Lives of the Azar

Puzenkai Monk

Abridged Biography

An enby named Puzenkai Monk was born in Krirat during the Spring of 235. Their mother Joutiabre Monk was a merchant. Their father Zugald Wial was a poet.

During the Winter of 236, Puzenkai died from The Dark Plague. They were 2 years old.

Unabridged Biography

An enby named Agaple Ptat gave birth to Elde's son Zugald Wial in Krirat during the Spring of 177. Elde's son was a poet. They were a warrior. Puzenkai's grandfather Elde Wial was a farmer.

In Kraikoust during the Spring of 209, Puzenkai's mother Joutiabre Monk was born. Their mother was a merchant. Puzenkai's grandparent Faizotsi Kaintana and Puzenkai's grandparent Ptangets Monk adopted Puzenkai's mother in Krirat.

During the Winter of 211, an enby named Dut Etsepsa gave birth to Zugald's son Pud Wial. Zugald's son was a poet. They were a warrior.

An enby named Puzenkai Monk was born during the Spring of 235.

During the Winter of 236, Puzenkai died from The Dark Plague. They were 2 years old. Then, Elde's son died from it. His son was 60 years old. Then, their mother died from it. Their mother was 28 years old.