Lives of the Azar

Tsumbil Doubzoumb

Abridged Biography

Tsumbil Doubzoumb was a Gekist warrior. She was born in Kenkase during the Spring of 308. She was adopted by her mother Nkemzid Doubzoumb and Tsumbil's father Buzo Fegse.

During the Summer of 309, Tsumbil converted to Gekism.

Tsumbil became a warrior like her father during the Autumn of 325.

During the Autumn of 344, Tsumbil fell ill. She recovered 4 weeks later.

During the Winter of 418, Tsumbil fell ill. Then, she died from an illness. She was 111 years old.

Unabridged Biography

Tsumbil Doubzoumb was a Gekist warrior. Her father Buzo Fegse was born in Kenkase during the Summer of 263. Her father was a Gekist warrior. Her grandmother Mets Fegse and Tsumbil's grandfather Shem Tsevavia adopted Tsumbil's father. Then, Tsumbil's father converted to Gekism.

Tsumbil's mother Nkemzid Doubzoumb was born during the Spring of 266. Tsumbil's mother was a Gekist farmer. Tsumbil's grandmother Thakro Shas and Tsumbil's grandfather Thraibzumb Doubzoumb adopted Tsumbil's mother. Then, Tsumbil's mother converted to Gekism.

A woman named Adrebsast Etsepsa gave birth to Buzo's son Ngepsa Etsepsa during the Autumn of 292. Buzo's son was a Gekist farmer. She was a Gekist warrior.

During the Summer of 295, Tsumbil's father and Adrebsast were married.

Tsumbil was born during the Spring of 308. She was adopted by her mother and her father.

During the Summer of 309, Tsumbil converted to Gekism.

Tsumbil became a warrior like her father during the Autumn of 325.

During the Summer of 339, Tsumbil's father died from an illness. As a result, Nkemzid's and Buzo's relationship ended. Tsumbil's father was 76 years old.

Tsumbil fell ill during the Autumn of 344. 4 weeks later, she recovered.

Tsumbil's mother died from an illness during the Winter of 346. Her mother was 81 years old.

During the Winter of 418, Tsumbil fell ill. Then, she died from an illness. She was 111 years old.