During the Summer of 242, a woman named Ezo Veseby and Dousi's father were married. She was a farmer. As a result, Nunze's and Deble's relationship ended.
A woman named Ebouksek Gril gave birth to Laible's daughter Tsost Kraine during the Autumn of 252. Their daughter was a Ogsist warrior. Ebouksek was a Ogsist farmer. They were a Ogsist farmer.
During the Spring of 255, Dousi's father and a woman named Deble Beny were married. She was a farmer.
During the Spring of 270, Dousi's father converted to Ogsism.
Dousi was born during the Autumn of 312. Ne was adopted by Laible's daughter and nir father. Then, ne converted to Ogsism.
Laible's daughter died from The Laughing Plague during the Spring of 314. As a result, Tsost's and Nunze's relationship ended. Their daughter was 61 years old. Then, Dousi's father died from it. Nir father was 128 years old.