Emzustai and Drogo adopted her. Then, Tag's daughter died from an illness. Tag's daughter was 84 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, Tevoshe's son died from The White Plague. His son was 86 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Winter of 447, Dribrai died from The White Plague. He was 5 years old. Then, Ialdoksedy died from it. She was 3 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. Then, Bimb died from it. Bimb was 5 years old in Fugrolsa. Then, Bip died from it. Bip was 13 years old. Then, Junkez's son died from it. As a result, Kedebre's and Danka's relationship ended. Junkez's son was 90 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. Then, Lodsenk died from it. He was 8 years old. Then, Kedebre's daughter gave birth to Zeple's son Zeby Shosh. Zeple's son was a Emzunist criminal. Then, in Ptiksaint Thrink, a woman named Ista Shas murdered Liabdex, because he rejected Ista 14 years earlier. Ista was a Gekist merchant and murderer. He was 53 years old. Zeple and Kedebre's daughter were married in Oubrelse Gramb that Spring. In Krirat next Spring, a woman named Lazuti Shas and Foumb were married. She was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Vinka died from an illness. Vinka was 75 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

In Krirat during the Autumn of 449, Tes and Metsai were married. As a result, Bez's and his relationship ended. Stokmo and Junkez were married in Oubrelse Gramb that Spring. Then, in Kraikoust, Jougragre and a man named Atulan Ptat were married. He was a Gekist criminal. Oukmenenk converted to Emzunism that Summer. Then, Droush died from an illness. Droush was 86 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, in Kraikoust, Jougragre gave birth to Atulan's son Bres Ptat. Atulan's son was a Gekist criminal.

Flakmesh converted to Emzunism during the Autumn of 451.

During the Winter of 451, Foumb died from an illness. As a result, Bote's and his relationship ended. He was 82 years old in Krirat.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Summer of 452, a boy named Ialegou Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist blacksmith. Zeple and Kedebre's daughter adopted him.

Thelaistia and a man named Ngash Pedsa were married in Kenkase during the Spring of 453. Ngash was a Gekist farmer. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, a boy named Hiakod Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist blacksmith. Solapa and Pemiri adopted him.

A girl named Rimulse Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 453. She was a Emzunist mystic. Solapa and Pemiri adopted her. Then, Ogagrou died from an illness. As a result, Misope's and her relationship ended. She was 78 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, Tait converted to Emzunism. Alzezai converted to it that Spring. Then, Tsumo died from an illness. He was 17 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Winter of 454, Jabsi died from an illness. She was 61 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, in Fugrolsa, a girl named Ping Etsepsa was born. Ping was a Daibist merchant. A woman named Grodeni Shosh and Krerant adopted Ping. Ngaimzopia converted to Gekism that Spring. That Summer, Kuz converted to it.

Ping converted to Daibism during the Autumn of 455.

During the Winter of 455, Vomaigia died from an illness. As a result, Datsunk's and their relationship ended. They were 91 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Summer of 456, Mbid converted to Emzunism.

Tag's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 456. In Ptiksaint Thrink, his daughter was 90 years old. Then, Runt's son died from an illness. Runt's son was 149 years old in Krirat. Then, Kedebre's daughter converted to Emzunism. Bil converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, Junkez converted to Gekism. Maz converted to Emzunism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 457, Pemiri converted to Emzunism. Grodeni and Krerant were married in Fugrolsa that Spring. Grodeni was a Daibist farmer. That Summer, Rimulse converted to it.

A boy named Sheraiso Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 458. He was a Daibist farmer. Grodeni and Krerant adopted him. Then, Telo died from an illness. She was 73 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Winter of 458, Fuget died from an illness. She was 78 years old in Kraikoust. That Spring, Ngaimzopia converted to Emzunism. Sheraiso converted to Daibism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 459, Stithre converted to Daibism. Then, Hiap converted to Gekism.

Solapa converted to Emzunism during the Winter of 459. That Spring, Sait converted to it.

Thibaibsai's daughter converted to Emzunism during the Winter of 460. Then, in Fugrolsa, a boy named Ounzam Etsepsa was born. Ounzam was a Daibist farmer. Grodeni and Krerant adopted Ounzam. Kushidy and a woman named Duthrist Ribaidi were married in Obdab that Spring. She was a Ogsist warrior. Then, Hiap converted to it. Then, Ral converted to it. Then, Ounzam converted to Daibism. Pemiri converted to Gekism that Summer.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 461, a boy named Nibriazo Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist criminal. Tudseld and Alzezai adopted him.

Sait died from an illness during the Winter of 461. She was 86 years old. In Krirat that Spring, a woman named Shaibset Painge and Ianu were married. Shaibset was a Ogsist farmer. Then, Gib died from an illness. She was 82 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. That Summer, Thibaibsai's daughter converted to Daibism. Then, Aiparu died from an illness. Aiparu was 89 years old. Then, Nibriazo converted to Emzunism.

Junkez converted to Emzunism during the Autumn of 462.

During the Winter of 462, Tudseld and Alzezai were married. A girl named Osantouz Etsepsa was born that Spring. Osantouz was a Gekist farmer. Tudseld and Alzezai adopted Osantouz. Then, Draram converted to Emzunism.

Flakmesh converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 463. Then, in Fugrolsa, a woman named Fosot Painge and Stithre were married. She was a Daibist farmer.

A girl named Genkide Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 463. She was a Emzunist mystic. Tudseld and Alzezai adopted her. That Spring, Voble converted to Gekism. Then, Kedebre's daughter converted to Emzunism. Then, Aidsokmink died from an illness. Aidsokmink was 78 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, Perotsi converted to Emzunism. Thrami converted to it that Summer.

