Lives of the Azar

Somodsu Etsepsa

Abridged Biography

Somodsu Etsepsa was a Ogsist merchant. She was born in Krirat during the Spring of 475. She was adopted by her mother Mbogi Thum and Somodsu's father Enoubde Etsepsa. Then, Somodsu converted to Ogsism.

Somodsu became a farmer like her mother during the Autumn of 491.

During the Autumn of 497, Somodsu became a merchant.

Somodsu fell ill during the Autumn of 554.

During the Winter of 554, Somodsu died from an illness. She was 80 years old.

Unabridged Biography

Somodsu Etsepsa was a Ogsist merchant. Her father Enoubde Etsepsa was born in Krirat during the Spring of 390. Her father was a Ogsist farmer. Her grandfather Loshas Etsepsa and her grandmother Rabson Pedsa adopted Somodsu's father. Then, Somodsu's father converted to Ogsism.

Somodsu's mother Mbogi Thum was born during the Autumn of 430. Somodsu's mother was a Ogsist farmer. Somodsu's grandmother Otse Imatail and Somodsu's grandfather Ivale Thum adopted Somodsu's mother. Then, Somodsu's mother converted to Ogsism.

Somodsu's father and an enby named Bedy Thum were married during the Spring of 442. Bedy was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Autumn of 464, Somodsu's mother gave birth to Oriatzai's daughter Braikaiby Pedsa. His daughter was a Ogsist farmer. He was a Ogsist blacksmith.

Somodsu's mother gave birth to Oriatzai's daughter Kabrepa Pedsa during the Summer of 466. His daughter was a Ogsist warrior.

During the Winter of 466, Somodsu's mother gave birth to Oriatzai's son Alsor Pedsa. Oriatzai's son was a Ogsist farmer.

Somodsu was born during the Spring of 475. She was adopted by her mother and her father. Then, she converted to Ogsism.

A man named Daike Shas and Somodsu's mother were married during the Autumn of 487. He was a Ogsist farmer. As a result, Mbogi's and Oriatzai's relationship ended.

During the Autumn of 491, Somodsu became a farmer like her mother.

Somodsu became a merchant during the Autumn of 497.

During the Summer of 514, Somodsu's father and a woman named Bote Shas were married. Bote was a Ogsist criminal and murderer. As a result, Mbogi's and Enoubde's relationship ended.

A man named Jople Etsepsa and Somodsu's mother were married during the Summer of 521. He was a Ogsist farmer.

During the Autumn of 521, Somodsu's mother died from an illness. As a result, Jople's and Mbogi's relationship ended. Somodsu's mother was 91 years old.

Somodsu's father died from an illness during the Winter of 545. As a result, Enoubde's and Bote's relationship ended. Somodsu's father was 156 years old.

During the Autumn of 554, Somodsu fell ill.

Somodsu died from an illness during the Winter of 554. She was 80 years old.