A man named Hathoul Rimob and Akrigri's mother were married during the Autumn of 923. He was a Gekist warrior.
During the Autumn of 951, Akrigri's mother and her mother were married.
Akrigri was born during the Spring of 955. She was adopted by her mother and her mother. That Summer, she converted to Gekism.
Akrigri became a farmer like her mother during the Autumn of 972.
During the Spring of 1008, Akrigri's mother died from an illness. As a result, Kraga's and Itzelzag's relationship ended. Akrigri's mother was 96 years old.
Akrigri fell ill during the Autumn of 1032. Then, she died from an illness. She was 77 years old.
Akrigri's mother died from an illness during the Summer of 1035. Her mother was 182 years old.