During the Winter of 464, Grimont converted to Daibism. Nimbai converted to Emzunism that Spring. That Summer, Tsamzeria converted to Emzunism.

Osantouz converted to Emzunism during the Autumn of 465. That Spring, Gigailo converted to it. Pemiri converted to it that Summer. Then, Bil converted to it.

Kradrou converted to Emzunism during the Winter of 466. Then, Flakmesh converted to it. Drik converted to it that Spring.

In Krirat during the Winter of 467, an enby named Bredsap Pedsa and Umbaim were married. Bredsap was a Ogsist Laird of Krirat and farmer. As a result, Gox's and her relationship ended. Then, Kenots converted to Emzunism. Then, Ailzegso converted to it.

Elonku and Thibaibsai's daughter were married in Oubrelse Gramb during the Summer of 468. As a result, One's and Elonku's relationship ended. Then, Thibaibsai's daughter gave birth to Elonku's son Otsose Etsepsa. Elonku's son was a Emzunist farmer.

Thibaibsai's daughter converted to Emzunism during the Autumn of 468.

During the Winter of 468, a woman named Iasisu Thir gave birth to Bil's son Flonu Thir. Bil's son was a Emzunist farmer. Iasisu was a Emzunist poet. Then, Drogo murdered Ral, because Ral murdered Vangek 29 years earlier. Ral was 61 years old. Then, a woman named One Thir gave birth to Elonku's son Aizaitzou Thir. Elonku's son was a Emzunist farmer. She was a Emzunist farmer. Elonku converted to Emzunism that Spring. Then, Grimont died from an illness. Grimont was 28 years old in Fugrolsa. That Summer, Flakmesh died from an illness. As a result, Tsamzeria became Lord of Oubrelse Gramb. Flakmesh was 95 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. Flakmesh was a Lord of Oubrelse Gramb for 45 years. Then, Hiakod converted to it. Then, Thibaibsai's daughter gave birth to Elonku's son Ledsabdo Etsepsa. Elonku's son was a Emzunist criminal. Then, Genkide converted to it.

Iasisu gave birth to Bil's son Ptitzibre Thir during the Autumn of 469. Bil's son was a Emzunist farmer.

During the Winter of 469, Drogo converted to Emzunism. Then, Ngevo converted to it. Tashouko died from an illness that Spring. In Aitsasho, she was 81 years old.

Datsunk died from an illness during the Autumn of 470. In Kraikoust, ve was 95 years old.

Elonku's son converted to Emzunism during the Winter of 470. Then, his son converted to it. Iakiz died from an illness that Spring. In Ptiksaint Thrink, she was 81 years old. Then, Oukmenenk died from an illness. Oukmenenk was 78 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Autumn of 471, One and Tsamzeria were married. Then, in Kraikoust, a girl named Gedegi Etsepsa was born. Gedegi was a Ogsist farmer. Atulan and Odishou adopted Gedegi. Then, Ialegou converted to Emzunism.

Tudseld converted to Emzunism during the Winter of 471. Then, Atulan and Odishou were married. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Iasisu gave birth to Ailzegso's daughter Tsuny Thir. Ailzegso's daughter was a Daibist blacksmith. Gedegi converted to Gekism that Spring. In Kraikoust that Summer, a girl named Tsetha Etsepsa was born. Tsetha was a Gekist farmer. Atulan and Odishou adopted Tsetha. Then, Tsetha converted to Gekism.

Wishingo died from an illness during the Spring of 473. In Obdab, he was 37 years old. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, One gave birth to Tsamzeria's daughter Famaip Thir. Tsamzeria's daughter was a Emzunist Lady of Oubrelse Gramb, Lady of Kraikoust and criminal. Ankipa and a woman named Ushou Pedsa were married in Ptiksaint Thrink that Summer. She was a Gekist farmer.

In Obdab during the Autumn of 473, a girl named Zegsiar Etsepsa was born. She was a Ogsist criminal. A woman named Jiny Ribaidi and Ounkonkob adopted her. Then, Zegsiar converted to Ogsism.

A boy named Unkes Etsepsa was born in Kraikoust during the Winter of 473. He was a Gekist farmer. Atulan and Odishou adopted him.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Summer of 474, a woman named Loka Brudeny and Perotsi were married. She was a Emzunist farmer. Then, Kushidy died from an illness. As a result, eir and Duthrist's relationship ended. Ey was 96 years old in Obdab.

During the Autumn of 474, Unkes converted to Gekism. A girl named Somodsu Etsepsa was born in Krirat that Spring. She was a Ogsist merchant. A woman named Mbogi Thum and Enoubde adopted her. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Solapa and Pemiri were married. Then, Somodsu converted to Ogsism. Gerok converted to Daibism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 476, Gerok died from an illness. She was 46 years old in Fugrolsa. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Iasisu and Ailzegso were married. As a result, Bil's and Iasisu's relationship ended. Then, Bumoudse's daughter converted to Daibism.

Lemb converted to Ogsism during the Winter of 476.

In Krirat during the Summer of 477, an enby named Tsontato Etsepsa was born. Ze was a Ogsist farmer. Mbogi and Enoubde adopted hir.

Tsontato converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 477.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 477, Iasisu gave birth to Ailzegso's son Gabsia Thir. Ailzegso's son was a Emzunist criminal. Voble died from an illness that Spring. In Aitsasho, Voble was 124 years old.

A girl named Grink Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 478. She was a Emzunist poet. Solapa and Pemiri adopted her. Then, Grink converted to Emzunism.

Ngaimzopia gave birth to Kriadri's son Tsib Etsepsa during the Winter of 478. Kriadri's son was a Emzunist farmer. A man named Kriadri Embo was a Emzunist farmer. That Spring, Kriadri's son converted to Emzunism.

