Lives of the Azar

Kasti Shaikrial

Abridged Biography

Kasti Shaikrial was a Gekist farmer. He was born in Kenkase during the Autumn of 314. His mother Dibzish Shaikrial was a Gekist warrior. His father Jel Fegse was a Gekist farmer.

During the Winter of 314, Kasti converted to Gekism.

Kasti became a farmer like his father during the Winter of 330.

During the Summer of 340, at the age of 25, Kasti began a relationship with a woman named Bripe Etsepsa, who was 26. She was a Gekist merchant. Her and his relationship ended 15 years later, when he divorced her.

During the Winter of 341, Bripe gave birth to Kasti's daughter Kloboug Shaikrial. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

Kasti was married with Bripe during the Summer of 342.

During the Autumn of 345, Bripe gave birth to Kasti's son Tsible Shaikrial. Kasti's son was a Gekist warrior.

Bripe gave birth to Kasti's daughter Obsux Shaikrial during the Winter of 347. His daughter was a Gekist poet.

During the Summer of 355, Bripe's and Kasti's relationship ended, when he divorced her.

Kasti fell ill during the Summer of 393. Then, he died from an illness. He was 79 years old.

Unabridged Biography

Kasti Shaikrial was a Gekist farmer. His father Jel Fegse was born in Kenkase during the Spring of 261. Kasti's father was a Gekist farmer. Kasti's grandmother Mets Fegse and Kasti's grandfather Shem Tsevavia adopted Kasti's father. Then, Kasti's father converted to Gekism.

Kasti's mother Dibzish Shaikrial was born during the Winter of 289. His mother was a Gekist warrior. His grandmother Tses Shaikrial and his grandfather Seram Shaikrial adopted Kasti's mother.

During the Summer of 290, Kasti's mother converted to Gekism.

Kasti was born during the Autumn of 314. Then, his father and his mother were married. As a result, Adrebsast's and Jel's relationship ended.

Kasti converted to Gekism during the Winter of 314.

During the Summer of 315, Kasti's mother gave birth to Jel's child Ankazom Shaikrial. Jel's child was a Gekist farmer.

Kasti's mother gave birth to Jel's child Kemba Shaikrial during the Spring of 316. Jel's child was a Gekist warrior.

During the Autumn of 317, Kasti's mother gave birth to Jel's son Loka Shaikrial. Jel's son was a Gekist farmer.

Kasti became a farmer like his father during the Winter of 330. Then, his mother died from The Sleeping Plague. As a result, Jel's and Dibzish's relationship ended. Kasti's mother was 41 years old.

During the Summer of 340, at the age of 25, Kasti began a relationship with a woman named Bripe Etsepsa, who was 26. She was a Gekist merchant. Her and his relationship ended 15 years later, when he divorced her.

During the Winter of 341, Bripe gave birth to Kasti's daughter Kloboug Shaikrial. His daughter was a Gekist farmer.

Kasti was married with Bripe during the Summer of 342.

During the Autumn of 342, Kasti's daughter converted to Gekism.

Bripe gave birth to Kasti's son Tsible Shaikrial during the Autumn of 345. Kasti's son was a Gekist warrior. Then, Kasti's son converted to Gekism. His father died from an illness next Autumn. His father was 86 years old.

During the Winter of 347, Bripe gave birth to Kasti's daughter Obsux Shaikrial. His daughter was a Gekist poet. Then, his daughter converted to Gekism.

Bripe's and Kasti's relationship ended during the Summer of 355, when he divorced her.

During the Spring of 362, Kasti's daughter died from The Cruel Plague. His daughter was 20 years old.

Kasti's son died from an illness during the Winter of 390. His son was 45 years old.

During the Summer of 393, Kasti fell ill. Then, he died from an illness. He was 79 years old.

Kasti's daughter died from an illness during the Autumn of 481. His daughter was 134 years old.