A man named Douponti Shas angered an enby named Baip Shas in Aitsasho during the Spring of 807. He was a Gekist Lord of Aitsasho and warrior. Ze was a Gekist merchant and murderer.
During the Autumn of 820, Baip murdered Douponti. As a result, a girl named Vestidi Shas became Lady of Aitsasho, and ze angered her. He was 54 years old. He was a Lord of Aitsasho for 9 months.
Unabridged Biography
A man named Douponti Shas angered an enby named Baip Shas in Aitsasho during the Spring of 807. He was a Gekist Lord of Aitsasho and warrior. Ze was a Gekist merchant and murderer.
During the Autumn of 820, Baip murdered Douponti. As a result, a girl named Vestidi Shas became Lady of Aitsasho, and ze angered her. He was 54 years old. He was a Lord of Aitsasho for 9 months.