Ngaimzopia and Kriadri were married during the Autumn of 479.

During the Winter of 480, Drogo died from an illness. As a result, Emzustai's and his relationship ended. He was 98 years old. Hiap converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, Thibaibsai's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 41 years old. Then, a boy named Tsed Etsepsa was born. Tsed was a Daibist warrior. A woman named Bouliaz Shosh and Tait adopted Tsed. Then, Ngaimzopia gave birth to Kriadri's son Segria Etsepsa. Kriadri's son was a Emzunist farmer. Tsed converted to Emzunism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 481, Kriadri's son converted to Emzunism. Then, in Kraikoust, a woman named Tsimbia Thir gave birth to Lishog's daughter Throntat Thir. Their daughter was a Gekist farmer. Tsimbia was a Gekist warrior.

Mbid died from an illness during the Summer of 482. In Oubrelse Gramb, he was 65 years old. Then, in Krirat, a boy named Ngap Etsepsa was born. Ngap was a Gekist farmer. Jople and a woman named Telzouts Shas adopted Ngap. Then, in Kraikoust, Lishog and Tsimbia were married.

Ngap converted to Ogsism during the Autumn of 482.

In Kenkase during the Winter of 482, a boy named Thresab Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist warrior. Railez and Bipase adopted him. Then, Thresab converted to Gekism. Then, Ianu converted to Ogsism. Shiald died from an illness that Spring. As a result, Heshapa's and Shiald's relationship ended. In Krirat, Shiald was 82 years old.

Kenots died from an illness during the Autumn of 483. In Oubrelse Gramb, she was 103 years old. Osantouz converted to Gekism that Spring. In Kenkase next Spring, a girl named Bada Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist criminal. Railez and Bipase adopted her. Bouliaz and Tait were married in Oubrelse Gramb that Summer. She was a Emzunist warrior. Then, Bada converted to it.

Jople and a woman named Rotes Ptat were married in Krirat during the Winter of 485. She was a Ogsist Lady of Krirat and warrior. As a result, his and Telzouts' relationship ended.

During the Summer of 486, Sheshu died from an illness. She was 92 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink. Then, in Fugrolsa, a boy named Alouzo Etsepsa was born. He was a Daibist farmer. Thibaibsai's daughter and Grodeni adopted him.

Bipase died from an illness during the Autumn of 486. In Kenkase, he was 93 years old. Then, Drik died from an illness. She was 81 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 486, Kuz and a man named Senk Kraine were married. He was a Gekist blacksmith. Then, Junkez died from an illness. Junkez was 172 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. Then, Perotsi died from an illness. He was 108 years old. Mbenusia and Thelaistia were married in Kenkase that Spring. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Ngaimzopia gave birth to Kriadri's daughter Feli Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist warrior. Then, Alouzo converted to Daibism. Then, Kriadri's daughter converted to Emzunism. Then, a boy named Imzain Etsepsa was born. Imzain was a Gekist poet. Bouliaz and Tait adopted Imzain. Then, Imzain converted to Emzunism.

A girl named Feny Etsepsa was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 488. She was a Gekist criminal. A woman named Tsidre Thir and Mbantumb adopted her.

During the Winter of 488, Alzezai died from an illness. As a result, Tudseld's and her relationship ended, and her and Dazin's relationship ended. Alzezai was 63 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. That Spring, Goun died from an illness. He was 119 years old in Kenkase.

During the Autumn of 489, Feny converted to Gekism. Koupsaible died from an illness that Spring. He was 80 years old. That Summer, Emzustai died from an illness. Emzustai was 92 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Autumn of 491, Draram and a man named Mek Thir were married. He was a Emzunist criminal. Mbenusia died from an illness that Spring. In Kenkase, Mbenusia was 142 years old.

A boy named Kop Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 492. He was a Emzunist. Ngevo and Maz adopted him. Then, Kop converted to Emzunism.

Bumoudse's daughter died from an illness during the Winter of 492. In Fugrolsa, his daughter was 62 years old. Maz died from an illness next Winter. As a result, Ngevo's and Maz's relationship ended, and Maz's and Abzemo's relationship ended. In Oubrelse Gramb, Maz was 90 years old. Umbaim died from an illness that Spring. In Krirat, Umbaim was 94 years old. Dantu died from an illness that Summer. In Kenkase, she was 84 years old.

A boy named Enemb Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 494. He was a Gekist farmer. Tsizang and Paib adopted him. Then, Enemb converted to Gekism.

Zegsiar gave birth to Zegair's child Alzob Kraine in Obdab during the Winter of 494. His child was a Ogsist farmer. He was a Ogsist blacksmith.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Spring of 496, Stenk and Ankipa were married. Lishog died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Lishog's and Tsimbia's relationship ended. In Kraikoust, Lishog was 71 years old.

Tsamzeria died from an illness during the Winter of 496. As a result, his and Graza's relationship ended, and his daughter became Lady of Oubrelse Gramb. In Oubrelse Gramb, he was 75 years old. He was a Lord of Oubrelse Gramb for 28 years. Stithre died from an illness that Spring. In Fugrolsa, Stithre was 80 years old.

Lemb died from an illness during the Autumn of 497. In Krirat, he was 66 years old.

Kop died from an illness during the Winter of 497. In Oubrelse Gramb, he was 5 years old.

Ounzam and a woman named Thotheb Painge were married in Fugrolsa during the Autumn of 498. She was a Daibist warrior.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 498, Gigailo and an enby named Thoby Gril were married. Ze was a Emzunist farmer. A man named Nombelze Gril and Grink were married that Spring. He was a Emzunist criminal and murderer. That Summer, Grink gave birth to his son Ozebsi Etsepsa. Nombelze's son was a Emzunist criminal. Then, Nombelze's son converted to Emzunism.

Tudseld died from an illness during the Autumn of 500. They were 85 years old.

During the Spring of 502, a girl named Ngaimi Etsepsa was born. She was a Emzunist farmer. Ngaimzopia and Kriadri adopted her. Ngaimi converted to Emzunism that Summer. Then, Rimulse and Ailzegso were married.

An enby named Athralo Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 502. Ze was a Emzunist farmer. Rimulse and Ailzegso adopted zir. Then, ze converted to Emzunism.

Shiabou and a man named Rebas Shas were married in Kenkase during the Spring of 504. He was a Gekist merchant. In Oubrelse Gramb that Summer, a girl named Lenk Etsepsa was born. Lenk was a Emzunist mystic. Zeple's son and Bil adopted Lenk. Then, Lenk converted to Emzunism.

Zeple's son and Bil were married during the Winter of 504.

During the Autumn of 505, Tait died from an illness. He was 66 years old. Then, Nimbai died from an illness. She was 183 years old.

A boy named Iagrob Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 505. He was a Emzunist criminal. Zeple's son and Bil adopted him. Then, Iagrob converted to Emzunism. Grink gave birth to Nombelze's son Aidsunk Etsepsa that Spring. Nombelze's son was a Emzunist merchant. That Summer, Nombelze's son converted to it. Then, Hiakod died from an illness. Hiakod was 53 years old. Then, Soumzud's child died from an illness. His child was 172 years old in Krirat.

In Ptiksaint Thrink during the Winter of 506, a man named Meveme Shas murdered Ankipa, because Ankipa rejected Meveme 2 months earlier. Meveme was a Gekist farmer and murderer. As a result, Stenk's and Ankipa's relationship ended. Ankipa was 131 years old.

Ping and a man named Nene Pedsa were married in Fugrolsa during the Summer of 507. He was a Daibist farmer. As a result, Lavibre's and her relationship ended.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 507, Grink gave birth to Nombelze's daughter Denti Etsepsa. His daughter was a Emzunist farmer. Then, his daughter converted to Emzunism.

Odishou died from an illness during the Winter of 507. In Kraikoust, she was 84 years old. An enby named Megsumb Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb that Spring. Xe was a Emzunist warrior. Zeple's son and Bil adopted xem. Then, xe converted to Emzunism. Grink gave birth to Nombelze's son Debziakra Etsepsa that Summer. Nombelze's son was a Emzunist blacksmith. Then, Pemiri died from an illness. He was 84 years old.

Nombelze's son converted to Emzunism during the Autumn of 508.

During the Summer of 510, Ngevo died from an illness. They were 75 years old. Then, an enby named Rigaink Etsepsa was born. Ey was a Emzunist blacksmith. Zeple's son and Bil adopted em.

Kriadri's daughter gave birth to Ialegou's son Ngatsa Etsepsa during the Autumn of 510. Ialegou's son was a Gekist farmer. Then, Ialegou's son converted to Emzunism. Then, Zeple and Rimulse were married.

Rigaink converted to Emzunism during the Winter of 510.

During the Summer of 511, Kriadri's daughter gave birth to Ialegou's child Gikank Etsepsa. Ialegou's child was a Emzunist.

Ialegou's child converted to Emzunism during the Autumn of 511.

During the Winter of 512, Kriadri's daughter gave birth to Imzain's daughter Zob Etsepsa. Imzain's daughter was a Gekist warrior. Imzain's daughter converted to Emzunism that Spring. In Kraikoust that Summer, he and Kriadri's daughter were married. As a result, Aizaitzou's and Feli's relationship ended.

Ngaimzopia died from an illness during the Winter of 513. In Oubrelse Gramb, she was 66 years old. A girl named Akrurung Etsepsa was born in Krirat that Spring. Akrurung was a Ogsist farmer. Mbogi and Enoubde adopted Akrurung. Then, Akrurung converted to Ogsism. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Kriadri's daughter gave birth to Aizaitzou's daughter Tsais Thir. Aizaitzou's daughter was a Gekist farmer. Enoubde and Bote were married in Krirat that Summer. As a result, Mbogi's and his relationship ended. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, Kriadri's daughter gave birth to Imzain's daughter Liavopsu Etsepsa. Imzain's daughter was a Gekist warrior. Then, Imzain's daughter converted to Emzunism.

Kriadri's daughter gave birth to Imzain's son Thidria Etsepsa during the Spring of 515. Imzain's son was a Gekist farmer. That Summer, Imzain's son converted to Emzunism.

Gedegi converted to Ogsism during the Spring of 516.

In Kenkase during the Spring of 518, Feny gave birth to Zoulzege's daughter Diasaint Etsepsa. Zoulzege's daughter was a Gekist mystic. A woman named Zoulzege Thir was a Gekist farmer. Zoulzege's daughter converted to Gekism that Summer.

During the Autumn of 518, Zoulzege and Feny were married.

Feny gave birth to Zoulzege's daughter Wodse Etsepsa during the Winter of 518. Zoulzege's daughter was a Gekist farmer.

During the Summer of 519, Zoulzege's daughter converted to Gekism. Then, Anze died from an illness. Anze was 134 years old in Kraikoust. In Oubrelse Gramb next Summer, a woman named Graza Thum and Ailzegso were married. She was a Emzunist warrior. Jople and Mbogi were married in Krirat next Summer. Mbogi was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Autumn of 521, Ailzegso died from an illness. As a result, Graza's and his relationship ended. He was 85 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. That Spring, Kuz died from an illness. Kuz was 88 years old in Aitsasho.

In Kenkase during the Autumn of 522, Feny gave birth to Zoulzege's son Kiapsid Etsepsa. Zoulzege's son was a Gekist. Then, Zoulzege's son converted to Gekism.

Feny gave birth to Zoulzege's child Riabraime Etsepsa during the Spring of 524. Zoulzege's child was a Gekist criminal. That Summer, Draram died from an illness. She was 96 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Autumn of 524, Ialegou's child died from an illness. His child was 13 years old.

Zoulzege's child converted to Gekism during the Winter of 524. Then, in Kenkase, Feny gave birth to Zoulzege's daughter Ngasoble Etsepsa. Zoulzege's daughter was a Gekist farmer. Then, Zoulzege's daughter converted to it. A woman named Tsidsonkai Gril gave birth to Tsib's daughter Eke Etsepsa in Oubrelse Gramb next Winter. His daughter was a Emzunist farmer. Tsidsonkai was a Emzunist farmer. Then, his daughter converted to Emzunism.

Tsed converted to Daibism during the Summer of 526.

In Krirat during the Spring of 527, Jople and a woman named Braikaiby Pedsa were married. She was a Ogsist farmer.

Ounzam and a woman named Aiksume Painge were married in Fugrolsa during the Winter of 527. She was a Daibist Lady of Fugrolsa and farmer. As a result, her and Kapigre's relationship ended. That Spring, Hiap died from an illness. As a result, Nembinzo's and his relationship ended. He was 89 years old in Kraikoust. In Kenkase that Summer, a woman named Tankou Painge and Tsizang were married. She was a Gekist farmer. As a result, Tsizang's and Paib's relationship ended, and Aseth's and Tsizang's relationship ended. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, an enby named Goz Thir and Solapa were married. Goz was a Emzunist blacksmith. Then, Nibriazo died from an illness. He was 67 years old. Ounkonkob died from an illness next Summer. In Obdab, Ounkonkob was 95 years old. Then, Tsizang died from an illness. As a result, Tankou's and his relationship ended. He was 84 years old in Kenkase. Then, Ngap converted to Gekism. Solapa died from an illness next Summer. As a result, Goz's and her relationship ended. In Oubrelse Gramb, she was 97 years old.

Kriadri's daughter converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 530.

During the Winter of 530, a boy named Oze Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist farmer. Bil's son and Ngaimi adopted him. Then, he converted to Emzunism. Then, in Fugrolsa, Krerant and a man named Eshix Krethrobdou were married. Eshix was a Daibist criminal. As a result, Eshix's and Shalsulzai's relationship ended. Then, Zoulzege's son died from an illness. Her son was 8 years old in Kenkase.

During the Summer of 531, Kapigre died from an illness. He was 88 years old in Fugrolsa.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 531, a girl named Kroto Etsepsa was born. She was a Emzunist farmer. Bil's son and Ngaimi adopted her. Then, Kroto converted to Emzunism.

Imzain's daughter converted to Gekism during the Winter of 531. Next Winter, his daughter converted to it.

Imzain's son converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 533. Then, Mbantumb died from an illness. As a result, Kramb's and Mbantumb's relationship ended. Mbantumb was 95 years old in Kenkase.

During the Summer of 534, Metsai died from an illness. He was 160 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 534, Imzain converted to Gekism.

Bil died from an illness during the Winter of 534. In Oubrelse Gramb, she was 93 years old. Shiabou died from an illness next Winter. In Kenkase, Shiabou was 99 years old.

Kedebre's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 536. In Oubrelse Gramb, his daughter was 142 years old. Ngaimi and Iagrob were married that Spring. That Summer, Elonku died from an illness. He was 104 years old.

Ialegou died from an illness during the Summer of 539. He was 87 years old.

During the Winter of 539, Osantouz died from an illness. She was 77 years old in Kraikoust.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Summer of 541, Kradrou and Thrami were married.

A girl named Klisetsa Etsepsa was born during the Winter of 541. She was a Emzunist farmer. Kradrou and Thrami adopted her. Then, Klisetsa converted to Emzunism.

A girl named Hipsebru Etsepsa was born during the Summer of 543. She was a Emzunist Lady of Oubrelse Gramb, Vassal of Krirat and farmer. Kradrou and Thrami adopted her. Then, Hipsebru converted to Emzunism.

Jouny died from an illness during the Autumn of 543. In Ptiksaint Thrink, he was 138 years old. Genkide died from an illness that Spring. In Oubrelse Gramb, she was 80 years old.

Elonku's son died from an illness during the Summer of 545. His son was 76 years old.

During the Winter of 545, Enoubde died from an illness. As a result, his and Bote's relationship ended. He was 156 years old in Krirat.

During the Autumn of 547, Ping died from an illness. She was 93 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Spring of 549, Kriadri's son died from an illness. As a result, Tsidsonkai's and Tsib's relationship ended. Kriadri's son was 70 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Winter of 549, Elonku's son died from an illness. His son was 81 years old.

A girl named Ashe Etsepsa was born during the Autumn of 552. She was a Gekist farmer. Athralo and Ialegou's son adopted her.

During the Winter of 552, Ashe converted to Emzunism. Then, Thelaistia died from an illness. He was 179 years old in Kenkase.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Summer of 553, a boy named Jut Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Athralo and Ialegou's son adopted him.

Jut converted to Emzunism during the Autumn of 553.

In Kenkase during the Winter of 553, Enemb and a woman named Bankobzou Shas were married. She was a Gekist blacksmith. Grink died from an illness that Spring. In Oubrelse Gramb, Grink was 76 years old.

Somodsu died from an illness during the Winter of 554. In Krirat, she was 80 years old. An enby named Raimze Thum and Rimulse were married in Oubrelse Gramb that Spring. Xe was a Emzunist warrior. As a result, Rimulse's and Hot's relationship ended. Next Spring, Ialegou's son converted to Gekism. Ashe converted to it that Summer. Then, Jut converted to it. Then, Kriadri's son died from an illness. Kriadri's son was 75 years old.

A boy named Avol Etsepsa was born in Obdab during the Winter of 556. He was a Ogsist farmer. A man named Konk Painge and Zegsiar adopted him. Then, Bada died from an illness. Bada was 72 years old in Kraikoust. In Oubrelse Gramb that Spring, Kedebre's daughter and a man named Tsoshait Gril were married. Tsoshait was a Emzunist criminal. Then, Avol converted to Ogsism. Kradrou died from an illness that Summer. She was 179 years old.

In Obdab during the Spring of 558, Konk and Zegsiar were married. He was a Ogsist farmer. A boy named Bageksou Etsepsa was born that Summer. Bageksou was a Ogsist criminal. They adopted Bageksou.

During the Autumn of 558, Bageksou converted to Ogsism.

Thresab died from an illness during the Winter of 559. In Kenkase, he was 77 years old. Then, Oze died from an illness. Oze was 29 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. That Spring, a woman named Maimzoumb Thir and Nombelze's son were married. She was a Emzunist warrior. As a result, her and Lil's relationship ended.

Gedegi died from an illness during the Autumn of 560. In Krirat, she was 89 years old. Krerant and Eshix were married in Fugrolsa that Spring.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 562, a boy named Baishepse Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist farmer. A man named Laim Shosh and Nombelze's daughter adopted him. Baishepse converted to Emzunism that Spring. Then, Hipsebru became Lady of Oubrelse Gramb. Then, in Kraikoust, a boy named Roksoug Etsepsa was born. Roksoug was a Gekist warrior. A man named Shous Thir and Imzain's daughter adopted Roksoug.

Roksoug converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 563.

During the Winter of 563, Tsetha died from an illness. She was 92 years old.

Tsontato died from an illness during the Autumn of 564. As a result, hir and Gestep's relationship ended. In Nkepu, ze was 87 years old.

Shous and Imzain's daughter were married in Kraikoust during the Winter of 564. Shous was a Gekist warrior.

During the Summer of 565, a girl named Thialdero Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Shous and Imzain's daughter adopted her.

Ngaimi converted to Daibism during the Winter of 565. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, a boy named Sibzegse Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist poet. Laim and Nombelze's daughter adopted him. Thialdero converted to Gekism that Spring. Then, Ngap died from an illness. He was 84 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Autumn of 566, Ounzam died from an illness. He was 106 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Winter of 567, Sibzegse converted to Emzunism. Then, Ngaimi converted to it.

Zegsiar died from an illness during the Winter of 569. As a result, Konk's and her relationship ended. In Obdab, she was 96 years old.

Feny died from an illness during the Summer of 570. As a result, Zoulzege's and Feny's relationship ended. In Kenkase, Feny was 82 years old.

Megsumb and Athralo were married in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 571. That Spring, a boy named Doshus Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist. They adopted him. He converted to Emzunism that Summer.

During the Winter of 572, Imzain died from an illness. As a result, his and Feli's relationship ended. He was 86 years old in Kraikoust. In Krirat next Winter, Akrurung and a woman named Jesh Painge were married. Jesh was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Akrurung's and Bregung's relationship ended. Raimze and Kroto were married in Oubrelse Gramb that Spring.

In Fugrolsa during the Winter of 574, a woman named Shalsulzai Painge and Tsed were married. She was a Daibist farmer. Hipsebru pledged allegiance to a woman named Tsoudranke Ribaidi that Spring. Tsoudranke was a Ogsist Queen of Krirat, Lady of Krirat, Lady of Obdab, Lady of Kraikoust, Vassal of Obdab and criminal. In Kenkase that Summer, Zoulzege's daughter and a man named Flaves Shas were married. Flaves was a Gekist warrior. Then, in Oubrelse Gramb, a boy named Brabi Etsepsa was born. He was a Emzunist warrior and murderer. Raimze and Kroto adopted him. Then, he converted to Emzunism.

A girl named Nkank Etsepsa was born during the Spring of 576. She was a Emzunist blacksmith. Raimze and Kroto adopted her. Then, Nkank converted to Emzunism.

Kriadri's daughter died from an illness during the Winter of 576. In Kraikoust, his daughter was 90 years old.

Ianu died from an illness during the Summer of 577. In Krirat, they were 185 years old.

Thibaibsai's daughter and a man named Ngonki Krethrobdou were married in Fugrolsa during the Autumn of 577. Ngonki was a Daibist criminal. That Spring, Sheraiso died from an illness. He was 119 years old.

Tsed died from an illness during the Winter of 578. As a result, Shalsulzai's and his relationship ended. He was 98 years old. Then, Doshus died from an illness. Doshus was 7 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. Then, Alouzo died from an illness. He was 92 years old in Fugrolsa. That Spring, Athralo died from an illness. As a result, Megsumb's and zir relationship ended. Ze was 76 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Summer of 580, Nombelze's son died from an illness. As a result, Maimzoumb's and Ozebsi's relationship ended. Nombelze's son was 81 years old.

Iagrob and a woman named Enithre Gril were married during the Autumn of 580. She was a Emzunist warrior. As a result, Lil's and her relationship ended.

In Kraikoust during the Winter of 582, Ialegou's son and a woman named Ulzeb Pedsa were married. She was a Gekist farmer.

An enby named Ngin Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Spring of 584. They were a Emzunist blacksmith. Nombelze's son and Ngaimi adopted them. That Summer, Ngin converted to Emzunism.

Nombelze's son died from an illness during the Autumn of 584. As a result, Aidsunk's and Ngaimi's relationship ended, and Aidsunk's and Maimzoumb's relationship ended. Nombelze's son was 79 years old. Then, in Kraikoust, a boy named Graiz Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist farmer. Ialegou's son and Ulzeb adopted him. Then, Graiz converted to Gekism.

Thrami and Nombelze's son were married in Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 584. Next Winter, a girl named Ptianim Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist merchant. They adopted her.

Kedebre's daughter died from an illness during the Summer of 586. As a result, Ngeb's and Tsoshait's relationship ended. Kedebre's daughter was 174 years old. Then, Ptianim converted to Emzunism.

Ngaimi died from an illness during the Spring of 587. She was 85 years old. Then, Jougragre died from an illness. Jougragre was 165 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Autumn of 589, Thialdero died from an illness. She was 24 years old.

Nombelze's son rebelled against Hipsebru in Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 589. As a result, his son was executed.

During the Summer of 592, Gigailo died from an illness. As a result, Mek's and her relationship ended. She was 167 years old.

Iagrob died from an illness during the Summer of 594. As a result, his and Enithre's relationship ended. He was 89 years old. Next Summer, Paib died from an illness. Paib was 161 years old in Kenkase.

During the Autumn of 596, Thrami died from an illness. He was 166 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. That Spring, Zoulzege's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Diasaint's and Flaves' relationship ended. Zoulzege's daughter was 79 years old in Kenkase. Then, Megsumb died from an illness. Xe was 89 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Summer of 598, Ialegou's son died from an illness. As a result, Ngatsa's and Ulzeb's relationship ended. Ialegou's son was 88 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Winter of 598, a girl named Nkoubdiny Etsepsa was born. She was a Gekist warrior. Ashe and an enby named Miaple Painge adopted her. Zoulzege's daughter died from an illness that Spring. In Kenkase, her daughter was 74 years old. Then, Nkoubdiny converted to Gekism.

Nombelze's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 601. In Oubrelse Gramb, his daughter was 94 years old. Zoulzege's daughter died from an illness that Spring. In Kraikoust, her daughter was 83 years old. Thibaibsai's daughter died from an illness that Summer. As a result, Retsiast's and Ngonki's relationship ended. In Fugrolsa, Thibaibsai's daughter was 162 years old.

Imzain's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 602. In Kraikoust, his daughter was 88 years old. His daughter died from an illness that Spring. His daughter was 90 years old. Then, Enemb died from an illness. Enemb was 109 years old in Kenkase.

During the Spring of 607, Lenk died from an illness. She was 103 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. In Obdab that Summer, a woman named Tiapiave Ribaidi gave birth to Avol's daughter Wep Ribaidi. His daughter was a Ogsist criminal. Tiapiave was a Ogsist criminal.

Jople died from an illness during the Winter of 607. In Krirat, he was 177 years old. Tiapiave gave birth to Avol's daughter Ounimze Ribaidi in Obdab that Spring. Avol's daughter was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Autumn of 611, Rigaink died from an illness. Ey was 101 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. Then, Imzain's son died from an illness. His son was 96 years old in Ptiksaint Thrink.

During the Spring of 615, Rimulse died from an illness. As a result, Raimze's and her relationship ended. She was 161 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Autumn of 619, Krerant died from an illness. She was 183 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Winter of 619, Unkes died from an illness. He was 146 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Summer of 621, Brabi murdered a man named Anesh Gril, because Anesh rejected Brabi 13 years earlier. Anesh was a Emzunist warrior. Anesh was 40 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Autumn of 621, Kroto died from an illness. She was 90 years old.

A boy named Shibzuz Etsepsa was born in Aitsasho during the Summer of 627. He was a Gekist Lord of Aitsasho, Vassal of Ptiksaint Thrink and blacksmith. A woman named Nabzouz Kraine and Zoulzege's child adopted him. Then, he converted to Gekism.

Zoulzege's child and a man named Lastiamu Pedsa were married during the Spring of 628. He was a Gekist merchant.

During the Summer of 630, Ashe died from an illness. As a result, her and Miaple's relationship ended. She was 78 years old in Kraikoust. Then, Bageksou died from an illness. As a result, his and Poutse's relationship ended. He was 72 years old in Obdab.

In Kraikoust during the Autumn of 631, Nkoubdiny gave birth to Broutoze's daughter Jalia Etsepsa. His daughter was a Daibist warrior. He was a Gekist merchant. His daughter converted to Gekism that Spring. That Summer, Nkoubdiny gave birth to his daughter Tsethri Etsepsa. His daughter was a Gekist merchant.

Avol died from an illness during the Winter of 632. As a result, his and Tiapiave's relationship ended. In Obdab, he was 76 years old.

Broutoze's daughter converted to Gekism during the Summer of 633.

In Kraikoust during the Winter of 633, Nkoubdiny gave birth to Broutoze's son Amel Etsepsa. Broutoze's son was a Emzunist merchant.

Klisetsa died from an illness during the Summer of 634. In Oubrelse Gramb, she was 93 years old. Then, Akrurung died from an illness. Akrurung was 120 years old in Krirat. Then, Broutoze's son converted to Gekism.

Nkoubdiny gave birth to Broutoze's child Epsuthrouny Etsepsa in Kraikoust during the Autumn of 634. His child was a Emzunist Laird of Oubrelse Gramb and merchant. That Spring, his child converted to Gekism.

A woman named Ithrar Thir and Jut were married during the Summer of 642. She was a Gekist Lady of Kraikoust and farmer.

During the Autumn of 642, a boy named Stob Etsepsa was born. He was a Gekist Lord of Kraikoust and farmer. Ithrar and Jut adopted him.

Baishepse died from an illness during the Winter of 642. In Oubrelse Gramb, he was 80 years old.

Jut died from an illness during the Summer of 643. As a result, Ithrar's and his relationship ended. In Kraikoust, he was 90 years old.

Stob converted to Gekism during the Autumn of 643.

In Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 654, a boy named Ketsiatze Etsepsa was born. He was a Ogsist blacksmith. Ptianim and Brabi adopted him. Ketsiatze converted to Emzunism that Spring.

During the Summer of 657, Broutoze's son converted to Emzunism.

Broutoze's daughter converted to Daibism during the Winter of 658.

During the Summer of 659, Tsib's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 133 years old. Then, in Kraikoust, Ptianim and Brabi were married. Brabi murdered a woman named Pib Thir next Summer, because Pib rejected him 30 years earlier. Pib was a Emzunist warrior. In Oubrelse Gramb, Pib was 60 years old.

Ketsiatze converted to Gekism during the Winter of 662. That Spring, Ptianim converted to it.

Brabi died from an illness during the Autumn of 663. As a result, Ptianim's and his relationship ended. In Kraikoust, he was 88 years old.

Roksoug died from an illness during the Autumn of 665. He was 102 years old.

During the Autumn of 669, Sibzegse died from an illness. He was 104 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Summer of 672, Ngin died from an illness. They were 88 years old.

Ptianim and an enby named Liabdon Thir were married in Kraikoust during the Summer of 678. Liabdon was a Gekist farmer and murderer.

During the Autumn of 678, Broutoze's child converted to Emzunism.

A girl named Shagiagre Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Autumn of 683. She was a Emzunist merchant. Broutoze's son and a woman named Brakrou Depa adopted her. Then, Shagiagre converted to Emzunism.

A boy named Sentazi Etsepsa was born during the Summer of 684. He was a Emzunist merchant. Broutoze's son and Brakrou adopted him. Then, Sentazi converted to Emzunism. Then, Nkoubdiny died from an illness. Nkoubdiny was 86 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Spring of 686, Zoulzege's child died from an illness. Her child was 162 years old in Aitsasho.

During the Winter of 688, Stob became Lord of Kraikoust.

A girl named Kour Etsepsa was born in Oubrelse Gramb during the Winter of 691. She was a Emzunist Lady of Oubrelse Gramb, Vassal of Ptiksaint Thrink and merchant. Broutoze's child and a woman named Ziak Grumbatse adopted her. That Spring, Kour converted to Emzunism.

Broutoze's child and Ziak were married during the Autumn of 692. She was a Emzunist poet. Then, a girl named Balzak Etsepsa was born. Balzak was a Emzunist farmer. They adopted Balzak.

Balzak converted to Emzunism during the Winter of 692.

During the Winter of 694, Stob died from an illness. He was 52 years old in Kraikoust. He was a Lord of Kraikoust for 6 years.

In Fugrolsa during the Summer of 696, Broutoze's daughter and a man named Mbotziank Thir were married. Mbotziank was a Daibist farmer and murderer.

Ketsiatze converted to Ogsism during the Spring of 698.

In Aitsasho during the Winter of 700, Shibzuz rebelled against an enby named Sheshe Shas. They were a Gekist Laird of Aitsasho, Vassal of Ptiksaint Thrink and farmer. As a result, they was executed, and he became Lord of Aitsasho.

Shibzuz pledged allegiance to a woman named Tsoubdegrou Thribroble during the Winter of 703. She was a Gekist Queen of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lady of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lady of Kenkase, Lady of Krirat, Vassal of Krirat and merchant. Next Winter, Nkank died from an illness. Nkank was 129 years old in Oubrelse Gramb.

During the Autumn of 706, Broutoze's daughter died from an illness. As a result, Jalia's and Mbotziank's relationship ended. Broutoze's daughter was 75 years old in Fugrolsa.

During the Summer of 708, Hipsebru died from an illness. She was 165 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. She was a Lady of Oubrelse Gramb for 145 years.

During the Winter of 721, Broutoze's child became Laird of Oubrelse Gramb.

Broutoze's son rebelled against his child during the Spring of 724. As a result, his son was executed. Next Spring, Shibzuz died from an illness. Shibzuz was 98 years old in Aitsasho. Shibzuz was a Lord of Aitsasho for 24 years. Shibzuz was a Vassal of Ptiksaint Thrink for 21 years. Next Spring, Broutoze's child died from an illness. As a result, Epsuthrouny's and Ziak's relationship ended, and Kour became Lady of Oubrelse Gramb. His child was 91 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. His child was a Laird of Oubrelse Gramb for 4 years.

During the Spring of 729, Kour pledged allegiance to a man named Wutosh Painge. He was a Gekist King of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lord of Ptiksaint Thrink, Lord of Kenkase, Lord of Krirat and merchant.

Graiz died from an illness during the Spring of 739. In Kraikoust, he was 154 years old.

Balzak died from an illness during the Spring of 754. In Oubrelse Gramb, she was 61 years old.

Ptianim died from an illness during the Summer of 755. In Kraikoust, she was 170 years old.

Sentazi died from an illness during the Winter of 765. In Oubrelse Gramb, he was 82 years old.

Shagiagre died from an illness during the Summer of 776. She was 93 years old.

During the Autumn of 783, Broutoze's daughter died from an illness. His daughter was 151 years old in Kraikoust.

During the Autumn of 786, Kour died from an illness. She was 95 years old in Oubrelse Gramb. She was a Lady of Oubrelse Gramb for 61 years.

During the Summer of 849, Ketsiatze died from an illness. He was 194 years old in Krirat.